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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/23 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Construction Update Blog Hello All, Construction is progressing smoothly, and we have a solid expectation of a 2023 release. A substantial amount of content has already been incorporated, and even in its unfinished state, it could be released, allowing people to create reasonably functional houses. However, our aim is to release a product that we can take pride in. We've just finalized the beta server for our staff to evaluate Construction, gather data on any non-functional buildable elements, and determine what still needs to be added. At present, the following major features are in focus: Red - Not started.Yellow - IncompleteGreen - Complete Useful Rooms Portal Chamber Achievement Gallery Portal Nexus Superior Garden Costume Room Workshop Servants Menagerie Chapel Useful Features Entering Friend's Houses All Portals Tablet Making Wilderness Obelisk Important to remember: Typically, items highlighted in yellow are either in need of just one or two additional elements to be implemented, such as the boss liar display in the achievement gallery. Alternatively, they require a bit more testing, like the Servants, to determine the best way to implement them. We're extremely enthusiastic about releasing this feature, and our dedicated staff is diligently identifying any non-functional objects to ensure their proper integration.
  2. 1 point
    Zenyte Mystery Box Loot Guide Interested in seeing what you can get from a Mystery Box? This guide will show you all of the items you can recieve, as well as examples of loot from players from x amount of mystery boxes. Rarest Items Christmas Cracker Black Partyhat Dragon Crossbow Dragon Pickaxe Pet Mystery Box Scythe Dragon Platebody Dragon Kiteshield Bunny Ears Ancient Wyvern Shield Rare Items Abyssal Dagger Abyssal Whip Dragonfire Shield Imbued Heart Amulet of Eternal Glory Zamorakian Spear Saradomin Sword Verac's Set Karil's Set Ahrim's Set Guthan's Set Dharok's Set Torag's Set Blessed Spirit Shield Spirit Shield Gnome Child Hat Ice Gloves Fire Cape Fighter Torso Uncommon Items Dragon Defender Dragon Axe Amulet of Fury Infinity Boots Infinity Gloves Infinity Bottoms Infinity Top Infinity Hat Onyx Boss Teleport Scrolls (1 of 6) Mage's Book Dragon Boots Amulet of the Damned Ancient Shard Common Items Dragon Thrownaxes Dragon Knives Cannonballs Raw Anglerfish Raw Sharks Raw Manta Rays Adamant Bars Mithril Bars Runite Bars Dragon Bones Magic Logs Zulrah Scales Uncut Rubies Uncut Diamonds Uncut Dragonstones Diamond Bolts (e) Dragonstone Bolts (e) Dragon Dart Tips Burnt Pages Stamina Potions Super Combat Potions Sanfew Serums Black Chinchompas Red Chinchompas Chinchompas Yew Seeds Magic Seeds Palm Tree Seeds Papaya Tree Seeds Crystal Keys And here we have an example provided by @Normoof an opening of 1000 mystery boxes. (Missing fire capes, fighter torsos, and dragon defenders) Here are two examples of instances where I opened 100 Mystery Boxes
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