Herblore Guide
Herblore is a skill where the player mixes potions with the help of a vial of water, a herb and a secondary ingredient. It is highly recommended that you train Farming before you start Herblore, as the majority of the herbs used will be gotten from herb seeds. This guide will include the best methods to obtain herbs, second ingredients and what potions the player should aim to make. Remember that the guide is also ironman-friendly, meaning that all ironmen can take use of this guide. If you have any suggestions on improvements, please comment below.
Here is a direct link to the OSRS Wikipedia Page about Herblore, for those of you who are interested: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Herblore
Leveling Up!
Level 1 to 12: Attack Potions
Level 12 to 38: Strength Potions
Level 38 to 55: Prayer Potions
Level 55 to 63: Super Strength Potions
Level 66 to 69: Super Defence Potions
Level 69-99: Extended (Super) Antifire Potions, Super Combat Potions & Saradomin Brews
Remember that you want to create potions that you will use to avoid dropping/selling potions. However, if you do have the ingredients to make potions that aren't in this guide, make them. It's better to take advantage of everything you have rather than getting rid of it.
Secondary Ingredients