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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/20 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Mining Guide Welcome to my Mining Guide In this guide we will discuss 1-99 Mining, along with Prospector Gear and Pickaxes Lets start with Pickaxes As seen below, each pickaxe has a level requirement for your Attack Level, and also your Mining Level. Each pickaxe can be purchased from the grand exchange except the infernal pickaxe. The Infernal Pickaxe Is a dragon pickaxe that has been combined with a smouldering stone. Along with a mining level of 61, it also requires 85 smithing to create. Mining rocks with it will give a 1/3 chance for the ore to automatically combust Prospector Gear Obtainable starting at level 30, prospector gear is considered the most iconic mining gear to date. It gives an exceptional amount of bonus xp to help you in your journey to 99. Prospector gear is obtained in the motherlode mine accessible via the dwarven mine or the mining guild Prospector gear is purchased with nuggets received in the Motherlode Mine via pay-dirt So, lets take a look at what you should do to start your journey to 99 Motherlode Mining is the fastest way to 92, as well as making a couple mil on the way. Below are the rewards for obtaining nuggets through pay-dirt From This point, mining Amethyst is the fastest method to 99 from level 92. Shout out to @glitchfor the help with making the graphics so clean
  2. 1 point
    You Vs. The Guy she tells you not to worry about. - Tyvm @Muzzle
  3. 1 point
    People who say "gz" can't spell Congratjulashionz correctly imo.
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