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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Wind Walker's Comprehensive Guide to Farming & Herblore Hey all! In this post, I want to preface that This is not the fastest way of getting 99's. This is instead a guide to people that are new to farming, new to herblore, people who like to pvm and do not want to keep buying their potions, pkers who want to save a few gp, and so forth! In no way do I claim this is the fastest way. This is however, what I have found success in, and felt like sharing this with the community. Let's get into it! What you need! The Objective! The Process! To Wrap Things Up! I hope this guide/manual has served you well! I wanted to create something that did not exist for me. I was frustrated having to go on google just to find simple answers. These skills were so foreign to me and I hope this comprehensive guide did it's job in providing knowledge! If you have any questions, comments, criticism, or inquiries, feel free to message me either here, or in game! I would love to talk about it! Best of Luck! Wind Walker - - Change Log - - December 29th 2019 - Guide was posted
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Amazingly well put together guide for everyone, i'll definitely be using this towards my goal of 99!
  4. 1 point
    Looks decent but I'd put at least some type of text above each spoiler so players know what each section is for. As of now it is just spoilers stacked on spoilers stacked on spoilers which is very confusing since you don't know what you are looking at when you click it until you take a good read.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Wonderful job! well done As a fellow mentor I shall be making guide aswell here soon for 5x guides Love layout nice job
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