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  1. 1 point
    Theatre of Blood drop rates and Verzik's Will boost Since the release of the Theatre of Blood I have been asked to explain how the rare loot is rolled and how the Verzik's Will boost plays into that. These rates might be changed later on but as of this post this is the system. I will also add in some graphs at the end to show increase with donor ranks for the boost and how much deaths impact the chances. First you do your raid, in it you get points for two things: 3 points per boss encounter you go into, theres 6 bosses so that means 18 points per team member 14 Mvp points which you get by doing the most damage, the amount differs per boss: Maiden: 2 Bloat: 2 Nylo: 1 Sotetseg: 1 Xarpus: 2 Verzik: 6 (2 per phase, each phase can have a different mvp but doesn't have to be different) The total team points is: (teamsize x 18) + 14 When you die means your points go down by 4 points (unless you have less than 4 in which case you just go to 0 points). At the end of the raid your teams points get divided by the maximum your team could've had. For example a duo with 1 death and both players attending all bosses: 46 out of the maximum 50 points, that fraction would be 46/50 Then we calculate your teams base chance with the next formula: 91 + (91 x (1 - fraction)) Which in our duo example is 91 + (91 x (1 - 46/50)) or 98.28 This is then rounded down, in our example to 98 After calculating the base chance we calculate your teams bonus chance from having the tob boost on (either global or private), if of course that player has private boost or the global boost is on. Per rank this differs, each rank has a bonus fraction value: no rank: 5% sapphire and emerald: 6% ruby and diamond: 7% dragonstone: 8% onyx: 9% zenyte: 10% This is then multiplied to your personal points like so: Lets say in our duo example one player is emerald rank and had 26 points and the other is zenyte rank and had 20 points: Bonus by player 1: 26*0.06 = 1.56 Bonus by player 2: 20*0.10 = 2 Total bonus points = 1.56 + 2 = 3.56 This is then divided by your teamsize so in this example by 2: 3.56 / 2 = 1.78 To then roll if the team gets a purple (still undetermined who gets it) we roll a random number between 0 and your base chance: In this example: a random number between 0 and 98 If the random number is between 0 and (10 + team bonus points) your team gets a purple. In this example: 10 + 1.78 = 11.78, so if the random number was between 0 and 11.78 this team gets a rare drop. Meaning this team had a 11.78/98 chance to get a drop which is 12.02% To roll who the drop goes to we use the following formula: Player 1 had 26 out of the 46 team points, he then has a 26/46 chance to get it whilst the other player has 20/46 chance. Which comes out to be: 56.52% for player 1 and 43.48% for player 2 A rare drop is then rolled of the table which has the following weights: Avernic hilt: 8 Justiciar: 2 per piece Sanguinesti staff: 2 Ghrazi rapier: 2 Scythe of Vitur: 1 The total weight is 19, to roll a sanguinesti staff for example would be 2/19. This chart will show the rates for a five man team in reference to how much times they died. X-axis being the number of deaths, Y-axis being the 1 in y rate of your team getting a drop, where y = 10 means a 1 in 10 droprate and y = 20 means a 1 in 20 droprate. This chart will show the rates for a solo team in reference to differing ranks and having the boost on. X-axis being the different rank multiplier like stated above, Y-axis being the 1 in y rate of your team getting a drop, where y = 10 means a 1 in 10 droprate and y = 20 means a 1 in 20 droprate. This chart will show the rates for a solo team in reference to how much times they died. X-axis being the number of deaths, Y-axis being the 1 in y rate of your team getting a drop, where y = 10 means a 1 in 10 droprate and y = 20 means a 1 in 20 droprate. But also including the boost and different ranks, yellow being zenyte rank, black onyx, purple dragonstone, red diamond and ruby, green sapphire and emerald and cyan no rank.
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