Ironman Forum Group Guidelines
As a Ironman you will have the ability to pick between Ironman, Hardcore Ironman and Ultimate Ironman forum groups.
Donator Transfer Guides
You must reply to this topic with a screenshot of your in-game ironman status (game noticebord preferred)
If you remove or de-iron your ironman status you will need to contact a member of the Staff Team to have the group removed from your forum account.
Requesting a Ironman Forum Group Reply with the following template:
Your name:
Ironman Status:
Would you like this as your primary role?:
Your name:
Ironman Status:
Would you like this as your primary role?:
Note: A primary role means that your forum account will display the Ironman color, and layout instead of your current none-donator or donator status.
Here is a few examples: