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  1. 1 point
    Getting Started To start Farming, you need to get the tools. These can be bought from Jackie at Home. The Water can needs to be filled and it can be done by casting the Lunar Humidify spell, or by using it on a water source (Fountain, Drain, Well, etc) ALL Farming timers are 1/2 of OSRS. So it takes 80 minutes to grow herbs on OSRS and 40 minute on Zenyte! Note: This guide is based off of my own preference. You can train via other methods, or grow different things apart from those listed here. However, e.g. the herbs listed on this guide are there because they are either A) Easy to aquire or B) Very useful for Herblore. If you have any questions - Send a PM to SilverNova or "SilverNova#5932" on Discord Leveling Up Lv. 1-9: Rake patches, or grow Potatoes Lv. 9-15: Grow Guams. Lv. 15-30: Grow Acorns (Tree) + Marrentil/Tarromin/Harralander (Herb) Lv. 30-45: Grow Willows (Tree) + Ranarr (Herb) Lv. 45-60: Grow Maples (Tree) + Irit/Kwuarm (Herb) Lv. 60-75: Grow Yews (Tree) + Papaya or Palm Tree (Fruit Tree) + Snapdragon/Cadantine/Lantadyme (Herb) Lv. 75-99: Grow Magics (Tree) + Papaya or Palm Tree (Fruit Tree) + Herb seeds that you need for Herblore Remember that you can grow any herbs that you want. So if you have some herb seeds, but none of them are listed here - Plant them anyways! Compost Compost is used in order to protect your seeds from diseases. In addition, it also grants you more yield from the seeds. The better compost you use, the more protection and yield you recieve in return. It is recommended to use Supercompost on Trees & Fruit Trees, and Ultracompost on Herbs. Why? Well because you don't really care about the yield of trees and fruit trees, you just don't want them to die. That's why you save the Ultracompost for the herb seeds, so that you can get as many as possible to have more resources for training Herblore. Compost is obtained by putting weeds, sweetcorn and other farming produce into the compost bin at farming patches. You then close the compost bin, and wait. It can also be bought from various of stores, including Vanessa's Farming Shop (Catherby), Allanna's Farming Shop (Farming Guild), Sarah's Farming Shop (North of Port Sarim) and others. Supercompost is obtained by pineapple, watermelon, avantoe, kwuarm, snapdragon and other farming produces into the compost bin at farming patches. You then close the compost bin, and wait. It can also be made by creating compost, and adding a compost potion to the compost bin before it is closed. Ultracompost is obtained by using two volcanic ash on a bucket of supercompost. Players can also add 25 volcanic ashes to a compost win containing supercompost in order to turn it into Ultracompost. However, by this time it is required that the player has first made compost in the bin, then turned it into supercompost and only then can the player transform it into Ultracompost. Most recommended way to compost your patches is with the Fertile Soil (83 Magic) Lunar Spell. Mine volcanic ashes from the Fossil Island, and have them ready with you when you go on your farming runs so that you can cast Fertile Soil on your patches and instantly apply Ultracompost to them. Patches The main patches you will be focusing on are Herb and Fruit Tree & Tree patches Herb seeds can be obtained through Thieving by pickpocketing Master Farmers. Fruit & Tree seeds are harder to get, but can be obtained from Master Farmers as well. Can also be gotten from PvM. Shared Spot (Herb/Tree/Fruit Tree) Farming Guild (45+ Farming) Teleport to Farming Guild and follow the image. Red is Herb, Cyan is Trees and Green is Fruit Tree You can get to Farming Guild by using a Skills Necklace (Dragonstone), a Farming Cape, a Fairy RIng (C-I-R) or the Arceeus Battlefront Teleport (23 Magic) Herb Patches Fruit Tree Patches Tree Patches
  2. 1 point
    Herblore Guide Herblore is a skill where the player mixes potions with the help of a vial of water, a herb and a secondary ingredient. It is highly recommended that you train Farming before you start Herblore, as the majority of the herbs used will be gotten from herb seeds. This guide will include the best methods to obtain herbs, second ingredients and what potions the player should aim to make. Remember that the guide is also ironman-friendly, meaning that all ironmen can take use of this guide. If you have any suggestions on improvements, please comment below. Here is a direct link to the OSRS Wikipedia Page about Herblore, for those of you who are interested: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Herblore Leveling Up! Level 1 to 12: Attack Potions Level 12 to 38: Strength Potions Level 38 to 55: Prayer Potions Level 55 to 63: Super Strength Potions Level 66 to 69: Super Defence Potions Level 69-99: Extended (Super) Antifire Potions, Super Combat Potions & Saradomin Brews Remember that you want to create potions that you will use to avoid dropping/selling potions. However, if you do have the ingredients to make potions that aren't in this guide, make them. It's better to take advantage of everything you have rather than getting rid of it. Potions Secondary Ingredients
  3. 1 point
    <3 Zenyte. GL everyone with their bxp grinds!
  4. 1 point
    Could you maybe create a guide for crafting without magic requirements? Non combat training
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