Crafting Guide
As the Crafting skill has a lot of training methods, I will be dividing this guide into different sections. You can feel free to hop to any section based on what you are looking after. If you want to get 99 Crafting as fast as possible, you should check out my second guide called "Fastest 1-99 Crafting".
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In order to create armour, you are going to need a needle, some thread and the leather of the armour you want to create. For example, to make black dragonhide armour you are going to need two Black dragon leathers, thread, and a needle. To obtain leather, you must kill NPCs. After that you must either use the Tan Leather Spell in Lunar Spellbook, or tan it by speaking to the Tanner in Al Kharid, Crafting Guild, Ranging Guild or Canifis. Down below you will find a table of useful information.
Cutting uncut jewellery into cut jewellery is not a recommended training method. It takes very long time to stack up or accumulate and enough jewellery for you to efficiently progress to any level. However, for those who you that really want to try it, I have created a list down below for some good methods for obtaining gems.
Rogues Den
Wall safes can be found Rogues Den. You need 50 Thieving to crack them. These have an uncommon chance at giving uncut Sapphires, Emeralds and Rubies, and can also give you uncut Diamonds. To get there, use the Zenyte Teleporter -> Cities -> Burthrope. After that, run into the nearby pub and climb down the ladder to enter the Rogues Den. Simply crack the wall safes on the walls of the rectangular structure by the center in order to get Thieving experience and gems.
Rogues Chests
Rogues Chests are located in level 54 Wilderness and require 84 Thieving to be opened. Once you open a chest, nearby Rogues of combat level 134 will attack you. It is highly recommend that you have a minimum of 43 Prayer in order to use this method. Low-cost or untradeable equipment that provides a high Prayer bonus such as a set of monk's robes, a holy symbol, any god books, any Ardougne cloaks, and the Explorer's ring, are recommended as they can easily be re-obtained.
These chests have a common chance of giving you 5-6 uncut Sapphires & Emeralds, and a rare chance at giving cut Dragonstones (For Ironmen that wish to get Glories, here you go)
As the chests are located very deep within the Wilderness, beware of player-killers! In addition, use caution when entering or leaving the area, as the Chaos Elemental may wander in front or near the Rogues' Castle! Do not bring items you are unwilling to lose.
TzHaar Shops
For those of you that are somewhat wealthy , you can buy rune packs from Aubury, the Magic Guild, Baba Yaga or the Void Knights to then sell them to the TzHaar. This is called a currency exchange, where players purchase runes for coins and sell them for tzhaar tokens. This is one of the fastest methods to stack up on gems as you buy out an entire gem shop at once. The shop also sales the infamous uncut onyx, which is a useful method of obtaining your first Amulet of Fury. Beware though, that this is a very costly method to use.
You can get there by using the Zenyte Teleporter -> Minigames -> Fight Caves.
Shilo Village Gem Mines
The Shilo Village mining site is one of only two places in Zenyte where players can find gem rocks, the other place being the mine on Lunar Isle. It is located in the north-west corner of Shilo Village. It contains seven gem rocks, which give one random gem when mined, either an uncut opal, jade, red topaz, sapphire, emerald, ruby, or diamond. There are no monsters or any other rocks at the mine. It is highly recommended that players bring a Gem Bag from the Motherload Mine to save a couple of runs to the bank.
Players who have completed the Hard Karamja Diary may wear the Karamja gloves 3 to gain access to the underground portion of the gem mine, which contains an additional 48 gem rocks and a bank deposit box. Players may also use the gloves to teleport directly to the underground mines an unlimited number of times.
Creating Battlestaves is one of the most popular methods to train Crafting at the higher levels. Players may obtain Battlestaves and Orbs through different methods. The most efficient one, is to pickpocket Heroes or Elves for Fire orbs and purchase Battlestaves from Zaff in the Varrock Plaza. However, this requires a minimum of 54 Crafting, 80 Thieving and the Easy Varrock Diary. The Varrock Diary unlocks more and more battlestaffs in the shop depending on what difficulty you have done.
Easy: 15 Medium: 30 Hard: 60 Elite: 120
See Radi's COMPLETE INDEPTH GUDIE TO ALL DIARIES to find out how to complete the Varrock Diaries
Amethyst Ranging Heads
Another method is to create Amethyst ranging heads. This requires a 92 Mining and 83 Crafting or higher to do. It is only recommended to do this if you have the requirements. If you do not, it is much faster to get 99 Crafting as an individual skill through e.g. Glassblowing. This is a somewhat AFK activity as players only need to mine the Amethyst crystals, and then use a Chisel on them to turn the crystals into stackable ranging heads.
Two other methods of training Crafting is either through Birdhouses or through Dense Essence Mining. However, since there are already guides for both of them, I will link them down below.
Birdhouse Runs Guide
Dense Essence Mining