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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/23 in Posts
3 pointsPrice Guide Created by Koi DISCLAIMER: Not all prices may be available or completely accurate, this guide is still under construction and the economy is still pretty fresh. Please contact Koi on discord or in-game if you have information on recent trades about items that may be missing a price or priced incorrectly. Prices are adjusted based on submitted sales, personal sales, and sale history/offers in the grand exchange/market. Rares *These may not all be available in-game yet* Blue Partyhat - Unknown Red Partyhat - Unknown White Partyhat - Unknown Yellow Partyhat - Unknown Green Partyhat - Unknown Rainbow Partyhat - Unknown Black Partyhat - Unknown Christmas Cracker - Unknown Blue Halloween Mask - Unknown Green Halloween Mask - Unknown Red Halloween Mask - Unknown Black Halloween Mask - Unknown Wise Old Man's Santa Hat - Unknown Santa Hat - Unknown Black Santa Hat - Unknown Inverted Santa Hat - Unknown Scythe - Unknown Bunny Ears - Unknown Christmas Scythe - Unavailable Disk of Returning - Unavailable Pumpkin - Unavailable Bunnyman Mask - Unavailable Bunny Outfit - Unavailable Chicken Outfit - Unavailable Combat Gear Abyssal Bludgeon - Unknown Abyssal Dagger - 6M-10M Abyssal Whip - 5M-8M Ahrim's Set 15M-20M Dharok's Set - 12M-15M Guthan's Set - 6M-10M Karil's Set - 12M-16M Torag's Set - 5M-7M Verac's Set - 8M-12M Ancestral Hat - 30M-40M Ancestral Top - 50M-70M Ancestral Bottom - 50M-70M Ancient Wyvern Shield - 20M-30M Arcane Spirit Shield - Unknown Archer's Ring - 4M-6M Armadyl Crossbow - 40M-50M Armadyl Godsword - Unknown Armadyl Helmet - 20M-30M Armadyl Chestplate - 35M-45M Armadyl Chainskirt - 35M-45M Amulet of Avarice - 2M-3M Amulet of Glory - 75K-100K Amulet of Fury - 1M-1.5M Amulet of Torture - 50M-55M Avernic Defender Hilt - Unknown Dinh's Bulwark - 15M-20M Bandos Boots - 3M-5M Bandos Chestplate - 50M-70M Bandos Tassets - 50M-70M Bandos Godsword - Unknown Berserker Necklace - Unknown Berserker Ring - 6M-8M Black Mask - 2M-2.5M Blessed Spirit Shield - Unknown Boots of Brimstone - Unknown Craw's Bow - 35M-40M Dark Bow - Unknown Dragon Warhammer - 70M-80M Dragon Boots - 750K-1M Dragon Chainbody - 1M-2M Dragon Claws - 90M-100M Dragon Crossbow - 7.5M-10M Dragon Full Helm - Unknown Dragon Hunter Crossbow - Unknown Dragon Hunter Lance - 35-40M Dragon Kiteshield - 20M-25M Dragon Platebody - 20M-25M Dragon Platelegs - 200K-400K Dragon Plateskirt - 200K-300K Dragon Sq. Shield - 500K-1M Dragonbone Necklace - Unknown Dragonfire Shield - 35M-40M Dragonfire Ward - Unknown Elder Maul - 40M-45M Elysian Spirit Shield - Unknown Eternal Boots - 15M-20M Infinity Robes Set - 10M-15M Guardian Boots - Unknown Kodai Wand - Unknown Mage's Book - 2M-2.5M Master Wand - 3M-5M Necklace of Anguish - 20M-35M Occult Necklace - 10M-15M Malediction Ward - Unknown Odium Ward - Unknown Pegasian Boots - 40M-50M Primordial Boots - 25M-35M Ring of Suffering - 20M-40M Ring of the Gods - Unknown Saradomin Godsword - Unknown Saradomin Sword - 1M-2M Scythe of Vitur - Unknown Seers Ring - 3M-4M Serpentine Helm - 10M-15M Spectral Spirit Shield - Unknown Staff of Light - Unknown Thammaron's Sceptre - 3M-4M Tome of Fire - 500K-750K Toxic Blowpipe - 40M-50M Toxic Staff of the Dead - Unknown Treasonous Ring - Unknown Trident of the Seas - 4M-5M Twisted Bow - Unknown Twisted Buckler - 25M-35M Tyrannical Ring - 2M-5M Viggora's Chainmace - 30M-40M Warrior Ring - 3M-4M Zamorak Godsword - Unknown Zamorakian Hasta - 500K-1M Zamorakian Spear - 2M-4M Magic Shortbow - 2K-3K Bracelet of Etherium 50K-100K Skilling Items & Supplies Dragon Axe - 750K Dragon Harpoon - 3M-5M Dragon Pickaxe - 9M-12M Ring of Endurance - Unknown Dragon Bones - 5K-10K Wyvern Bones - 20K-30K Superior Dragon Bones - Unknown Runite Bar - 10K-15K Magic Logs - 1K-1.5K Cut Onyx - 750K-1M Uncut Onyx - 750K-1M Zenyte - 35M-40M Uncut Zenyte - 35M-40M Uncut Dragonstone - 30K-40K Dragonstone - 25K-30K Dragonstone Bolts (e) - 2K-4K Onyx Bolts (e) - 5K-10K Amethyst Darts - 2K-2.5K Clue Items 3rd Age Amulet - Unknown 3rd Age Axe - Unknown 3rd Age Pickaxe - Unknown 3rd Age Cape - Unknown 3rd Age Druidic Cloak - Unknown 3rd Age Druidic Robe Bottom - Unknown 3rd Age Druidic Robe Top - Unknown 3rd Age Druidic Staff - Unknown 3rd Age Helm - Unknown 3rd Age Kiteshield - Unknown 3rd Age Platebody - Unknown 3rd Age Platelegs - Unknown 3rd Age Longsword - Unknown 3rd Age Wand - Unknown 3rd Age Bow - Unknown 3rd Age Coif - Unknown 3rd Age Chaps - Unknown 3rd Age Range Top - Unknown 3rd Age Vambraces - Unknown 3rd Age Hat - Unknown 3rd Age Robe Bottom - Unknown 3rd Age Robe Top - Unknown Ring of 3rd Age - Unknown Ale of the Gods - 1M-2M Amulet of Defence (t) - 250K-500K Amulet of Eternal Glory - 1M-2M Amulet of Glory (t) - 750K-1M Amulet of Magic (t) - 250K-500K Amulet of Power (t) - 250K-500K Strength Amulet (t) - 500K-750K Berets - 250K-500K Boaters - 250K-500K Cavaliers - 500K-1M Black/Adamant/Rune Canes - Unknown Elegant Pieces - 250K-750K Berserker Necklace Ornament Kit - Unknown Black / Blue Wizard Top (g) - 500K-750K Black / Blue Wizard Top (t) - 250K-500K Plate Armor (g) - 500K-750K Plate Armor (t) - 250K-350K Plate Armor (H) - 100K-200K Bob Shirts - 100K-200K Briefcase - 500K-1M Bucket Helm (g) - 100K-200K Dark/Light Infinity Robes Kit - Unknown Cape of Skulls - Unknown Climbing Boots (g) - 500K-1M Colored Dragon Masks - 200K-300K Dragon Cane - Unknown Dragon Boots Ornament Kit - Unknown Dragon Chainbody Ornament Kit - Unknown Dragon Full Helm Ornament Kit - Unknown Dragon Legs+Skirt Ornament Kit - Unknown Dragon Scimitar Ornament Kit - Unknown Dragon Sq. Shield Ornament Kit - Unknown Dragon Kiteshield Ornament Kit - Unknown Dual Sai - 500K-1M Enchanted Robes Pieces - 150K-250K Dark Tuxedo Pieces - Unknown Devout Boots - 1M-2M Explorer's Backpack - 250K-500K Flared Trousers - 500K-750K Fury Ornament Kit - Unknown Gilded Armor Pieces - Unknown Gilded Scimitar - Unknown Gilded Pickaxe - Unknown Gilded Spade - Unknown Gold Apron - Unknown Gold Chef's Hat - Unknown Half Moon Spectacles - Unknown Ham Joint - Unknown Holy Sandals - 500K-1M Holy Wraps - 500K-1M Katana - Unknown Lava Dragon Mask - Unknown Leather (g) Pieces - 150K-200K Light Tuxedo Pieces - Unknown Monk Robe (g) Pieces - 250K Monk Robe (t) Pieces - 150K-250K Nunchaku - 250K-500K Obsidian Cape (r) - 750K-1M Demon Masks - 150K-250K Pirate Hat - 100K-200K Pith Helmet - 100K-200K Rainbow - Unknown Ranger Boots - 25-30M Ranger Gloves - Unknown Ranger Tights - Unknown Ranger Tunic - Unknown Robin Hood Hat - Unknown Dragonhide (g) Pieces - 250K-500K Ring of Coins - Unknown Darkness Robe Pieces - Unknown Royal Pieces - Unknown Rune Defender Ornament Kit - Unknown Rune Scimitar Ornament Kit - Unknown Samurai Pieces - 1M-2M Sandwich Lady Pieces - Unknown God Blessings - 250K-750K God Cloaks - 250K-500K God Croziers - 100K-200K God Stoles - 250K God Robes - 250K God Dragonhide Pieces - Unknown God Book Pages (1-4) - 100K-200K Rune God Armor Pieces - 250K-500K Zeah Banners - 100K Zeah Hoods - 100K Zeah Scarves - 100K Shoulder Parrot - Unknown Staff of Bob the Cat - Unknown Colored Headbands - 100K Studded Armor (g) Pieces - Unknown Team Cape X & Zero - Unknown Tzhaar-Ket-Om Ornament Kit - Unknown Top Hat - Unknown Thieving Bag - Unknown Animal Masks - Unknown Ankou Pieces - Unknown Mummy Pieces - Unknown Wooden Shield (g) - 250K-500K Misc Items Vote Tokens - 350K-450K Sherlock's Notes - 300K-400K $10 Bond - 15M-20M $50 Bond - 75M-100M $100 Bond - 150M-200M Mystery Box - 5M-10M Inferno Teleport Scroll - 750K-1M Barrows Teleport Scroll - 750K-1M Godwars Teleport Scroll - 750K-1M Zulrah Teleport Scroll - 750K-1M Kraken Teleport Scroll - 750K-1M Cerberus Teleport Scroll - 750K-1M Dagannoth Kings Teleport Scroll - 750K-1M Slayer Task Skip Scroll - 600K-1M Burnt Page - 2K-4K Kraken Tentacle - 750K-1.25M Eternal Crystal - 12M-16M Pegasian Crystal - 14M-18M Primordial Crystal - 22.5M-32.5M Tanzanite Fang - 50M-60M Saradomin's Tear - 3M-4M Serpentine Visage - 10M-15M Smouldering Stone - 3M-5M Mysterious Emblem (T5) - 3.5M-4M Holy Elixir - Unknown Draconic Visage - 35M-40M Dexterous Prayer Scroll - 40M-50M Arcane Prayer Scroll - 15M-20M Dragon Pickaxe Upgrade Kit - 100K-150K Lava Staff Upgrade Kit - 100K-150K Ward Upgrade Kit - 100K-150K Steam Staff Upgrade Kit - 100K-150K Ring of Wealth Scroll - 25K-50K Magic Shortbow Scroll - 25K-50K Volcanic / Frozen Whip Mix - 150K-200K Gnome Scarf - Unknown Sagacious Spectacles - Unknown Gnome Goggles - Unknown
1 pointSure-footed Brimhaven Agility Arena will reward Double Tickets for the day. So get jumping, dodging and falling your way through the course to impress your crush! Prize: $10 Bond for the First Agility Pet One-Step, Two-Step, Casket Casket Casket! For the entire day, all clue scroll steps will be lowered by 2. Easy: 2-4 -> 1-2 Medium: 3-5 -> 1-3 Hard: 4-6 -> 2-4 Elite: 5-7 -> 3-5 Master: 5-8 -> 3-6 There will be a few prizes active, so get collecting your clues now and remember to purchase Sherlock Notes from the store! Prizes: $5 Bond for the First Ranger Boots $10 for the First 3rd Age Piece $10 for the First Bloodhound Pet CoX, CoX, CoX, CoX! We haven't forgotten about you, our wonderful PvM community. Across the day, purple drop rates are been lowered by 50%! We know you wanted Twisted Bows, so we have answered your prayers.. for now Prizes: $5 Bond for the First Arcane Scroll $10 for the First Twisted Bow $10 for the First Olm Pet Thanks for taking part in our events, and if you have any feedback or suggestions for future events, please suggest them via Discord.
1 pointWhat is everyone working on in Zenyte, what are your goals? I'm currently maxing a main, I'm also trying to collect cosmetics and get high on the hiscores in skills! My other accounts are a regular build Ultimate Ironman, and A Wilderness Locked Ironman, which are more side projects Let me know what you're doing in-game below!