Getting started Always a good idea to have stamina potions and full graceful but not required
All required traps and tools can be bought from Jackie north of home
Due to the experience rates from birds being so low it's highly recommended to skip birds entirely by using random event lamps to level 5/29.
Birds/lamp (1-5/29) Crimson birds 1-19, Green birds 19-27 Require: 2 bird snares
Fairy ring: AKS or Home portal -> Skilling teleports -> Feldip Hills
Birdhouses (Level 5-99) This is technically the most efficient way to obtain 99 but this requires going on birdhouse runs multiple times a day for weeks and leveling it alone side.
Guide from this method can be found here.
Swamp lizards (Level 29-47) Require: 3 small nets and ropes
Remember you can lay 3 traps at level 40
Home portal -> Cities -> Canifis
Orange Salamanders (Level 47-59) Require: 3 small nets and ropes and as many water skins as you can carry
Fairy ring: DLQ
Red Salamanders (Level 59-63/67) Require: 4 small nets and ropes
Remember you can lay 4 traps at level 60
Spirit Tree: Tree Gnome Village -> follow Elkoy
Option 1: Salamanders for faster experience
Black Salamanders (Level 67-99) Require: 6 small nets and ropes
You can lay 5 traps and 6 at level 80 because it's wilderness
Use burning amulet, obelisks or run from Edgeville
Option 2: Chinchompas slower but makes money
Red Chins (Level 63-73) Require: 4 box traps
Home portal -> Skilling ->Feldip Hills
Black Chins (Level 73-99) Require: 6 box traps Remember you can lay 5 traps and 6 at level 80 because it's wilderness
Use burning amulet, Revenant teleport or obelisk
Experience rates: These experience rates were found at level 99 hunter using the larger expected number of traps at the given level range.