Event created by Hide
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Event details
The Last Man Standing Event will be separated into two rounds both having unique equipment and inventory setup. Once you have traded the Event Coordinator and gathered your first round gear you will then enter the white "Free for All" portal and head north into the middle of the lava swamp. Once you arrive you will see another Events Team member who will be wearing something different than the event gear. He or She will then instruct the players when there is a 1 minute count down. Once the 1 minute count down begins you will be allowed to run throughout the "Free for all" map. It will be your gear to keep running, and if you do come across another adventure you will want to battle to the death!
Note: The Server Moderators and Administrators want your heart to be racing during this event so they will be randomly teleporting to the attendances and if you are found to be "hiding" or "not walking" they will then battle you in their overrated gear!