Greetings, friends of Zenyte! The long awaited reset is almost here and we couldnt be more excited. Our staff team has been hard at work crafting Zenyte into something that you guys are excited to play again. To celebrate the beginning of this journey, we have lined up an array of events for the first weekend of the launch. Get ready for a weekend filled with fun challenges, exciting competitions, and juicy rewards to get things kicked off in the right direction!
First to Max Competition
It wouldn't be a fresh start without a First to Max competition! We are excited to bring the following rewards for the first to max in each game mode:
Regular Account
-50x/25x: $75 bond + 10m gp (Winner: Yaxx)
-10x: $100 bond + 20m gp
-5x: $150 bond + 30m gp
-50x/25x: $75 bond (Winner: Noqrest)
-10x: $100 bond (Winner: Excedrin)
-5x: $150 bond
Hardcore Ironman
-50x/25x: $75 bond (Winner: Noir)
-10x: $100 bond
-5x: $150 bond
Ultimate Ironman
-50x/25x: $75 bond (Winner: Llow)
-10x: $100 bond
-5x: $150 bond
First Item Events
-First Zulrah Unique: $10 bond (Winner: Brandino)
-First Godwars Unique: $10 bond (Winner: Demon)
-First Ranger Boots: $10 bond (Winner: Svensei)
-First Skilling Pet: $20 bond (Winner: Noqrest)
-First Boss Pet: $20 bond (Winner: Svensei)
-First 3rd age piece: $20 bond (Winner: Xxx hcim xxx)
-First Infernal cape: $30 bond
-First CoX Purple: $30 bond (Winner: Svensei)
-First ToB Purple: $30 bond (Winner: Godzilla)
Participants must provide screenshot evidence of their achievement (including game broadcast and/or account type) and submit them to a Global Moderator+ on Discord.
Saturday Pest Control Mass
During the event period, every Pest Control game you participate in will yield double Pest Control points! (This also scales with your donator rank) You definitely wont want to miss out on getting some extra points towards your void set! You may even see some staff with boosted gear helping out
Sunday BXP Day
During this event, you will enjoy a 50% boost to all of your XP gains. Sieze this opportunity to level up faster and reach max to claim the First to Max prizes! Reminder, this is a temporary event, and bonus XP won't be on a regular basis after the first week of the server launching. So, make the most of this time and level up like never before!
Random Events Mashup
Throughout the weekend, we'll also be hosting spontaneous, surprise events with exclusive rewards, including bonds + mystery boxes! These might include hide-and-seek events, quiz challenges, or even boss masses. Stay active and engaged to catch these events as they happen!
Stay tuned to our Discord server for specific event times and additional details. We can't wait to embark on this journey with all of you!
See you on August 11th, 2023!