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1 pointBudget management tips: - Fighter torso is a free upgrade and gives the same strength bonus as a Bandos Chestplate. - With a dragon defender and a lance, Obsidian Legs give the same max hit as Bandos Tassets. You are required to obtain the following before starting to raid as they are easy to obtain essential DPS upgrades. - Barrows Gloves - Amulet of Salve (ei) - Magic God Cape (imbued) - Fire Cape - Dragon Defender - Zamorakian Hasta / Abyssal Tentacle - Dragon Sword (for Vasa / or Zamorakian Hasta if you don’t use a Whip) - Trident of the Swamp - Occult necklace - Berserker Ring (i) - Amulet of Fury - Statius’ Warhammer / Dragon Warhammer / Bandos Godsword You are strongly advised to obtain the following before starting to Raid as they are easy DPS upgrades. - Ava’s Assembler - Fighter Torso You should not bring the following items into raids. They are such significant DPS downgrades. - Regular Trident - Regular Whip (Ironmen exempt) When choosing gear, keep in mind the following General Bonus Hierarchy: - Max Hits > Accuracy (primary focus) - Ranged > Melee > Magic (secondary focus) The following stats are recommended before learning raids: 90+ Magic 90+ Ranged 90+ Strength 80+ Attack 80+ Defence 78+ Herblore 55+ Farming You are unlikely to be accepted on to mentor raids if you do not meet the following stat requirements: 70 Prayer with Piety Unlocked 85+ Magic, Strength and Ranged Room Specific Items The following items are only needed in particular pre-olm rooms. Do not bring them on raids without these bosses. Dragon Sword (Vasa Nistirio) Pickaxe (Guardians) Zamorak Godsword (Muttadiles) Ice Barrage (Muttadiles) Sanfew Serum (Shamans and Vespula) Salve (ei) (Skeletal Mystics) Fire Surge + Tome of Fire (Ice Demon) You should bring Elite Void Range over Armadyl and Barrows gloves when you do not have the following rooms in your raid: Mystics Vespula Improving your stats is almost always a better investment than improving your gear. Setup progression with increasing budgets Void Budget setup "Budget Void" Avernic defender--> Dragon defender Zenyte jewellry ---> fury (saves 2 invent spaces for brews) Dragon warhammer--> Bandos godsword Upgrade wherever you can (e.g. Prims instead of dragon boots) DO NOT BRING MAGE VOID! Blowpipe; Adamant darts minimum. Don't bring a normal whip. What is Scouting? Scouting is the process of entering a raid and checking the room layout. If the rooms are not desirable, you simply leave and "rescout" the raid. Scouting good raid rotations increases your GP/Hour drastically, as well as making it easier to find teammates. Scouting Process: Join Clan Europe (CC) (or your own CC if smiley rank) and hop to a different world than the other teammembers scouting Make a party at the party board in the Raids Area Enter the Raid and check the pop-up of the rotation If the Raid looks bad, leave the raid Rescout for a better raid, and repeat until you find one Example: Whitelisting/Blacklisting: Whitelisting & Blacklisting give visual color indicators of good/bad rooms, you can customise these by opening the "Chambers of Xeric" tab in your Client configuration and copy/pasting these into their respective lists: Whitelisted Rooms: Tightrope Mystics Shamans Muttadiles Crabs Tekton Vasa Blacklisted Rooms: Unknown Thieving Ice Demon Note - You are able to customize this as you choose, remember not to blacklist difficult rooms as with practice they can be highly efficient and result in more GP/Hour! Scouting tips: - Combat rooms do not matter as much as Puzzle rooms - Ideally you want 3 Combat rooms and 2 Puzzle rooms - Always scout for the Tightrope Puzzle - Always avoid Unknown Puzzle rooms - Finding a 3c (3 Combat) "Crope" (Crabs + Rope) Raid is ideal - Vanguards are only worth doing in 3c Rotations - Drink a sip of stamina and super combat. Turn piety on. - Equip your pickaxe and set your attack style to smash. - Flinch each guardian as demonstrated: https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/fn-bCZvFzdEfWrS5HMVS1zPBaWrgYrxkCZperIZ0mgI/https/i.imgur.com/sbinfl4.mp4 - Drink a sip of ranging potion. - Turn on protect from range and rigour or eagle eye. - Blowpipe the small Muttadile. - When the small muttadile reaches 40% health, ice barrage it. - Kill it, then Blowpipe or Twisted Bow the large Muttadile. - When the large Muttadile reaches 50% health, ZGS spec it. - Avoid melee distance at all times - the large Muttadile chomps and stomps for 115+ damage. - Drink a sip of stamina and super combat potion. - Pray protect from melee and piety. - Lure Tekton by walking next to him and walking back. - Tank a hit from Tekton as he walks toward you. Otherwise, he will reset. - Spec Tekton twice with your defence lowering spec weapon. - Run around Tekton counterclockwise, hitting him in this pattern: - Tekton will go back to the anvil. Hit him as he walks back. - Avoid the meteors by moving two tiles away from your previous positions. - When Tekton comes off the anvil, tank a hit and begin attacking again. - Drink a stamina, ranged, and super combat potion. - Upon entering the room, Vasa will teleport some people to the center. - Those that were not teleported to the center, run to the center praying mage. - Once Vasa uses its post-teleport attack, pray range + rigour and attack with blowpipe or tbow. Vasa will throw rocks at you, avoid them by running two tiles away. - Vasa will move toward a crystal. Move toward the same crystal while attacking. - When Vasa reaches the crystal, pray piety. Attack the crystal with stab until it dies. - Resume praying rigour and attacking Vasa. - If Vasa performs the teleport attack again, repeat the above steps until it dies. - There is a mage, range, and melee Vanguard. - Ensure that at least one person on your team is on each Vanguard. - Drink a stamina potion, ranged potion, and super combat potion. - Pray against the style your Vanguard uses. - Attack your Vanguard with the opposite style in the combat triangle: Note: As well as magic, you can also use melee against the melee vanguard. - Ensure that the Vanguards are always within 33% health of each other. - If two Vanguards have a difference greater than that, they will reset to full health. - Vanguards will go back into their shells and walk around the room. - When they do this, follow your Vanguard in the direction it is moving. - Stay in the three corners of the room to avoid damage from multiple Vanguards: - Drink a stamina potion, ranged potion, and sanfew serum. - Set your quick prayers to redemption and rigour or eagle eye. - If you have a tbow or ACB, use rapid. If you have a DCB, DHCB, or RCB, use longranged. - Never attack the boss itself. - Enter the room with quick prayers enabled. - Instantly attack the portal. - After your attack animation, run one square behind the grub. - If your redemption procs, drink a super restore and re-enable quick prayers. - Repeat the three steps above as demonstrated below: https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/mCdZeSaB0NV6StO2oCOyexrgne3K-6l7QvruCr-IIx8/https/i.imgur.com/bckO20j.mp4 - If the any of the grubs have HP bars, you must feed them. - One person grabs three medivaemia blossoms. - Once you have three blossoms, spam click the grub with the HP bar. - Repeat for each grub as demonstrated below: - If you fail to do this in time, a vespine soldier will spawn. - Blowpipe it until it lands on the floor - then melee it to kill it before it explodes. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/pSxwlTgIByBWaSsfYgxo3hJDvAgaIsZ4wGiWNFWemfE/https/i.imgur.com/irJ0kbv.mp4 - Do not try to cross the rope upon entering the room. - Drink a ranging potion. Pray mage and rigour or eagle eye. - Attack each mager one at a time using tbow or blowpipe. (Note, the Deathly Mager is NOT an undead NPC, the Salve Amulet (ei) has no use here!) - Once the magers are dead, pray ranged and rigour or eagle eye. - Attack each ranger one at a time using blowpipe. - In layouts with a shadow root, the tank can run behind the shadow root. - The tank must attack the ranger every few blowpipe hits or it will switch aggro. - When only one ranger remains, one person crosses rope. Note: In loot-splitting raids mention how many points you have and allow the highest points player to get the crystal (more info, read down). - Pick up the keystone crystal and use it on the door. - The scouter is NOT determined to cross the rope. - In loot-splitting raids you should always aim for the person with the highest personal points to get the crystal. Opening the barrier gives points scaled to the users personal points. The more points he has, the more points the team gets. There are two methods to complete this room: chest method and no chest method. Chest method: - Before starting the room, kill scavs for planks and build a chest. - Bank everything in private storage. Grab an axe and tinderbox. - Chop an inventory of kindling. - Stand by the braziers. Light at the same time. No chest method: - Sip a dose of stamina and drop all of your remaining potions near the invisible chest space. - Grab an axe and tinderbox. - Chop as much kindling as you can and light a brazier. - Return to cutting kindling and continue to light the same brazier. Drop your axe and tinderbox. Click withdraw all from private chest (if chest method). Drink a ranging potion and super combat potion. Pray ranged and piety. Equip melee gear with DWH. Spec the ice demon with DWH. Switch into ranged gear and blowpipe. Pray ranged and rigour or eagle eye. The ice demon will throw rocks at you. Dodge them by moving two tiles. Although not required, fire surge is the best DPS against Ice Demon and it will significantly speed up the room. To solve crabs, you must bounce an orb off the crabs into the crystals. The orb will always turn clockwise when it bounces off a crab. You must change the orbs color to the opposite color of the target crystal. You can change the color of the orb by bouncing it off a colored crab. You color crabs by using different combat styles as demonstrated: Before starting the room, kill scavs for planks and build a chest. Bank everything in private storage. Alternatively, drop all remaining potions by the invisible chest space. Steal grubs from the chests until you have 10-15 grubs. If a chest poisons you, don't steal from it again. Dump grubs into the trough, continue picking and feeding until the room is complete. Although not required, bringing a lockpick will significantly speed up the room. The blue zones are the safe areas. The left side of the room is the mage hand. The right side of the room is the melee hand. The dark blue line is where you longrange from when melee clenches. The black square is the thumb, meet here for teleports. Orbs will target you and turn off your prayer. Your prayer must match the color of the orb directed at you. You will get a chatbox message matching the color below to warn you: Video with 3 minute guide on how to predict special attacks: Crystals When crystals appear at your feet, move away by one tile. https://i.imgur.com/r9u7Dh9.gifv Lightning Move out of the lightning's path. If you are hit, turn your prayers back on. https://i.imgur.com/fs41pLW.gifv Teleports When teleports appear, meet at the melee hand thumb. https://i.imgur.com/3u5I1YU.gifv Healing The melee hand will heal from your attacks when the infinity symbol appears. If olm throws random acid pools, don't stand on them. If olm targets you with an acid trail, turn off run and walk east or west. If olm throws crystal bombs on the ground, run away from them. If olm targets you with falling crystals, turn off run and walk east or west. If olm burns you, avoid other players. If olm burns other players, avoid them. If olm uses a fire wall, douse an opening with water spells and run out. On head phase, attack olm's head with ranged. Stay in your original positions at all times during head phase. Avoid the falling crystals by walking two tiles away. If olm spawns blue pools, stand on the pools. Credits This guide was based upon WDR’s guide with influences from ingame experiences by Clan Europe’s Master Raider Ranks. If you wish to have voice guided learner raids, make sure you apply on the following topic