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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/23 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    General Information The first players to obtain the unique items below will be provided with store credits and the first place winner of each item will be rewarded with a unique in-game title of "Thirsty" What are the rules/regulations? - All game modes are free to participate bearing in mind usual ironman restrictions/HC deaths will still apply - Official Zenyte rules must be followed at all times - Store credits will be provided once the event has concluded. - Screenshots are required to be posted on this thread in order to receive a reward - The Staff Team reserves the rights to suspend any members as they deem necessary Blood Shard 1st Place - 200 Store Credits and Thirsty title - Winner: Fe Hop 2nd Place - 100 Store Credits - Winner: Jerrypeter Claws of Callisto 1st Place - 200 Store Credits and Thirsty title - Winner: Noir 2nd Place - 100 Store Credits - Winner: Svensei Voidwaker Hilt 1st Place - 200 Store Credits and Thirsty title - Winner: Kim Jong Un 2nd Place - 100 Store Credits - Winner: Svensei Skull of Vet'ion 1st Place - 200 Store Credits and Thirsty title - Winner: Noir 2nd Place - 100 Store Credits - Winner: Svensei Voidwaker Blade 1st Place - 200 Store Credits and Thirsty title - Winner: Abz 2nd Place - 100 Store Credits - Winner: Kim Jong Un Fangs of Venenatis 1st Place - 200 Store Credits and Thirsty title - Winner: Paidmydues 2nd Place - 100 Store Credits - Winner: Hiel114 Voidwaker Gem 1st Place - 200 Store Credits and Thirsty title - Winner: Noir 2nd Place - 100 Store Credits - Winner: Fe Hop Basilisk Jaw 1st Place - 200 Store Credits and Thirsty title - Winner: Fe Hop 2nd Place - 100 Store Credits - Winner: Jerrypeter
  2. 1 point
    Poggers looking forward to the update!
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
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