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  1. 1 point
    DISCLAIMER: yes, i know this is yet another farming guide, there are already a few out, but after reading as well as watching through the others i've decided to still create one with my own spin. this will most likely be a lengthy post, so if you are only looking for something specific, be sure to make use of whatever text search you have access to in your browser: PC: ctrl+f MAC: cmd + f iPHONE: tap on the action box (middle button) at the bottom of your browser, and choose the option "find on page" ANDROID: tap the menu icon (top right vertical dots) at the top of your browser, and choose "find in page" things to know: farming growth period times are cut in HALF from OSRS standards (i.e. herbs have a 4x10min growth period down from 4x20min), this means you can do essentially do 1 herb run per hour. using farmed products, (herbs, allotment patch produce, fruit tree produce, etc.) will automatically note them saving you time from banking the client has a built-in farm timer you can utilize, rather than trying to remember what time your last run was, simply press the icon, followed by the icon. often for players, like myself in the past, farm runs would be a pain, due to all of the equipment you need to remember to bring each time, keeping a tab specifically organized for farm runs can make farming less of a daunting task. another built-in feature of the client is the Bank Tags tool, if it is not already activated, simply click on the icon and search Bank Tags, then open up your bank and right click any item and choose Edit-tags, this will prompt you with a text box to type a keyword for that tag. for farm runs i recommend a "herb" and "tree" tag. for items that would belong in both categories, such as a spade, simply put both words in the text box with a comma separating them. lastly, Item Identification is another built-in tool from the client (who would've thought), that allows you to see what type of seed or sapling something is without having to hover over it, making it much easier to find what you're looking to farm for your run. **if you have any more additions to this list of things to know, feel free to reply to this thread or send me a message and i will add it here and give you credit** phew! with the introduction finally over, lets get started! HERB RUNS herb runs are a great way to make money, or if you've decided to be self sufficient training herblore, it is the main way to go to obtain your main ingredients. there are a total of NINE herb patches in Zenyte, but this guide will focus only on EIGHT, as it is focused to be friendly for skillers, and even for main accounts it is too far out of the way, in my opinion. RECOMMENDED SETUP: graceful outfit (or wear nothing) magic secateurs (3 vote points) explorer's ring 3+ (provides unlimited teleports to falador herb patch) **skillers CAN complete the elite diary** ardougne cloak 4 (provides unlimited teleports to ardougne herb patch) **skillers CAN complete the elite diary** ectophial (3 vote points, provides teleport to morytania herb patch) spade, rake, and seed dibber icy basalt (provides teleport to weiss patch)* stony basalt (provides teleport to troll stronghold patch)* camelot teleport tablet (provides teleport to catherby patch)** zenyte home teleport tablets (you will be using the spawn portal for two patches) eight (8) of any seed you wish to farm whichever compost you like (store this at the leprechaun and grab it out as you go) OPTIONAL: xeric's amulet (obtained from lizardmen or stone chest thieving for skillers, xeric's glade teleport to Hosidius herb patch)*** *tutorial for obtaining basalt below **can be bought from players, made from scratch or replace with a third zenyte home tablet for access to spawn portal ***credit to splasher for the suggestion MINI GUIDE: HOW TO OBTAIN BASALT **requirements: 72 mining** now that you have all of your supplies, let's get to the run itself... THE RUN: to start off, using your ardougne cloak, teleport to the Ardougne Farm: harvest these crops, and teleport to the next patch: Catherby, using the zenyte spawn portal, or your camelot teleport and follow the path below to reach the patch: the next patch will be: Falador, choosing the teleport option on your explorer's ring will take you to the cabbage field south of the patch, simply run north after Falador, we will be going to the Farming Guild, requiring level 65 Farming, if you do not meet this requirement at the time, carry on to the next patch. break your zenyte home teleport and run north to the Zenyte Portal, in the skilling category choose Farming Guild, open the door and run into the west wing to find the herb patch. using your second zenyte home teleport, return to the Zenyte Portal, this time, in the training category, choose Sand Crabs, and follow the map below: use your ectophial to teleport to the ectofuntus and run west: after you've finished there, the last second-to-last patch is at Weiss. teleport using your icy basalt. to activate the weiss patch, the first time you go there you will need to bring 1x saw, 2x mahogany planks, 2x steel bars, 100x efh salt, 50x te salt, and 150x urt salt, to build a firepit for warmth. this is the only time you will need to bring these items. FINALLY, teleport to the Troll Stronghold using your stony basalt. and that's how you do a FULL* herb run on Zenyte! *minus Harmony Island patch now it's time for the real juicy xp... TREE RUNS tree runs are where the bulk of your experience come from. there are a total of SIX normal tree patches, and FIVE fruit tree patches, along with an extra calquat tree patch for those of you who are 72 Farming and above. RECOMMENDED SETUP: graceful outfit (or wear nothing) spade, rake, and seed dibber six (6) of your choice normal trees five (5) of your choice fruit trees one (1) OPTIONAL calquat tree falador teleport tablet (provides teleport to falador tree patch)** lumbridge teleport tablet (provides teleport to lumbridge tree patch)** coins (you will be paying the farmers near the patch to remove the tree for you) varrock tablet (provides teleport to varrock tree patch)** zenyte home teleports (provides access to Zenyte Portal for multiple tree patches) whichever compost you like (store this at the leprechaun and grab it out as you go) **can be bought from players, made from scratch or replace with zenyte home tablets for access to spawn portal THE RUN: teleport to Lumbridge and follow the map: after Lumbridge, head to Varrock and follow the next map: next is the Falador tree patch: teleport to spawn and using the Zenyte Portal, select the cities category and choose Taverley. run east. next patch is the Farming Guild, if you do not have level 65 Farming yet, you can move onto the last regular tree patch. break your zenyte home teleport and run north to the Zenyte Portal, in the skilling category choose Farming Guild, open the door and run into the west wing to find the tree patch. teleport home and use the Spiritual Fairy Tree 'Tree' option and press 2. run east to harvest your first fruit tree patch. after that patch, run south-west to find your final regular tree patch. run back north-east, after you've planted your final regular tree, teleport using the Spirit Tree and choose option 1, run west and 'squeeze-through' the loose railing and Follow Elkoy out of the maze, finally run south west to find the fruit tree patch. using a zenyte home teleport, return to spawn and teleport to Catherby via the Zenyte Portal and run east to find the next fruit tree patch. once again, return to spawn and use the Zenyte Portal to teleport to the Farming Guild, this patch requires 85 Farming, so skip to the next patch if you do not meet that requirement yet. last time, return to spawn and teleport to Ardougne using the Zenyte Portal, and run south to the charter ship, take the charter ship to Brimhaven. hop off the boat once you arrive, and run south the the fruit tree patch. **WARNING: low leveled players you may be attacked by jungle spiders or snakes, causing poison, make sure you have your antipoison and food with you** continue to run south all the way to the calquat patch, there are spiders here as well so be quick and keep an eye on your health and whether you have poison or not. and there you have it, a full herb and tree run guide, friendly to skillers and main accounts alike! good luck with your farm runs and i hope this helps some of you who are not sure about farming at the moment. p.s. golden guide quality? let me know and if there's anything i've missed message me or reply to this thread and i will add it with credit to you, thanks.
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