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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Criteria to be met, in order to be considered for a Golden Guide pin: Guide must have no grammatical errors Guide must be easy to read, no color clashing, proper use of bullets, paragraphs, overall clean appearance. Guide must include as much information as possible. i.e best methods, best gear to use, fastest teleports, etc Note: If 1 or more of the above criteria is not met, your guide will not be considered to be featured. Rewards for obtaining the rank of a Golden Guide Author: Rewarded the Grand Maester medal for the duration of 1 or more of your guides being featured. A Gilded Star next to your guide. An in-game reward of 1,000,000 Coins per guide, featured. F.A.Q Special Thanks
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