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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/23 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Open those Caskets! For the entire day, all clue scroll steps will be lowered by 2. Easy: 2-4 -> 1-2 Medium: 3-5 -> 1-3 Hard: 4-6 -> 2-4 Elite: 5-7 -> 3-5 Master: 5-8 -> 3-6 There will be a few prizes active, so get collecting your clues now and remember to purchase Sherlock Notes from the store! Prize: $10 Bond for Bloodhound Chamber of Purples! For the entire day, Chambers of Xeric will have an increased chance to see a purple Ancient chest. There will be a few prizes active, so get those Challenge Modes in! Prizes: $5 Bond for the First Ancestral Piece $5 Bond for the First Elder Maul $5 Bond for the First Dragon Claws $5 Bond for the First Twisted Bow $10 Bond for the First Olm Pet Hosidius Harvest. It's Double Tithe Farm points for the SUNday. It's a weekend of farming out here on Zenyte. Tithe Farm hasn't seen any love since reset, so go and see the old fella for double points and claim some nice rewards! Prize: $10 Bond for the First Farming Pet Thanks for taking part in our events, and if you have any feedback or suggestions for future events, please suggest them via Discord.
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