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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The Big Bad Inferno Challenge on Zenyte Table of Contents 1. Getting into the inferno and the npcs 1.1 Getting there 1.2 NPCs in the Inferno 1.3 Gear setups 1.4 setting up tile markers 2. The waves 2.1 Waves 1-9 2.2 Wave 10 - 17 2.3 Wave 18 - 34 2.4 Wave 35 - 51 2.5 Wave 52 - 68 2.6 Wave 69 ZUK 3 Scenarios in the inferno and how to deal with them 3.1 Scenarios 3.2 Tips and tricks before entering 3.3 Questions & Answears The guide is not finished yet but rather close
  2. 1 point
    Nice guide, always lovely to see you beat the game like you do! Keep grinding man!
  3. 1 point
    Absolutely outstanding efforts Zini thanks for following through on your promise, mad respect to you. I'll be sure to use this guide when the time comes. As far as this guide goes, are you able to provide some information/gear suggestions/inventory setup for the lower tier players? More or less a welfare set up is what I'm trying to go for.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Nice guide should help the beginners that need some help starting out with the inferno, Keep up the good work!
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