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30 pointsExtensive Slayer Guide Slayer is a skill where the player is given a certain task by a slayer master. The player must then slay the assigned monster in order to gain experience in the skill. Once the task has been completed, the player is also awarded with slayer points based on what Slayer Master is chosen. Slayer Monsters To find Slayer Monsters, use the Wikipedia Orb. To use the Wiki Orb, insert the name of the NPC to find out where they are. You can also use the ::wiki command. E.g. ::wiki crawling hand Slayer Masters Turael: 0 Points Mazchna: 4 Points (⚔20) Vannaka: 8 Points (⚔40) Chaeldar: 20 Points (⚔70) Nieve: 24 Points (⚔85) Duradel: 30 Points (⚔100 + 50) Konar: 36 Points (⚔75) Krystalia: 50 Points Slayer Monsters & Tasks
27 pointsHi! Welcome to my Diaries Guide. This will be a handy tool to have on the side, once you're finally ready to start grinding out diaries! It's a great idea to bang out the diaries on your way to max, as on a x25 account, these will give you over 4 million xp, and you can finish one or two of the harder/longer skills, like Farming, Herblore, Smithing and Slayer. Each diary will have a number, and each sub-diary will have a number. So if you'd want to go to Karamja medium diary tasks, for example, you should go to 7.2. Note: There will be some running, stamina potions or a high agility is recommended. Formatting of Tasks is like: TASK ASSIGNED - HOW TO COMPLETE IT example: Make Radi a happy guy - Get him good RNG at bosses. Enjoy -Radi Table of Content Before you start Ardougne Desert Falador Fremennik Kandarin Karamja Lumbridge & Draynor Morytania Varrock Western Provinces Wilderness Claiming your rewards Hope you will enjoy. 1. Before you start Before you begin your Diary journey, if you're like me, and wait untill you're nearly maxed to do them, this tip is gonna save you a lot of time. PLANT THESE SEEDS BEFORE YOU START THE DIARY. AND IF THEY DIE. USE REVIVE SPELL FROM THE ARCEUUS SPELLBOOK ON THE DEAD PLANT! ALSO MAKE SURE YOU USE FERTILE SOIL SPELL FROM LUNAR SPELLBOOK ON THESE PATCHES TO INCREASE THEIR CHANCE OF NOT DYING ! Palm Tree, Tree Gnome Village. Poison Ivy Bush, South of Ardougne by the Monastery Torstol Herb, North of Ardougne Limpwurt Flower, Catherby Dwarf Weed Herb, Catherby Palm Tree, Brimhaven, (Knocks off two diaries) Calquat tree, Tai Bwo Wannai. Belladonna patch, Draynor Manor. Bittercap Mushrooms, CKS Fairy ring, Canifis. Palm Tree, Lletya Jute Seed, North of McGrubor's Wood (Northwest of Camelot) 2. Ardougne 2.1 Ardougne Easy 2.1.1 Ardougne Easy requirements: 5 Thieving. Have wizard Cromperty teleport you to the Rune Essence mine. - Go to the north-east most house of ardougne, and teleport to the mine. http://prntscr.com/o4on37 Steal a cake from Ardougne market stalls. - Steal a cake from the cake stall in the north east centre. There's a baker by the stall. (Watch out the guards aggro.) Use the altar in East Ardougne's church. - Go to the only church in East Ardougne, and pray at it. (You must not be full prayer points) Enter the Combat Training Camp north of W. Ardougne. - Simply enter the Training Camp. Picture for path assistance: http://prntscr.com/o4oq18 Use the Ardougne Lever to teleport to the Wilderness. - NB: THIS IS THE WILDERNESS. YOU CAN DIE. BANK YOUR ITEMS IF YOU'RE UNWILLING TO RISK. - Use the lever located in the western end of East Ardougne behind the castle, to teleport yourself into the wilderness. View Aleck's Hunter Emporium in Yanille. - Minigame teleport to Nightmare Zone, and run into Yanille. Trade "Aleck" in the hunter shop, southwest of the Magic Guild to complete the task. Congratulations, Ardougne Easy diary, has been completed. 2.2 Ardougne Medium 2.2.1 Ardougne Medium requirements: 51 Magic, 38 Thieving. Enter the Unicorn pen in Ardougne zoo using Fairy rings. - Wield a dramen staff (purchaseable from the Magic shop at home) and use the Fairy ring located at home with the code "B I S" Cast the Ardougne Teleport spell - From the Normal spellbook, use the Ardougne Teleport spell. 2 Law + 2 Water. Pickpocket the master farmer north of Ardougne - Pickpocket him, he is located around this area: http://prntscr.com/o4ov08 Congratulations, Ardougne Medium diary, has been completed. 2.3 Ardougne Hard 2.3.1 Ardougne Hard requirements: 66 Magic, 59 Hunter, 70 Farming, 68 Smithing, 65 Runecrafting. Enter the Magic Guild - Enter the big round building in the middle of Yanille. (Once again, you can use the Nightmare Zone minigame teleport, to go to Yanille.) Teleport to the Watchtower - From the Normal spellbook, use the Watchtower Teleport spell. 2 Law + 2 Earth. Catch a Red Salamander - Use a Small Fishing Net and a Rope to catch a Red Salamander, with a Net Trap. Location: http://prntscr.com/o4oxug *Use Spirit Tree at home to Battlefield of Khazard, or use Ourania Teleport from the Lunar Spellbook. 6 Earth + 1 Law + 2 Astral Check the health of a Palm Tree near the Tree Gnome Village - Use the Spirit tree at home, to go to Tree Gnome Village (option 1) and run west, squeeze through the railing, and follow Elkoy, Run southwest and check health of your palm tree. Location: http://prntscr.com/o4oyxz Pick some Poison Ivy berries from the patch south of Ardougne - Pick some berries, off the Poison Ivy bush next to the monastery. (Thx Obby ) Smith a Mithril platebody near Ardougne - Use 5 Mithril bars and a hammer on the anvil located at either Port Khazard, Yanille or West Ardougne (use Arceuus Teleport, as the West Adrougne door doesn't work. 2x Soul, 2x Law) Smith a Dragon sq shield in West Ardougne. - Use a Shield Left Half, and a Shield Right Half ON THE ANVIL IN WEST ARDOUGNE (IMPORTANT)! In order to do this you will need a Shield Left Half, which as of the point of making this guide, is ultra rare to obtain. It's obtained by hitting the mega-rare drop table on pvm monsters. Many people do not know about GORAKS IN GORAK PLANE FAIRY CODE "DIR" These monsters with a Ring of Wealth equipped have a 1/250 roughly chance of dropping a shield left half. Grinding this out would be your best option at the moment, it takes 30-60mins. Buying from other players would be viable too. You can purchase the Right Shield Half from the Legends guild shop "Siegfried Erkle" at the top floor, of the main building for 750k.) - This will be the hardest diary to complete in all of the diaries. To get into West Ardougne. Use the West Ardougne Teleport on the Arceuus Spellbook. 2x Law + 2x Soul Craft some Death Runes. - Run through the abyss, into the Death Altar and Runecraft some Death Runes by using Pure Essence Congratulations, Ardougne Hard diary, has been completed. 2.4 Ardougne Elite 2.4.1 Ardougne Elite requirements: 80 Thieving, 10 Crafting, 91 Smithing, 69 Fletching, 85 Farming. Pickpocket a Hero - Pickpocket a hero in the centre of Ardougne. Make a rune crossbow yourself from scratch within Witchhaven or Yanille - Items Required: Yew Log, Runite Bar, Hammer, Knife, Sinew. Obtain Sinew by: Use Raw Meat (Obtained fom a Cow) on a cooking range (The one at home) and make Sinew. Proceed to make Rune Crossbow: 1: Smith Rune Limbs in Yanille using the Anvils. 2: Fletch a Yew Stock using your Yew Logs in Yanille. (option 4 on the log) 3: Teleport home and use the Teleport portal, to go to Ardougne 4: Go east into Witchaven and use your sinew on the spinning wheel to get a crossbow string. 5: Use the Yew Stock on the Runite Limbs 6: Use the Crossbow String on the Unstrung Rune Crossbow. Pick some Torstol from the patch north of Ardougne - Pick some Torstol herbs from the herb patch north of Ardougne. Congratulations, Ardougne Elite diary, has been completed. 3. Desert 3.1 Desert Easy 3.1.1 Desert Easy requirements: 5 Hunter, 5 Mining. 3.1.2 Desert easy Pro Tip: Kalphite Queen Boss Teleport is very useful. Catch a Golden Warbler - Use a Bird Snare to catch the Golden Warbler at this location: http://prntscr.com/o4s98c Mine 5 clay in the north-eastern desert - Use any Pickaxe to mine 5x Clay at this location: http://prntscr.com/o4saqc Enter the Kalphite Hive. - Teleport to Kalphite Queen using Boss Teleports at home, Bring a rope and attach to the entrance. Go down. Enter the desert with a set of Desert robes equipped - Teleport to Kalphite Queen using Boss Teleports at home, go into Al-Kharid, buy a shantay pass, full desert robes, and a couple of waterskins, you will need both filled and unfilled in the future, so buy some of each. Kill a vulture - NB CANT BE KILLED WITH MELEE, BRING RUNES/RANGED - Pro tip: Use Ice Barrage to unlock an Elite task aswell. Teleport to Nardah, and run to kill a Vulture at this location: http://prntscr.com/o4sf2l Congratulations, Desert Easy diary, has been completed. 3.2 Desert Medium 3.2.1 Desert Medium Requirements: 22 Slayer, 47 Hunter, 36 Herblore, 35 Woodcutting. Slay a Desert Lizard - NB YOU NEED AN ICE COOLER TO EXECUTE THIS MONSTER (Like you would use rock hammer on gargoyles) - Buy one in the Slayer Shop at Home! - Kill a Desert Lizard at this location: http://prntscr.com/o4sj0i Catch an Orange Salamander - Catch an Orange Salamander with a Net Trap. These are located just north of the Desert Lizards, use same picture for reference. (Rope & Small Fishing Net Required for Net Traps.) Pray at the Elidinis Statuette in Nardah - Teleport to Nardah from Home, and run north into the house there. You will find a statuette, pray at it. Create a combat potion in the desert - You need a Harralander and a Grounded Desert Goat Horn (pestle and mortar on Desert Goat Horn.) Teleport to Nardah, and run West to the Crevice. Mix the potion here. in order to 100% not fail this task. Chop some Teak Logs near Uzer - There's one tree here at Uzer, bring an Axe. Location: http://prntscr.com/o4sn2r Congratulations, Desert Medium diary, has been completed. 3.3 Desert Hard 3.3.1 Desert Hard Requirements: 68 Magic, 65 Slayer, 10 Defence, 55 Crafting, 60 Firemaking, 68 Smithing. Unlocked Slayer Helm from Slayer Shop (400pts) Desert Hard Recommenadtions: 90+ Range, 90+ Melees (To Kill KQ, as it's a task) Refill your waterskins in the Desert using Lunar magic - Use Humidify (1x Astral, 3x Water, 1x Fire) whilst you have an empty waterskin in your inventory, in the Desert. Kill the Kalphite Queen - Kill the KQ, bring a Rope for 2nd staircase. Find a KQ guide on youtube. Pro tip: Bring Veng/a recoil and step under boss. (Void right now has super high defences, use whilst you can) Slay a Dust Devil with a Slayer helmet equipped. - Can be done in the Kourend Catacombs (Dungeon Teleport) Burn some yew logs on the Nardah Mayor's balcony - Teleport to Nardah and run straight east into the building with the quest sign, go up the stairs, and light a fire with a Yew Log on the balcony. (The light sandy color) Picture for reference of where I lit my fire. http://prntscr.com/o4t3qc Create a Mithril Platebody in Nardah - Smith a Mithril platebody with 5 Mithril bars & a Hammer on the Anvil in the Northwestern Nardah. Congratulations, Desert Hard diary, has been completed. 3.4 Desert Elite 3.4.1 Desert Elite Requirements: 94 Magic, 95 Fletching, 85 Prayer. Cast Ice Barrage against a foe in the Desert. - Litterally just chuck an Ice Barrage (4x Death + 2x Blood + 6x Water) against any foe in the Desert. NB: MUST NOT SPLASH Fletch some Dragon darts at the Bedabin Camp - Buy 1 Dragon dart tip and 1 feather on G.E, teleport to KQ and run south west to the Bedabin Camp. Fletch the dart beside the big Tropical Tree with a Pond to complete the task. Restore at least 85 Prayer points when praying at the Altar in Sophanem - Drain your prayer to 0, and teleport to Sophanem, use the altar in the South western Sophanem, and recharge AT LEAST 85 Prayer Points. (1-84 Prayer points recharged will not complete the task.) Congratulations, Desert Elite diary, has been completed. 4 Falador 4.1 Falador Easy 4.1.1 Falador Easy Requirements: 5 Agility, 10 Mining, 13 Smithing 4.1.2 Falador Easy Recommendations: 25+ Hitpoints and Lobsters+ as you will run past ice giants & warriors. Climb over the western Falador wall - This is the wall heading to Taverley dungeon, go west past the bank and you will see it. Browse Sarah's Farm shop - Teleport to Draynor Village and run north, untill you reach the road going through a fence, go west along the road untill you get to the farm. Inside the farm is the npc "Sarah", Trade her. Get a Haircut from the Falador Hairdresser - Costs 1k, change hair style to litterally anything Fill a bucket from the pump north of Falador west bank - Get a bucket from south west home General Store, and head to falador, theres a pump north of the western bank, use your bucket on it. Kill a duck in Falador park - Bring ranged and kill a lvl 1 duck in the falador park, located east of teleport spot. Take the boat to Entrana - Can't have any armors/weapons equipped, go to the Monks located in Port Sarim, and take the boat to Entrana Smith some Blurite Limbs on Doric's Anvil - Bring a Pickaxe and a hammer, 25+ Hitpoints recommended and if you're lower than 40 hp, bring some food. Teleport to Asgarnian Ice Caves from Home under the category "Dungeons", and go through it, taking the first path to the east you see. Go along this path untill you see the wyvern entry, but don't go in. Instead, mine the blurite rocks that are by the entrance. They're a very standout blue color, and the only mineable object in the mine. Take 2 just in case. Next go home, and smelt them in the furnace. Next, teleport to Falador and head north, untill you reach Doric's Hut. Here you will make the Blurite Limbs. Location: http://prntscr.com/o4tw0p Congratulations, Falador Easy diary, has been completed. 4.2 Falador Medium 4.2.1 Falador Medium Requirements: 49 Firemaking, 37 Magic, 40 Thieving, 10 Prayer, 20 Defence, 30 Woodcutting, 40 Mining, 40 Crafting. Light a Bullseye lantern at the Chemist's in Rimmington - Use tinderbox on Bullseye lantern inside the house. http://prntscr.com/o4unkd Telegrab some Wine of Zamorak at the Chaos Temple by the Wilderness - Telegrab a wine of Zamorak from here, NB: MUST STILL BE INSIDE TEMPLE WHEN WINE GOES INTO INVENTORY, ELSE TASK DOESN'T UPDATE! Location: http://prntscr.com/o4ujyo Unlock the Crystal chest in Taverley - Use a Crystal Key on the Crystal Chest in Taverley. Location: http://prntscr.com/o4uj7l Pickpocket a Falador guard - Teleport to Falador and Pickpocket a Guard. Pray at the Altar of Guthix in Taverley whilst wearing full Initiate - Litterally just do what it says. Altar is where you normally start and finish the herblore skill. Buy the initiate (and for the future proselyte aswell) from Sir Amik Varze in Falador Park. Mine some Gold ore at the Crafting Guild - (Either a Brown Apron or a Crafting Skillcape is required to enter the Crafting Guild.) Mine a gold ore with your pickaxe. - Skillcape can directly teleport you to it, and allows bank access. Chop and burn some willow logs in Taverley - Willow trees are located south of the Taverley Teleport. Chop and Burn a lot. Teleport to Falador - Normal Spellbook Teleport to Falador. (1x Law, 3x Air, 1x Water) Congratulations, Falador Medium diary, has been completed. 4.3 Falador Hard 4.3.1 Falador Hard Requirements: 56 Runecrafting, 72 Slayer, 50 Agility, 30 Defence. A combined Atk&Str Level of aleast 130. (65 str + 65 atk for example) Falador Hard Recommendations: High (80+ Attack & Strength) for Giant Mole Kill. Dharoks is very good. Also 43+ Prayer would be decent for this. Craft 140 Mind runes simultaneously - Stock up an inventory of pure essence, and abyss runecraft mind runes. Kill the Giant Mole beneath Falador park - Bring a spade, light source, and combat gear & supplies to kill a Giant Mole. It's located on the Mole Hills in Falador Park BRING A STAMINA! Kill a Skeletal Wyvern in the Asgarnia Ice Dungeon - Kill a Skeletal Wyvern. Buy an elemental shield from the armour shop southeast of home. Teleport to Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. Kill with either combat style you prefer. Melee>Range>Mage. Complete a lap of the Falador rooftop agility course - Complete one lap. Course starts in south-east Falador. Recharge your prayer in the Port Sarim church while wearing full Proselyte - Litterally just do what it says. Go to Asgarnian Ice Dungeon and run to Port Sarim with Proselyte equipped. Pray at the altar. Location: http://prntscr.com/o4v023 Enter the Warriors' Guild - Teleport to Burthorpe and run west through the door with Ghommal guarding it. Congratulations, Falador Hard diary, has been completed. 4.4 Falador Elite 4.4.1 Falador Elite Requirements: 88 Runecrafting, any 99 stat & its skillcape, 81 Herblore. Craft 252 Air Runes simultaneously - Stock up an inventory with pure essence and run an abyss runecrafting run for air runes. Perform a skillcape or quest cape emote at the top of Falador Castle - Go into the Falador Castle south of the Teleport spot, and go up 3 sets of stairs on the western side, Perform a skillcape emote. Mix a Saradomin brew in Falador east bank - Toadflax potion (unf) + Crushed nest = Saradomin Brew. Mix it in East falador Bank. Congratulations, Falador Elite diary, has been completed. 5 Fremennik 5.1 Fremennik Easy 5.1.1 Fremenneik Easy Requirements: 11 Hunter, 23 Crafting, 20 Mining, 20 Smithing, 5 Thieving, 15 Woodcutting, 15 Firemaking. Catch a Cerulean twitch - Use a Bird Snare at this location: http://prntscr.com/o4vyx6 Use the fairy ring code "D K S" and run west then north, untill you are at the spot. Kill 5 Rock crabs - Everyone should know how to do this. In case you dont, Get a weapon and go with fairy rings to code "D K S" and run west. Kill 5. Craft a tiara from scratch in Rellekka - You need a pickaxe and a Tiara mould. Mine a silver ore in the mine, which is located in north east Rellekka. After this go to Southwest Rellekka and smith the Ore into a bar. Now use the Silver Bar on the Furnace once again, in order to smith a Tiara. Browse the Stonemasons shop - Trade the guy in this house, in Keldagrim. http://prntscr.com/o4wnbk Collect 5 Snape grass on Waterbirth Island - Go to waterbirth with the guy on the westernmost dock of Rellekka. Steal from the Keldagrim crafting or baker's stall - Minigame teleport to Blast furnace and steal from this stall: http://prntscr.com/o4w7f1 Fill a bucket with water at the Rellekka well - Use a bucket at the water mark of Rellekka, Southeast. Chop and burn some oak logs in the Fremennik Province - Go south of Rellekka to find some Oak Trees. Chop one log, and Light it. Congratulations, Western Provinces Easy diary, has been completed. 5.2 Fremennik Medium 5.2.1 Fremennik Medium Requirements: 30 Mining, 42 Thieving. Mine some coal in Rellekka - Mine one coal ore at the same spot, where you mined the silver ore. Steal from the Rellekka Fish stalls - Litterally just do what it says. Middle of Rellekka is a lot of fish stalls, steal from one of them. Travel to miscellania by Fairy ring - Fairy ring code: "C I P" Congratulations, Western Provinces Medium diary, has been completed. 5.3 Fremennik Hard 5.3.1 Fremennik Hard Requirements: 55 Hunter, 66 Herblore, 75 Thieving, 70 Mining, 72 Magic Teleport to Trollheim - Normal spellbook Trollheim Teleport. 2x Law + 2x Fire. Catch a Sabre-toothed Kyatt - Use Pitfall trap at the same place you hunted the bird in the first place. Fairy ring: "D K S" and run North-west. Mix a super defence potion in the Fremennik province - Teleport to Rellekka with a Cadantine Potion (unf) & a White Berry in your inventory, and make the defence potion in Rellekka. Steal from the Keldagrim Gem Stall - Steal from this stall, located the same place as the Baker's stall in the easy diary. Mine 5 Adamantite ores on Jatizo - Teleport To Rellekka, and go northeast along the shore untill you see Mord Gunnars, Right click him, and go to Jatizo. Now follow this road, into the cave, and mine 5 adamantite ores: http://prntscr.com/o4xnud Teleport to Waterbirth Island - Use the Waterbirth Teleport in your Lunar Spellbook. 1x Law. 2x Astral. 1x Water Congratulations, Western Provinces Hard diary, has been completed. 5.4 Fremennik Elite 5.4.1 Fremennik Elite Requirements: 82 Runecrafting, 80 Crafting, 83 Slayer, 70 Agility, 70 Strength, 70 Hitpoints, 70 Ranged Fremennik elite Recommendations: 90+ all combats (70+ prayer) & solid pvm gear. Kill each of the Dagannoth Kings. - Gear up and kill the DKS located on Waterbirth Island. For a more detailed guide on this, look up youtube. Craft 56 Astral runes at once - Full inventory of pure essence, do a run of Abyss Rcing for Astrals, or if you Don't want to go to wilderness, lunar home teleport to Lunar isle, and run from there. Create a Dragonstone amulet in the Neitiznot furnace - You need a Dragonstone, Gold bar and Amulet mould (No need to string it). Make the Dragonstone Amulet in the Furnace. Kill each of the Godwars Generals - Kill each of the godwars Generals located north of Trollheim, in God Wars Dungeon. For further guides on this, look up youtube. Slay a Spiritual mage within the Godwars Dungeon - Get this out of the way when doing killcount for Saradomin or Zamorak. Congratulations, Western Provinces Elite diary, has been completed. 6 Kandarin 6.1 Kandarin Easy 6.1.1 Kandarin Easy Requirements: 16 Fishing, 13 Farming Catch a Mackerel at Catherby - Big fishing net at Catherby Shore. Buy a candle from the Chandler in Catherby - Buy a candle from this store. Bring money. http://prntscr.com/o4z04h Collect five Flax from the Seers' flax fields - Do as said in the description, South of Seers village. Plant some jute seeds in the patch north of McGrubor's Wood - NB: fairy code doesnt work properly here, walk from Camelot. Congratulations, Kandarin Easy diary, has been completed. 6.2 Kandarin Medium 6.2.1 Kandarin Medium Requirements: 35 Agility, 48 Herblore, 46 Fishing, 43 Cooking, 45 Magic, 50 Fletching, 26 Farming, 30 Mining Complete a lap of the Barbarian Agility Course - Misc. Teleports -> Barbarian Outpost, teleports you into the agility area. Create a Super Antipoison potion from scratch in the Seers/Catherby Area - NB: You dont actually have to plant the seed. Just have a Vial of water, an Irit and a Unicorn horn dust in your inventory, to make it. Obviously be in the Seers/Catherby Area. Either bank will work fine. Catch and cook a Bass in Catherby - Catch it on the Catherby Shore and cook it on the range when running towards the bank. (BIG NET FISHING) String a Maple Shortbow in Seers' Village bank - Use a Bowstring and a Maple Shortbow (u) with eachother in the SEERS VILLAGE BANK (Not Catherby) Pick some Limpwurt Root from the Farming patch in Catherby - Do as the challenge says, you should have it pre-planted if you read this guide from start to finish. Travel to McGrubor's Wood by Fairy Ring - Fairy ring Code: "A L S" Mine some coal near the coal trucks - Mine some coal at this spot. Remember your pickaxe. http://prntscr.com/o4zdhd Congratulations, Kandarin Medium diary, has been completed. 6.3 Kandarin Hard 6.3.1 Kandarin Hard Requirements: 70 Fishing, 60 Agility, 45 Strength, 60 Woodcutting, 70 Fletching, 10 Crafting, 70 Prayer, 70 Defence, 56 Magic, 65 Firemaking. Catch a Leaping Sturgeon - Search under Otto's bed for a Barbarian fishing rod. Have feathers in your inventory to start barbarian fishing. Note you need to catch the Sturgeon, so bring more than one feather. Location of fishing rod: http://prntscr.com/o4zqrp Complete a lap of Seers' Village agility course - Starts in Seer's village bank, climb up the window. Create a Yew Longbow from Scratch around Seers' Village - You can use a Bowstring, without stringing the flax, however you need to chop the Yew Log yourself. 1: Chop Yew Log. 2: Make Yew Longbow (u). 3: Use bow string on Yew Longbow (u) Enter the Seers' Village Courthouse with Piety turned on - Go into this house, with piety turned on: http://prntscr.com/o4zsif Charge a Water Orb - Have an uncharged orb (You can get one from Molten glassblowing) in your inventory, make sure you are on normals, with runes for "Charge Water Orb" on you (3x Cosmic, 30x Water). Teleport to Taverley Dungeon, and run through it. Recommended is either 70 or 80 agility, so you dont have to run all the way around the dungeon. Once you reach the end, climb up the ladder, and use the spell on the obelisk. Burn some Maple Logs with a bow in Seers' Village - Use a bow on Maple logs, in order to light them. You can do this outside Seers' Village bank. Kill a Mithril Dragon - Arguably the hardest task in this diary. Get an anti-dragon shield, and kill it with your preferred attack style. Anything can work. Location of Mithril Dragons: http://prntscr.com/o4zw2x (DIRECTIONS: Run east down the stairs after the whirlpool jump, and go up another set of stairs past the Brutal Green Dragons, in order to get to Mithril Dragons. Smith an Adamant spear at Otto's Grotto - Yew Logs, Adamantite Bar and a Hammer is needed. Smith an Adamant spear on the anvil next to Otto's Grotto, where you found the Fishing rod in the first place. Congratulations, Kandarin Hard diary, has been completed. 6.4 Kandarin Elite 6.4.1 Kandarin Elite Requirements: 79 Farming, 90 Smithing, 87 Magic Pick some Dwarf weed from the herb patch at Catherby - You should've had this pre-planted and ready to harvest. Smith a Rune Hasta at Otto's Grotto - Items needed: Runite Bar, Magic logs & Hammer. Smith same place as Adamant Spear. Teleport to Catherby - Teleport to Catherby using the Lunar Spellbook. Runes: 3x Law + 3x Astral + 10x Water. Congratulations, Kandarin Elite diary, has been completed. 7. Karamja 7.1 Karamja Easy 7.1.1 Karamja Easy Requirements: 40 Mining Mine some gold ore from the rocks on the north-west peninsula of Karamja - Mine a gold ore from this 10 ore vein (Also a good spot for mining, if crafting guild is camped.) Location: http://prntscr.com/o51hh9 Travel to Port Sarim via the Dock, east of Musa Point. - Use this pay-fare to travel to Port Sarim, Costs 30gp. Location: http://prntscr.com/o51i0f Travel to Ardougne via the port near Brimhaven - Use this travel method to travel to Ardougne. Location: http://prntscr.com/o520xg Use the fishing spots north of the banana plantation - The good old days where F2P people fished lobsters here. http://prntscr.com/o52291 Attempt the Tzhaar Fight Pits or Fight Cave - Minigame teleport to Fight Pit and run to the cave. You don't have to complete it. Congratulations, Karamja Easy diary, has been completed. 7.2 Karamja Medium 7.2.1 Karamja Medium Requirements: 50 Woodcutting, 65 Fishing, 27 Farming, 41 Hunter, 12 Agility Cut a log from a teak tree - Buy a Machete from the Tai bwo wannai shops, and take your axe with you, and make yourself way into the Khazri jungle on the bottom of entrana, unless you want to get trading sticks. You can teleport to Shilo village, and go out. Here's the location of the trees. http://prntscr.com/o5aeuj Cut a log from a mahogany tree - Same as Teak tree guide. Location: http://prntscr.com/o5aeuj Catch a karambwam - Buy a Karamwan Vessel from here http://prntscr.com/o5afnf , Fish yourself 10-20 karambwanji's to be safe from here: http://prntscr.com/o5afxi , then go to fairy ring code "D K P", walk north and fish a karambwan. **Catch more than one, as you need to fully cook one, and burn rate is high on these, unless you have 99 cooking with skillcape perk. Grow a healthy fruit tree in the patch near Brimhaven - Should have it pre-planted. if you read full guide. Trap a horned graahk - With a teasing stick and some logs & a knife, use the teasing trapping method on the graahks located here: http://prntscr.com/o5agx7 Chop the vines to gain deeper access to Brimhaven Dungeon - Teleport to Brimhaven Dungeon, and cut the vines straight to the west. Remember an axe. Cross the lava using the stepping stones within Brimhaven Dungeon - West of the vines the path split in four, Take the northwestern most path, and spring across the stepping stones. This is the way: http://prntscr.com/o5aiez Climb the stairs within Brimhaven Dungeon - After you cross the stepping stones from the previous step. Climb up the stairs located here: http://prntscr.com/o5air4 Charter a ship from the shipyard in the far east of Karamja - Remember Coins. Use the fairy ring "D K P" and run along this path. Use a charter ship from here. http://prntscr.com/o5ajin Congratulations, Karamja Medium diary, has been completed. 7.3 Karamja Hard 7.3.1 Karamja Hard Requirements: 44 Runecrafitng, 30 Cooking, 100 Combat, 50 Slayer, 12 Agility, 34 Woodcutting. Successfully kill a Ket-Zek (Lvl 360 Mage) in the Fight Caves - Start the fight caves, and make your way to the magers, it should be fairly easy. If you're donator, you start at wave 31, and just have to kill one monster. Craft some Nature Runes - Fill your inventory up with nature runes and do a quick trip of abyss runecrafting, Cook a karambwan thoroughly - Cook a karambwan, so it's eatable. (the white option) Be assigned a Slayer task by Duradel north of Shilo Village - Teleport to Shilo village, and go to the norhtern house, up the ladder. Go north and get a Slayer assignment. Kill a metal dragon in Brimhaven Dungeon - Kill a metal dragon located in the southernmost end of the cave. Remember an axe. http://prntscr.com/o5bk8z Congratulations, Karamja Hard diary, has been completed. 7.4 Karamja Elite 7.4.1 Karamja Elite Requirements: 91 Runecrafting, 72 Farming, 87 Herblore Craft 56 Nature runes at once - Fill your inventory and make a trip to the abyss nature rift. Equip a Fire Cape or Infernal Cape in the Tzhaar city - Obtain a Fire Cape either by completing the caves, or donating for one, and equip it in the Tzhaar area. Check the health of a Palm Tree in Brimhaven - Should have had it pre-planted, and ready to check health of. Create an antivenom potion whilst standing in the horse shoe mine - This is the same area as you mined the gold ore. Create it by using Zulrah's scales and an Antidote++ Check the health of your Calquat Tree patch - Should have it pre-planted and ready to check health of. Congratulations, Karamja Elite diary, has been completed. 8 Lumbridge & Draynor 8.1 Lumbridge & Draynor Easy 8.1.1 Lumbridge & Draynor Easy Requirements: 10 Agility, 7 Slayer, 5 Runecrafting, 15 Fishing, 15 Mining Complete a lap of the Draynor Village Agility course - Teleport to Draynor Village and go East then North untill you see an Agility course, climb up the wall. Slay a Cave Bug beneath Lumbridge Swamp - Remember a Light source, and go down into the Lumbridge Swamp. Kill a cave bug down there. Location: http://prntscr.com/o5mf5p Have Seridor teleport you to the Essence Mine - Use the Teleport option on Wizard Seridor located in the basement of the Wizard's Tower, to teleport you to the Essence Mine. Craft some Water Runes - Fill up your inventory with Rune/Pure Essence, and make a run in the abyss. Learn your age from Hans in Lumbridge - Right click hans at Lumbridge Castle, and choose the "Age" option. Pickpocket a man or woman in Lumbridge - Find a man or a woman, and pickpocket the NPC. Chop and burn some oak logs in Lumbridge - Remember an Axe and a Tinderbox. Location of Oak Trees in Lumbridge: http://prntscr.com/o5mh7t Kill a Zombie in Draynor Sewers - To speed it up, bring a weapon. Location of Sewers: http://prntscr.com/o5mht3 Catch some Anchovies in Al Kharid - Use a small net here: http://prntscr.com/o5mkh6 Bake some Bread on the Lumbridge kitchen range - Have dough in your inventory (Made from a bucket of water, and a pot of flour), and use the Lumbridge cooking range to make Bread. Mine some Iron ore at the Al Kharid mine - Remember your pickaxe, Teleport to Al Kharid and run north to the mine. Mine an Iron ore. Enter tha H.A.M Hideout - Pick the lock of the trapdoor located here: http://prntscr.com/o5motu Congratulations, Lumbridge & Draynor Easy diary, has been completed. 8.2 Lumbridge & Draynor Medium 8.2.1 Lumbridge & Draynor Medium Requirements: 20 Agility, 31 Magic, 30 Fishing, 38 Crafting, 30 Woodcutting, 70 Combat, 23 Runecrafting Complete a lap of the Al Kharid agility course - Do what the challenge says. Teleport to Al Kharid and run Northeast to get to the Agility course. Travel to the Wizards' Tower by Fairy ring - Teleport with the "D I S" Fairy ring code, to the Wizards' Tower. Cast the Teleport to Lumbridge spell - From the Normal Spellbook, cast the "Teleport to Lumbridge" spell. 1x Law, 3x Air, 1x Earth. Catch some Salmon in Lumbridge - Remember a fishing rod and either bait or feathers, bring more than one, as theres a higher chance to catch a Trout. Location: http://prntscr.com/o5myek Craft a coif in the Lumbridge cow pen - Have soft leather, thread and needle in your inventory (Long method, kill a cow and go tan the hides into soft leather) Go to the Cow pit in Lumbridge and craft the Coif. Only one piece is needed. Chop some willow logs in Draynor Village - South of the bank, if you're a skiller or low-level in hp, watch out for the Dark Wizards. Get a task from Chaeldar - Go to Zanaris with the Fairy ring at home, and go to the Throne room, where Chaeldar is located. Location: http://prntscr.com/o5n03b Craft some Lava runes at the Fire Altar in Al Kharid - RECOMMENDED: BINDING NECKLACE ON YOU! - Have either runes for magic imbue or an earth talisman, and earth runes in your inventory. Go to the fire altar, use magic imbue and then earth runes on the fire altar. If using an earth talisman instead of Magic Imbue, use the talisman on the altar. **NOTE NOT WEARING A BINDING NECKLACE MIGHT FAIL YOU IN COMBINING THE RUNES AND YOU WONT GET THE DIARY. (obtain a binding necklace from the abyssal creatures in the abyss). Congratulations, Lumbridge & Draynor Medium diary, has been completed. 8.3 Lumbridge & Draynor Hard 8.3.1 Lumbridge & Draynor Hard Requirements: 60 Magic, 59 Runecrafting, 57 Woodcutting, 63 Farming, 52 Prayer, 70 Crafting Cast Bones to Peaches in Al Kharid palace - Learn bones to peaches from the Mage Training Arena (This might take a little time), and cast it in the Al Kharid Palace, in the middle of Al Kharid. Craft 56 Cosmic runes simultaneously - Stock up your inventory with pure essence and make a trip to the cosmic altar by the Abyss. Travel from Lumbridge to Edgeville on a Waka Canoe - Remember an axe, go to the goblins over the bridge from Lumbridge Castle. Purchase some Barrows gloves from the Lumbridge bank chest - Lumbridge basement, purchase Barrows gloves for 130k. Pick some Belladonna from the Farming patch at Draynor Manor - Should have this pre-planted, and ready to harvest. Recharge your prayer at Clan Wars with Smite activated - Do as the task says, here's how you get to the Location, either get a ring of Duelling, or run from Al Kharid. http://prntscr.com/o5os1c Craft, string and enchant an Amulet of Power in Lumbridge - You will need a Diamond, Ball of wool (Shear a sheep and use the spinning wheel in lumbridge castle, need a Shears). Gold bar an amulet mould, and runes to use Enchant Diamond Jewelry. (1x Cosmic, 10x Earth) - Use the Gold bar on the furnace in Lumbridge, Make unstrung Diamond Amulet. Use ball of wool on the Unstrung Amulet. Enchant it. Congratulations, Lumbridge & Draynor Hard diary, has been completed. 8.4 Lumbridge & Draynor Elite 8.4.1 Lumbridge & Draynor Elite Requirements: 75 Woodcutting, 88 Smithing, 76 Runecrafting Chop some Magic Logs at the Mage Training Arena - Remember an axe. Chop them by the Mage Training Arena's entrance. Smith an Adamand Platebody down Draynor sewer - Remember 5 adamant bars and a hammer. Smith it at the Draynor Sewer Anvil (Where you killed the zombie) Craft 140 or more Water runes at once - Fill up inventory with Pure Essence, and make yourself way to the Abyss water rift. Congratulations, Lumbridge & Draynor Elite diary, has been completed. 9 Morytania (swampletics) 9.1 Morytania Easy 9.1.1 Morytania Easy Requirements: 20 Combat, 15 Slayer. Get a slayer task from Mazchna - Teleport to Canifis, run northeast and get a slayer task from Mazchna Kill a Banshee in the Slayer Tower - Teleport to the Slayer Tower with training teleports from home, and kill a Banshee. Remember Earmuffs/Slayer helm. Have Sbott in Canifis tan something for you - Have any tannable leather on you, his location is just north of canifis teleport. http://prntscr.com/o5ozra Enter Mort Myre Swamp - Teleport to Fairy ring code: "C K S". Run southwest and enter the swamp. Kill a Ghoul - Teleport to the Slayer Tower and run South, kill a Ghoul there. Congratulations, Morytania Easy diary, has been completed. 9.2 Morytania Medium 9.2.1 Morytania Medium Requirements 29 Hunter, 40 Agility, 35 Smithing, 22 Herblore. Catch a Swamp Lizard - Remember a Small fishing net and a Rope. Follow this path to the trap, and catch one. http://prntscr.com/o5p4z0 Complete a lap of the Canifis Agility course - Litterally just do what the task says. Teleport to Canifis, Run east, start the Agility Lap. Make a batch of Cannonballs at the Port Phasmatys furnace - Remember cannonball mould. Use a steel bar on the furnace there, and it has the option to make Cannonballs. Mix a Guthix Balance Potion while in Morytania - 1: Use a Steel Bar on the Grinder at Port Phasmatys (ectophial spot) you will get Silver Dust. Get a Restore Potion (4) (could be a restore potion 3 aswell, as im unsure which one to use, havn't done this step yet myself. Also not a Super Restore, just a Normal Restore.) And get a Garlic. Add Garlic to the Restore Potion, and AFTER THE GARLIC ADD THE SILVER DUST. This should make the Guthix Balance Potion. Congratulations, Morytania Medium diary, has been completed. 9.3 Morytania Hard 9.3.1 Morytania Hard Requirements: 71 Agility, 58 Slayer, 53 Farming. Climb the advanced spike chain within Slayer Tower - Remember a Nosepeg/instant teleport unless you want your stats drained to 0. You can of course use the heal box at home after this, if you mess up. Kill a Cave Horror - Remember Light source and Witchwood icon (buy at slayer master shop) - Use Minigame Teleport to Trouble Brewing, and run Southwest along the shore untill you reach the cave. Harvest some Bittercap Mushrooms from the patch in Canifis - Should have this pre-planted and ready to Harvest. Congratulations, Morytania Hard diary, has been completed. 9.4 Morytania Elite 9.4.1 Morytania Elite Requirements: 83 Magic, 84 Crafting, 85 Slayer, 70 Defence, 70 Attack, 70 (Strength/Ranged/Magic) (Barrows Set) Fertilize the Morytania herb patch using Lunar Magic - Go to the patch and use Fertile Soil on it. 15x Earth, 2x Nature, 3x Astral. Craft a Black dragonhide Body in Canifis Bank - Remember Thread, Needle, Tanned black dragon leather. You need 3 pieces. Craft it in the bank. Kill an Abyssal demon in the Slayer Tower - Remember nose peg to run through the aberrant spectres if you're not on task, if you're on task, go to the basement when you teleport to the Slayer Tower. Loot the Barrows chest while wearing any complete barrows set - Either do the full barrows run, or just find the brother that has crypt access. Work yourself to the chest in the middle, and open the chest WHILST WEARING 4 PIECES OF BARROWS GEAR FROM THE SAME BROTHER! (remember a spade) Congratulations, Morytania Elite diary, has been completed. 10 Varrock 10.1 Varrock Easy 10.1.1 Varrock Easy Requirements: 15 Mining, 13 Agility, 8 Crafting, 9 Runecrafting, 20 Fishing, 5 Thieving Browse Thessalia's Store. - Woman located at Varrock square clothes store. Have Aubury teleport you to the Essence mine - South of Varrock East Bank. Teleport to the Essence Mine. Mine some Iron in the south east mining patch near Varrock - Mine some Iron in the mine southeast of Varrock. Location: http://prntscr.com/o5pl4q Make a normal plank at the Sawmill - Have a Log in your inventory, and make planks at the Sawmill. Enter the Second level of the Stronghold of Security - Go down the first level of Stronghold security, and enter the portal, climb down the ladder. Jump over the fence south of Varrock - Jump over the fence here. http://prntscr.com/o5pphq Spin a bowl of the pottery wheel and fire it in the oven of Barb Village - Take a piece of Soft clay to the furnace and pottery wheel in Barbarian Village. Craft some Earth Runes - Fill your inventory with Earth Runes and take a trip to the Abyss Earth Rift. Catch some trout in the River Lum at Barbarian Village - Remember Fishing rod and Bait/Feathers, fish from this location: http://prntscr.com/o5psm0 Steal from the Tea satall in Varrock - Tea stall location: http://prntscr.com/o5pswj Congratulations, Varrock Easy diary, has been completed. 10.2 Varrock Medium 10.2.1 Varrock Medium Requirements: 25 Magic, 40 Combat, 30 Agility (50 Woodcutting not a req but needed atm of guide creation) Enter the Champion's Guild - Follow the path, and enter the building. http://prntscr.com/o5q5nm Use the spirit tree north of Varrock - Go from home to Ge and then from GE to home with spirit trees. Perform the 4 emotes from the Stronghold of Security - Search the middle chest/whatever it is for the emotes in stronghold security, and perform them. Teleport to the Digsite using a Digsite pendant - YOU DON'T NEED TO FIND IT AT MUSEUM! Get a digsite pendant (enchant ruby necklace) and teleport to Digsite. (1x Cosmic, 5x Fire) Cast the teleport to Varrock spell - Normal spellbook Varrock teleport. 1x Law. 3x Air. 1x Fire. Get a Slayer task from Vannaka - Edgeville Dungeon, enter by going down the ladder at home, behind the fairy ring/spirit tree. Make 20 Mahogany Planks in one go - This is what 50 woodcutting is recommended for, as there's not many in stock. Chop the logs yourself or buy on ge. Complete a lap of the Varrock Agility course - Start it on the east side of Varrock General Store Congratulations, Varrock Medium diary, has been completed. 10.3 Varrock Hard 10.3.1 Varrock Hard Requirements: 54 Magic, 60 Woodcutting, 60 Firemaking, 52 Prayer Make a Waka Canoe near Edgeville - Remember an axe, and make the Waka canoe at the shortcut to the GE. Teleport to Paddewwa - Ancient spellbook, teleport costs: 2x Law, 1x Fire, 1x Air. (Edge Dungeon Teleport) Teleport to the Barbarian Village with a skull sceptre - Arguably the hardest one here. Obtain a piece of the Skull scepter by killing NPC's in the Stronghold. The NPC's to kill are: Minotaurs, Flesh crawlers, Catablepons and Ankous. (Level respectively 1, 2, 3, 4.) Assemble skull pieces, then sceptre pieces, and then combine the sceptre fully. Teleport now. Chop some yew logs in Varrock and burn them at the top of the Varrock church - Yew logs found here: http://prntscr.com/o5qks4 . Chop the logs and light them at the top of the Varrock Church. http://prntscr.com/o5qlp4 Pray at the altar in Varrock palace with Smite active - Enter Varrock palace, go up the stairs, and furhter into the palace there should be an altar, put on smite and pray. Congratulations, Varrock Hard diary, has been completed. 10.4 Varrock Elite 10.4.1 Varrock Elite Requirements: 90 Herblore, 86 Magic, 95 Cooking, 89 Smithing, 81 Fletching, 78 Runecrafting. Create a Super Combat Potion in Varrock West Bank - You can only make Super Combat Potions by using (4) Dose potions and a clean torstol. Use the Torstol on the attack potion (only thing that works). Use Lunar Magic to make 20 mahogany planks at the Lumberyard - 20 Mahogany logs in inventory at the Lumberyard, EQUIP AN EARTH STAFF! - Runes for plank make on Lunar spellbook: 20x Nature, 40x Astral. Bake a summer pie in the Cooking Guild - Bake a raw summer pie inside cooking guild (Unsure if Bake pie on Lunar spellbook works as it has 100% cook rate.) Get a couple to be safe, unless you have 99 cooking, and the skillcape.) Smith and fletch ten rune drats within Varrock - You need a Hammer, 10 feathers and a runite bar. Smith rune dart tips at the varrock anvil, and attach the feathers. Craft 100 or more Earth runes simultaneously - Full inventory of Rune/pure essence, and make urself to the Earth rift in the Abyss. Congratulations, Varrock Elite diary, has been completed. 11 Western Provinces 11.1 Western Provinces Easy 11.1.1 Western Provinces Easy Requirements: 9 Hunter, 15 Mining, 20 Fletching Catch a Copper Longtail - Remember your birdsnare, and teleport to the fairy ring: "A K Q", run southeast as this path shows you: http://prntscr.com/o5qvaf Complete a novice game of Pest Control - Teleport to Pest Control and do a game in the novice boat (might have to coordinate with your team) Mine some Iron Ore near Piscatoris - Teleport using either "A K Q" Fairy ring, or teleport to piscatoris, fairy ring runs northeast, piscatoris goes a little south, there will be some iron ores. Mine 1. Complete a lap of the Gnome agility course - Spirit tree to Gnome Stronghold and use the agility course to the southeast. Teleport to Pest Control using the Minigame teleports - Read task <-- Collect a swamp toad at the Gnome Stronghold - Collect a Swamp toad in this enclosure: http://prntscr.com/o5qw4r Have Brimstail teleport you to the Essence mine - Teleport to Stronghold Slayer Cave, go out, go to the west, into the cave with the quest marker, and rightclick Brimstail in there, to teleport to the Essence mine. Fletch an Oak shortbow from the Gnome Stronghold - Use a bowstring on an Oak shortbow (u) within the Gnome Stronghold. Kill a Terrorbird in the Terrorbird enclosure - Kill a terrorbird in the enclosure located here: http://prntscr.com/o5qwwf Congratulations, Western Provinces Easy diary, has been completed. 11.2 Western Provinces Medium 11.2.1 Western Provinces Medium Requirements: 31 Hunter, 46 Fishing, 35 Woodcutting, 35 Firemaking. Travel to the Gnome Stronghold by Spirit Tree - Go to home and take spirit tree to Gnome Stronghold Trap a Spined Larupia - Pitfall trap the Hunter monster at this location: http://prntscr.com/o5qyl4 Fairy ring code "A K S" Fish some Bass on Ape Atoll - Get to ape atoll some way (recommending lvl 90 arceuus teleport to Ape atoll, 2x Law, 2x Soul, 2x Blood. (bring an antipoison) (do the next task on the list whilst taking care of this one) - Take a big net, an axe and a tinderbox with you. Here are the locations: http://prntscr.com/o5qzwe (make sure u do the mahogany one too) Chop and burn some teak logs on Ape Atoll - read previous task Complete an Intermediate game of Pest Control - You might have to convince your team to go with you on the Intermediate boat. Congratulations, Western Provinces Medium diary, has been completed. 11.3 Western Provinces Hard 11.3.1 Western Provinces Hard Requirements: 50 Woodcutting, 50 Firemaking, 68 Farming, 64 Magic, 75 Thieving 11.3.2 Western Provinces Hard Recommendations: High Magic, Ranged and Defence, with some good gear to kill Zulrah. Complete a Veteran game of Pest Control - Super easy, almost always vet boats running. Chop and Burn some Mahogany logs on Ape Atoll - Read medium diary. Check the health of your Palm tree in Lletya - Should've had this pre-planted and ready to check health. Kill Zulrah - Semi-difficult boss if you're not great at bossing. Make sure you're well prepared before you go in here. Nothing much to say. Closest teleport without cost is Fairy ring code "B J S" you will need an agility level of 76 to pass the obstacle though. Zul-andra teleports are the closest option, but does cost money. Teleport to Ape Atoll - cast the Ape Atoll teleport from the Normal spellbook. 2x Law, 2x Water, 2x Fire, 1x Banana (obtain from banana plantation on Karamja) Pickpocket a Gnome - Pickpocket a Gnome in the Gnome Stronghold. Congratulations, Western Provinces Hard diary, has been completed. 11.4 Western Provinces Elite 11.4.1 Western Provinces Elite Requirements: 85 Fletching, 93 Slayer, 85 Thieving. Fletch a Magic Longbow in the Eleven Lands - Use bowstring on a magic longbow (u) in Lletya. Kill the Thermonuclear Smoke Devil (Does not require task for first kill) - Kill the Thermonuclear smoke devil where it's located. (Boss teleport -> Thermonuclear Smoke Devil) Pickpocket an Elf - Pickpocket an Elf NPC in Lletya Congratulations, Western Provinces Elite diary, has been completed. 12 Wilderness *Warning you will lose items in the Wilderness. Be careful and don't bring anything you're not willing to lose. 12.1 Wilderness Easy 12.1.1 Wilderness Easy Requirements: 21 Magic, 15 Agility, 15 Mining Cast Low Alchemy at the Fountain of Rune - Remember to bring an item to alch. Location: http://prntscr.com/o5r4pd Use annakarl or Obelisk teleports (obelisk tp to corp cave with games neck and go outside the cave and southeast. There's an obelisk there. Get lucky with tp. Would recommend lvl 90 annakarl teleport tablet though. (use tablet because u need to have normal spellbook) Enter the Wilderness from the Ardougne or Edgeville lever - Pull the lever in Ardougne, as there is no Edgeville lever. (this should be done with the ardougne diary) Pray at the Chaos Altar in Western Wilderness - Easy Task. Location of altar: http://prntscr.com/o5r5iz Teleport by either Ancient spellbook or Arceuus spellbook. Enter the Chaos Runecrafting Temple - Going through the Abyss Rift does NOT!! work. Acquire a Chaos Talisman. Go through the Abyss Chaos rift, Go out and then back in, you should have it completed. Kill a Mammoth in the Wilderness - Carrallanger teleport 2x Law, 2x Soul. Follow the Path to the Obelisk, where the Mammoths reside. http://prntscr.com/o5r658 Kill an Earth Warrior in the Wilderness beneath Edgeville - Climb down the trapdoor east of the spirit tree/fairy ring at home. Follow this path, and kill an Earth Warrior: http://prntscr.com/o5r6lm Enter the King Black Dragon's Lair - Go from the Ghorrock Teleport (2x Law, 8x Water) into this dungeon sign, pull the lever (BRING A ONE CLICK TELEPORT UNLESS YOU PLAN ON SUICIDING TO KBD!) teleport away or die. Collect 5 Red Spiders' eggs from the Wilderness - Collect 5 eggs from this location: http://prntscr.com/o5ral2 Mine some Iron ore in the Wilderness - Iron ores are north of the Zamorak mage sending you to the Abyss: http://prntscr.com/o5rb2v Have the Mage of Zamorak teleport you to the Abyss - Teleport to the Abyss. You should already have this done. Equip any team cape in the Wilderness - Buy a team cape from Richard standing near the Ditch. Buy a cape, go into wilderness, equip the cape. Congratulations, Wilderness Easy diary, has been completed. 12.2 Wilderness Medium 12.2.1 Wilderness Medium Requirements: 55 Mining, 52 Agility, 60 Magic. Mine some Mithril ore in the Wilderness - From the Edgevill canoe, go to the wilderness, and then southwest to the hobgoblin mine. Mine a mithril ore here: http://prntscr.com/o5rcjj Complete a lap of the Wilderness Agility course - Bring a slash weapon, or a knife. Teleport to Mage Bank, Follow the Path, and go back to Mage Bank after your lap: http://prntscr.com/o5rfza Kill a Green Dragon - Kill a green dragon in the wilderness. I would suggest the wests Wilderness location. There's a teleport under the "Wilderness" section at home portal. Kill an Ankou in the Wilderness - Teleport to the Cemetary with Arceuus spellbook 1x Law, 1x Soul, 1x Blood. Kill an ankou there. Charge an Earth Orb - BRING TWO ORBS, AND A CAST FOR CHARGE AIR ORB ASWELL FOR THIS ONE. - Bring: 2x Unpowered orbs (can be crafted from Molten Glass), 6x Cosmic runes, Staff of Air, Staff of Earth. Go to this location in Edgeville Dungeon: http://prntscr.com/o5re4x Congratulations, Wilderness Medium diary, has been completed. 12.3 Wilderness Hard 12.3.1 Wilderness Hard Requirements: 66 Magic, 67 Hunter, 75 Smithing. 12.3.2 Wilderness Hard Recommendations: 80+ Ranged, 43+ Prayer. Cast one of the 3 God spells against another player in the Wilderness - Unlock the spell first, by buying the staff, and casting it on npcs in there 100 times. Keep in mind you can splash these with a negative 65 mage bonus, so you dont have to worry about pkers for the casting bit. After that either use an Alt account, ask a friend nicely or simply yeet a runecrafter to make them upset. (Please dont hit me) (You will have to unlock all 3 spells for Mage Arena 2 cape, so I would suggest you do that) Charge an Air Orb - Should be done with the Earth Orb. Read in Medium Tasks. Catch a Black Salamander in the Wilderness - Teleport to corp with the home teleport or a games necklace, and follow the path. Remember your small net and rope. http://prntscr.com/o5rh2n Smith an Adamant Scimitar in the Resource Area - *Remember a Hammer, Pickaxe and 10k for entrance fee. Remember a slash weapon, and a good idea would be to bring brews, restores and a lockpick for safety of Pkers. Follow this path: http://prntscr.com/o5ri44 Kill a Lava Dragon & Bury the bones on Lava Dragon Isle - Bring some runes for a magic spell, to kill a lava dragon (100 casts of fire strike or something like that should be enough.) Make your way to the Lava Dragons by one of the many ways possible. Kill one and bury the bones. http://prntscr.com/o5rin9 Kill the Chaos Elemental - Kill the Chaos Elemental, Pro tip is to bring food that will still sit in your inventory, to counter its disarm attack. Here's the location of the Chaos Elemental. http://prntscr.com/o5rish Kill the Crazy Archeologis, Chaos Fanatic & Scorpia - Look up guides on youtube if you're insecure with these bosses. Kill all 3 without logging out to complete the task. Congratulations, Wilderness Hard diary, has been completed. 12.4 Wilderness Elite 12.4.1 Wilderness Elite Requirements: 96 Magic, 85 Fishing, 90 Cooking, 75 Woodcutting, 75 Firemaking 12.4.2 Wilderness Elite Recommendations: 95+ Attack, 95+ Strength, 95+ Defence, Knowledge of safespotting. Full Veracs Set/Viggoras Chainmace Kill Callisto, Venenatis & Vet'ion - High melees, Full Veracs/Viggoras Chainmace recommended. Find youtube guides on safespotting if you're not aware of those strategies. Kill all 3 without logging out for the task to complete. Teleport to Ghorrock - With the Ancient Spellbook, use Ghorrock Teleport. 2x Law, 8x Water. Fish and Cook a Dark Crab in the Resource Area - Bring a Lobster pot, Dark Fishing bait (10+ to catch more than one, incase of burn), Axe and Tinderbox. Complete this and the next task in the Resource Area. Cut and burn some Magic Logs in the Resource Area - Look at previous task. Congratulations, Wilderness Elite diary, has been completed. 13 Claiming your rewards 13.1 Ardougne Claim the Ardougne Rewards by Speaking to Two-pints in Ardougne Pub. 13.2 Desert Claim the Desert Rewards by Speaking to Jarr at Shantay Pass. 13.3 Falador Claim the Falador Rewards by Speaking to Sir Rebral at Falador Castle. 13.4 Fremennik Claim the Fremennik Rewards by Speaking to Thorodin just outside Rellekka. 13.5 Kandarin Claim the Kandarin Rewards by Speaking to The 'Wedge' outside Camelot Castle. 13.6 Karamja Claim the Karamja Rewards by Speaking to Pirate Jackie the Fruit in Brimhaven Agility Arena. 13.7 Lumbridge & Draynor Claim the Lumbridge & Draynor Rewards by Speaking to Hatius Cosaintus in Lumbridge. 13.8 Morytania Claim the Morytania Rewards by Speaking to Le-sabré just west of Canifis. 13.9 Varrock Claim the Varrock Rewards by Speaking to Toby in Varrock by the Agility Course. 13.10 Western Provinces Claim the Western Provinces Rewards by Speaking to the Elder Gnome child in the Tree Gnome Stronghold. 13.11 Wilderness Claim the Wilderness Rewards by Speaking to the Lesser Fanatic in Northeast Edgeville. I hope the guide was useful guys. This took about 13 hours to make, and it has over 9000 words in it. Radi #1.
19 pointsThe Ultimate Guide For Beginners Special thanks to all the original publishers of any guides linked below. I - Overview Of The Home Area Shops + Npc's. Zenyte Teleporter. Grand Exchange. Sprit Tree / Fairy Ring. Box Of Restoration. Other Useful Objects. II - Getting Started Game Noticeboard & Settings. XP Rates. Two-Factor Authentication. Voting. Achievement Diary. Help Clan Chat. How To Use The Wiki. How To Use The World Map. III - PvM Overview Of Combat Styles. Training Slayer. Best In Slots & Where To Get Them. Bossing + Minigames. IV - Skilling Skilling Guide Directory Useful Skilling Items Other Useful Skilling Guides V - Moneymaking Beginner Moneymaking Advanced Moneymaking Making Money With Skilling Special thanks to all the original publishers of any guides linked above.
19 pointsSupply Drop Table Explanation/Formula As we know, supplies and everyday consumables can be hard to come by in the world of Zenyte. Rather it be so some nice potions, a few bolts, or a couple inventories of food, it can get expensive to carry out daily PvM activities! What we did for you guys was put in place a quite nice supply crate drop table. In this thread you can find a bit more about them, including the various items you may receive and how the drop is rolled. Note: Ironmen/Ironwomen accounts are NOT eligible for this extra drop table roll. ONLY NPC's combat level 50 and above can provide this extra drop, your chance of receiving it increasing anywhere in the wilderness. Formula: Wilderness chance being 1 if outside of wilderness, whereas inside wilderness it is 1.5 Multi-compound NPCs such as the Kraken Boss (which has 4 tentacles) will only roll for one supply drop a kill. When a player receives a supply drop, you receive a random amount/type of supplies from the below listed items, and 50,000-150,000 Gold Pieces. Potions: Super Combat Potion(4) (10-15) Prayer Potion(4) (10-15) Super Restore(4) (10-15) Saradomin Brew(4) (10-15) Super Antifire(4) (5-15) Stamina Potion(4) (5-15) Anti-venom+(4) (5-15) Sanfew Serum(4) (5-15) Thrown Ranged Equipment: Grey Chinchompa (50-100) Red Chinchompa (50-100) Black Chinchompa (50-100) Crossbow Bolts: Ruby Bolts (100-200) Diamond Bolts (100-200) Dragonstone Bolts (50-100) Herblore Secondaries Eye of Newt (15-30) Limpwurt Root (15-30) Swamp Tar (15-30) Snape Grass (15-30) Chocolate Dust (15-30) Jangerberries (15-30) Mort Myre Fungus (15-30) Potato Cactus (15-30) Red Spider Eggs(15-30) White Berries (15-30) Dragon Scale Dust (15-30) Goat Horn Dust (15-30) Unicorn Horn Dust (15-30) Misc: Crystal Keys (1-5) Food: Shark (10-50) Sea Turtle (10-50) Anglerfish (10-50) Dark Crab(10-50) Manta Ray (10-50) Tuna Potato (10-50) Uncut Gems: Opal (10-30) Jade (10-20) Red Topaz (10-10) Sapphire (10-40) Emerald (10-30) Ruby (10-20) Diamond (5-10) Dragonstone (1-3)
15 pointsGetting Started To start Farming, you need to get the tools. These can be bought from Jackie at Home. The Water can needs to be filled and it can be done by casting the Lunar Humidify spell, or by using it on a water source (Fountain, Drain, Well, etc) ALL Farming timers are 1/2 of OSRS. So it takes 80 minutes to grow herbs on OSRS and 40 minute on Zenyte! Note: This guide is based off of my own preference. You can train via other methods, or grow different things apart from those listed here. However, e.g. the herbs listed on this guide are there because they are either A) Easy to aquire or B) Very useful for Herblore. If you have any questions - Send a PM to SilverNova or "SilverNova#5932" on Discord Leveling Up Lv. 1-9: Rake patches, or grow Potatoes Lv. 9-15: Grow Guams. Lv. 15-30: Grow Acorns (Tree) + Marrentil/Tarromin/Harralander (Herb) Lv. 30-45: Grow Willows (Tree) + Ranarr (Herb) Lv. 45-60: Grow Maples (Tree) + Irit/Kwuarm (Herb) Lv. 60-75: Grow Yews (Tree) + Papaya or Palm Tree (Fruit Tree) + Snapdragon/Cadantine/Lantadyme (Herb) Lv. 75-99: Grow Magics (Tree) + Papaya or Palm Tree (Fruit Tree) + Herb seeds that you need for Herblore Remember that you can grow any herbs that you want. So if you have some herb seeds, but none of them are listed here - Plant them anyways! Compost Compost is used in order to protect your seeds from diseases. In addition, it also grants you more yield from the seeds. The better compost you use, the more protection and yield you recieve in return. It is recommended to use Supercompost on Trees & Fruit Trees, and Ultracompost on Herbs. Why? Well because you don't really care about the yield of trees and fruit trees, you just don't want them to die. That's why you save the Ultracompost for the herb seeds, so that you can get as many as possible to have more resources for training Herblore. Compost is obtained by putting weeds, sweetcorn and other farming produce into the compost bin at farming patches. You then close the compost bin, and wait. It can also be bought from various of stores, including Vanessa's Farming Shop (Catherby), Allanna's Farming Shop (Farming Guild), Sarah's Farming Shop (North of Port Sarim) and others. Supercompost is obtained by pineapple, watermelon, avantoe, kwuarm, snapdragon and other farming produces into the compost bin at farming patches. You then close the compost bin, and wait. It can also be made by creating compost, and adding a compost potion to the compost bin before it is closed. Ultracompost is obtained by using two volcanic ash on a bucket of supercompost. Players can also add 25 volcanic ashes to a compost win containing supercompost in order to turn it into Ultracompost. However, by this time it is required that the player has first made compost in the bin, then turned it into supercompost and only then can the player transform it into Ultracompost. Most recommended way to compost your patches is with the Fertile Soil (83 Magic) Lunar Spell. Mine volcanic ashes from the Fossil Island, and have them ready with you when you go on your farming runs so that you can cast Fertile Soil on your patches and instantly apply Ultracompost to them. Patches The main patches you will be focusing on are Herb and Fruit Tree & Tree patches Herb seeds can be obtained through Thieving by pickpocketing Master Farmers. Fruit & Tree seeds are harder to get, but can be obtained from Master Farmers as well. Can also be gotten from PvM. Shared Spot (Herb/Tree/Fruit Tree) Farming Guild (45+ Farming) Teleport to Farming Guild and follow the image. Red is Herb, Cyan is Trees and Green is Fruit Tree You can get to Farming Guild by using a Skills Necklace (Dragonstone), a Farming Cape, a Fairy RIng (C-I-R) or the Arceeus Battlefront Teleport (23 Magic) Herb Patches Fruit Tree Patches Tree Patches
15 pointsIntroduction: There's a wide variety of pets available to accompany you on your adventures around Zenyte. They can be obtained through various means, and represent different achievements. Some are really hard to come by, so it's not a surprise that pets are often highly sought after. In this guide, I will showcase every pet available in the game, the various methods of obtaining them, and other important information regarding pets. Due to the length of the guide, feel free to use CTRL + F to look for information on specific pets that you may be interested in. As usual, please notify me if there's any inconsistencies, misinformation, or missing content. I also wanted to offer a huge thank you to@glitchfor helping with the production of the guide. Pets obtained through the means of PvM are often really rare and sought after. Some things to note: There are a total of 28 PvM pets. When you get one as a drop, there's a message in the chatbox stating: "You have a funny feeling like you're being followed". Upon receiving a multiple of a pet, the message changes to: "You have a funny feeling you like would have been followed". You can not receive multiples of pets, however multiples will show up on the collection log. They must be insured at Probita in East Ardougne. Insurance costs 500k, and if a pet is lost on death, can be bought back for 1m. PvM pets are dropped from their much bigger, boss counterparts. Pet Name Visual Notes Pet Dagannoth Prime Drop rate: 1/5000 Pet Dagannoth Rex Drop rate: 1/5000 Pet Dagannoth Supreme Drop rate: 1/5000 Pet K'ril Tsutsaroth Drop rate: 1/5000 Pet Kree'arra Drop rate: 1/5000 Pet Zilyana Drop rate: 1/5000 Pet General Graardor Drop rate: 1/5000 Prince Black Dragon Drop rate: 1/3000 Venenatis Spiderling Drop rate: 1/2000 Vet'ion Jr. Drop rate: 1/2000 Can be graphically changed with a metamorphosis. Pet Chaos Elemental Drop rate: 1/300 - Chaos Elemental Drop rate: 1/1000 - Chaos Fanatic Callisto Cub Drop rate: 1/2000 Scorpia's Offspring Drop rate: 1/2000 Pet Smoke Devil Drop rate: 1/3000 Skotos Drop rate: 1/65 Hellpuppy Drop rate: 1/3000 Ikkle Hydra Drop rate: 1/3000 Can be graphically changed with a metamorphosis. Pet Kraken Drop rate: 1/3000 Noon/ Midnight Drop rate: 1/3000 Can be graphically changed with a metamorphosis. Kalphite Princess Drop rate: 1/3000 Can be graphically changed with a metamorphosis. Pet Snakeling Drop rate: 1/4000 Can be graphically changed with a metamorphosis. Baby Mole Drop rate: 1/3000 Pet Dark Core/ Corporeal Critter Drop rate: 1/5000 Can be graphically changed with a metamorphosis. Vorki Drop rate: 1/2000 Tzrek-jad Drop rate: 1/200 A rare drop from completing the fight caves. Fire capes can be gambled for a 1/200 chance at pet. Drop rate increases to 1/100 on task. Jal-nib-rek/ Tzrek-zuk Drop rate: 1/100 A rare drop from completing the inferno minigame. Can be graphically changed with a metamorphosis. Infernal capes can be gambled for a 1/100 chance at pet. Drop rate increases to 1/75 on task. Olmlet Drop rate: 1/65 A rare drop from raids 1: Chamber of Xeric (CoX). Can be graphically changed with a metamorphosis. This requires metamorphic dust, a 1/200 drop rate drop which is specifically from the challenge mode of CoX. Pets obtained from skilling are very rare and are a symbol of a player's achievement in those specific skills. Some things to note: There are a total of 9 skilling pets. See the PvM pets section for information on getting a pet as a drop, getting a multiple pet drops, and pet insurance information. Skilling Pet Rates Experience Mode Drop Rate of the Pet x5 1/25m EXP x10 1/50m EXP x25 1/125m EXP Pet Name Visual Notes Heron Obtained through fishing: Small net catches (shrimp, anchovy, sardine, herring) Lure (trout, salmon) Bait (lava eels, infernal eel, sacred eel, anglerfish, pike) Cage/harpoon (lobster, tuna, swordfish, shark, dark crab) Barbarian fishing (leaping trout, salmon, sturgeon) Minnow fishing Giant Squirrel Obtained through training agility: Gnome stronghold course Barbarian outpost course Wilderness agility course Rooftop courses: Draynor, Al Kharid, Varrock, Canifis, Falador, Seers Village, Relleka, Ardougne Baby Chinchompa Obtained through training hunter by hunting chinchompas. Obtainable through any hunter exp drop (subject to change) You can change the colour of the pet between red, black, and grey. There's a rare chance it'll switch to a gold colour (1/10,000). Phoenix Obtained through the Wintertodt minigame. Rocky Obtained through thieving: Stalls (gems, food, cake, etc) Pickpocketing Rift Guardian Obtained through training runecrafting. You can change the colour of the pet by runecrafting at any altar while the pet is following you. It'll switch to the colour of that altar/rune. The desired colour can be locked as well. Rock Golem Obtained through mining any rock/ore/gem/pay-dirt. You can change the colour of the pet by using an ore/rock on it, the golem will change to the colour of the ore fed to it. Tangleroot Obtained through training farming. Beaver Obtained through training woodcutting. Miscellaneous pets are any pets that are received from unconventional methods. Specific information for each pet can be found in the notes section. Pet Name Visual Notes Chompy Chick Drop rate: 1/500 Must have western provinces elite diary done. Requires insurance via Probita in East Ardougne. Wyrmy This pet is exclusive toZenyte rank donators only. This pet is automatically insured. Bloodhound Drop rate: 1/1000 Can only be obtained from master clue scrolls chests. Requires insurance via Probita in East Ardougne. Pet mystery boxes are available on the store for 250 credits. They can also be bought in-game for cash as they are tradeable, and can be used on ironman as a way to gift it to them, in a similar fashion to teleport scrolls and bonds. A few important notes: There's a total of 56 individual pets, all listed below. Each different recolour counts as a separate pet. You will NOT receive duplicates of the same pet, which means you can only ever open 56 pet boxes per account. They are automatically insured, and will never be lost. Pet Name Visual Dragon Monkey Gecko Penguin Platypus Raccoon Bulldog Greyhound Squirrel Terrier Dalmatian Labrador Sheepdog Evil Turnip Granite Crab Spirit Kalphite Spirit Mosquito Wolpertinger Chameleon Cockroach Praying Mantis
14 pointsQuick Crafting Guide Requirements: 40 Defence 77 Magic Action: Buy Buckets of Sand & Seaweed/Soda Ash from charter ships. Cast Superglass make Use Blowpipe to make glass. Tips: You can buy 10 Buckets of Sand & Seaweed/Soda Ash, cast Superglass Make and then sell the glass for fastest xp/h. You can buy 250 Astral runes from Baba Yaga (Lunar Isle) You can swap to Lunar Spellbook at Home in the Northern Long Building (2nd floor) Media:
13 pointsA Guide to Runecrafting by Song Runecrafting is by far one of the most profitable skills in Old School Runescape mostly due to the limitations of purchasing runes such as Astral, Death, Blood and Nature Runes which transitions usefulness to Lunar or Ancient Spells like Humidify, Fertile Soil, Barrages and even more! For Ironmen, these become more valuable in a sense of their usefulness --- more notably for the High Alchemy Spell. If you're looking for a great deal of self-sufficiency, I personally recommend working on this skill as soon as possible! ~ Table of Contents ~ 1xa : Starting Off: Obtaining Rune & Pure Essences 2xa : The Grind: Crafting Runes 3xa : Hot Hot Hot: Lava Runecrafting 4xa : The Long Run: Dense & Dark Essence Block, Blood Runecrafting 5xa : Almost There: Soul Runecrafting 6xa : A Small, Yet Effective Job: Astral Runecrafting 7xa : Big Explosions: Wrath Runecrafting The End of the Journey [ 1xa ] Starting Off: Obtaining Rune & Pure Essences There are a few ways to obtain Rune or Pure Essences for all of your Runecrafting needs, and just below, I'll explain various methods from simple mining to places to grind them out through PvM Combat! They'll be listed from easiest to hardest access. You'll require as much as your mental stability can handle to craft a decent amount of runes til Runecrafting Level 99. [ 2xa ] The Grind: Crafting Runes With your pouches filled and your lightweight combat or utility gear ready to go, it's about time to cover what you should be crafting! Just to be clear, this is not just a guide towards Runecrafting Level 99, but a shedding of light of what you should be crafting for yourself and the market to lessen the boredom. Below is a list of what I think you should be crafting and is of high value. For Ironman+, craft whatever you need at the time and simply skip the section since nearly all runes are practically valuable to you if you want. [ 3xa ] Hot Hot Hot: Lava Runecrafting ** Credit to Jett & Chop for suggesting to add this section. Lava Runes themselves don't have much particular use. In fact, they are useless in terms of Magic until you've run out of Fire or Earth Runes. However, crafting them does make it the fastest XP per hour! So if you're just aiming to zip right through Runecrafting, then craft these. They require Runecrafting Level 23 to create! How to Craft Lava Runes [ 4xa ] The Long Run: Dense & Dark Essence Block, Blood Runecrafting Due to the long, multi-step process that is required to make Blood Runes, this is mostly why this particular rune is the most valuable of them all. First off, it requires BOTH Mining and Crafting Level 38. Second, it requires having both a Pickaxe and a Chisel in your inventory in order to mine Dense Essence Block. It is ENTIRELY recommended to bring a Graceful Set for continuous runs. Once you have met these prerequisites, you're set to make your own Blood Runes! Your first step to get to Arceeus, this can be done by taking the Fairy Ring with the Code C I S ~ [ 5xa ] Almost There: Soul Runecrafting Soul Runes require Runecrafting Level 90 to create and it's a huge step forward from Blood Runes. Much like Blood Runes though, they require the same method to create them via Dark Essence Fragments and running to the Soul Altar. Since obtaining Dark Essence Fragments was covered in the previous section, I'll only cover on how to get there on foot if not banking and taking the Abyss Route. [ 6xa ] A Small, Yet Effective Job: Astral Runecrafting Astral Runes are worth a little bit of gold, but nothing comparable to Blood Runes, Death Runes or Nature Runes. Despite all of that, they do have their important uses such as being a staple supply for Vengeance when trying to dish out fast damage which results to longer trips. Above that, they're also used for utility spells like Supermake Glass, Fertile Soil, Tan Leather, String Jewelry and more! I suggest making these if you want to optimize your trips or production skills. Unlike other Altars and much like the Wrath Altar, they do not have their place in the Abyss and so you have to run there yourself. Just below, I'll guide you to reaching the Astral Altar. Your first step is to take a teleport to Lunar Isle. You can get here by using the Lunar Spellbook Spell: Moonclan Teleport or simply take the Zenyte Portal, scroll down to Miscellaneous and click on Lunar Isle. [ 7xa ] Big Explosions: Wrath Runecrafting The End of the Journey
11 pointsWhat you will need: Food & Energy Potions Mystic or Better Equipment and armour Glory or quick teleport from level 30 wilderness All three God Staffs (Can be purchaced via the chamber guardian after walking through the pool in Mage bank) In order to begin your three part Journy into getting The imbued God Capes, You will need to speak with Kolodion who is found in the Mage bank You may get to the mage bank by the Wilderness Teleports tab from home portal When talking to Kolodion, You will be prompted with two selections Are there any Challenges available? This is what you will select to start your miniquest, you will go through his dialoug and he will give you the Enchanted Symbol Now, you will be entering the wilderness, it is Recommended to set the Player 'Attack' option to 'Always right click' or 'Hidden' to avoid Skulling on accident. Each of the three gods will need to be slain with their respective staff And Spell. (Bloods, Airs, And Fire Runes needed) The Gods Porazdir (Zammy) can launch an energy ball at the player. The amount of damage it deals is dependent on your distance to him. The further you are, the less damage it deals. If you are extremely far away, it will deal no damage. Justiciar Zachariah (Saradomin) will occasionally swing his sword, resulting in a blue wave aimed at the player's current tile when it was used. If not avoided, players will be dragged next to him, where he will start attacking them with melee. Simply move one tile elsewhere from its target tile to avoid the attack. Derwen (Guthix) can launch energy balls on the ground. They heal him for 5 health every few seconds, and must be destroyed to stop him from healing. Each ball has 20 health. Locations This is a game of Hot & Cold. There are 15 Locations they could be at. Each location is different for each player. For each god to spawn, you need to be within a 5x5 tile radius Here is a resource you can use to track down all of the Gods Easier. https://explv.github.io/ You will enter the cords located as follows. These are the cords exactly where each god could spawn (X, Y, Z) (Thanks to Kris for this information) SPAWN_1(new Location(3023, 3834, 0)), SPAWN_2(new Location(3172, 3898, 0)), SPAWN_3(new Location(3147, 3881, 0)), SPAWN_4(new Location(3158, 3841, 0)), SPAWN_5(new Location(3168, 3796, 0)), SPAWN_6(new Location(3214, 3882, 0)), SPAWN_7(new Location(3230, 3872, 0)), SPAWN_8(new Location(3256, 3885, 0)), SPAWN_9(new Location(3296, 3876, 0)), SPAWN_10(new Location(3274, 3842, 0)), SPAWN_11(new Location(3246, 3830, 0)), SPAWN_12(new Location(3256, 3796, 0)), SPAWN_13(new Location(3334, 3899, 0)), SPAWN_14(new Location(3303, 3940, 0)), SPAWN_15(new Location(3231, 3906, 0));
10 pointsServer Update - Revision Upgrade - 1st December 2023 Hello Community, We've successfully reached the milestone for our revision upgrade, but rather than halting our progress, the Development and Staff Team is eager to introduce additional content alongside the new client. This update marks Zenyte's most significant advancement in several years, serving as just the beginning of what lies ahead. Our next focus involves the Core Developers tackling Nex, Tombs of Amascut, and Phanton Muspah, while the Junior Developers concentrate on releasing areas such as Prifddinas alongside skilling content such as Zalcano and Tempoross. Additionally, I want to highlight that these commitments represent initiatives that are already underway. This morning, @Override informed me that he is on track to finish Zalcano in less than a week and has already commenced groundwork for Tempoross. I've reiterated this point multiple times before, but it's crucial to emphasize our dedication to the players and the community. Unlike some others in the genre, our server's focus is not solely on maximizing monetization strategies. Instead, we prioritize enhancing and enriching the player experience in the best possible way. Thank you to each and every one of your for your continued commitment to us and we hope you enjoy every aspect of this update on December 1st 2023. Client Upgrade Client Upgrade We will have a new client available on December 1st 2023 which will have hundreds of plugins available. This will be one of the newest revisions of the Runelite client. Morytania Updates Darkmeyer Darkmeyer, capital city of Morytania, has been implemented and can be accessed through the Zenyte home teleport. It's inhabited entirely by vampyres and wearing a vyre noble disguise is required to move freely through the city and access most of it's features. Daeyalt essence mine The daeyalt essence mine found beneath the city of Darkmeyer is now accessible. You will need at least 60 mining in order to mine the daeyalt essence rocks. These will provide you with daeyalt shards that can be exchanged for daeyalt essence by talking to Noranna Tytanin. The daeyalt essence can be used in place of pure essence providing an additional 50% runecrafting experience. Vyre sentinels Vyrewatch sentinels are the stronger variant of the Vyrewatch. They can be found in the streets of Darkmeyer. These unique creatures can only be harmed with an Ivandis or Blisterwood flail. (This can be purchased from the slayer shop) They have a unique drop table which includes a blood shard. The blood shard can be used to craft an amulet of blood fury. (information below) Pickpocketing Vyrewatch Vyre nobles located in Darkmeyer can now be pickpocketed with at least a thieving level of 82. They will have a unique drop table including the blood shard, runes, coins and gems. Wearing a full rogues outfit will provide you with a double loot bonus. Amulet of Blood Fury The amulet of blood fury can be obtained by enchanting an amulet of fury with a blood shard. This will provide the amulet of fury with a passive 20% chance to use the special ability of life leech to heal 30% of the damage dealt on any hit when in melee combat. This item will have a limited amount of charges and once depleted the item will convert back to a normal amulet of fury. Verzik Vitur (Phase III) Verzik Vitur will now have all three phases available when participating in a raid in the Theatre of Blood. She will be in her full vampyre-nylocas hybrid form and only true adventurers will be able to withstand her wrath. This will mark the completion of the Theatre of Blood and the drops rates will be adjusted accordingly. Wilderness Updates (Part I) Ferox Enclave The Ferox Enclave will now be accessible and you can use the Zenyte portal located in Edgeville for a direct teleport. Inside the Ferox Enclave you will have access to the altar and the Pool of Refreshment. Revenant caves (updated) The Forinthry Dungeton has been adjusted to match Old School Runescape 1 to 1. This means NPCs have been relocated and the map has been restructured. This change will require exploration to familiarize yourself with the new layout of your favorite revenant. Wilderness Caves The wilderness cave is located beneath the wilderness it ranges from level 18 to level 32 wilderness. Creatures such as abyssal demons and black dragons can be found lurking. The monsters are stronger then their normal counterparts so they will have a slightly improved drop table including blighted items. Blighted Consumables You will now have the ability to obtain blighted items from different creatures inside of the Wilderness. This will include bosses and the wilderness cave. (Additional ways to obtain blighted items will be added in the future) Blighted items will only be able to be eaten, used or consumed inside of the wilderness. Revenant maledictus Revenant maledictus is a boss variant of the ethereal revenants. There is a rare chance that the boss spawns whenever any revenant is slain in the Revenant Caves. This demi-boss has a unique drop table and it guarantees an ancient emblem or ancient totem drop. It will also provide the slayer with the Forinthry Surge buff if they had an amulet of avarice equipped. Wilderness Updates (Part II) - Wilderness bosses Callisto Callisto's den is located in the wilderness south of Demonic Ruins. You will be charged a fee of 50,000 coins in order to enter. Once you leave this instance you will be arrive in one of three points inside of the Escape Caves. (Information below) Callisto's mechanics have been changed to match that of OSRS with his AOE and multi-combat style attacks. Please review the mechanics here before taking on the challenge. The drop table has also been modified to match that of OSRS including the Voidwaker hilt and Claws of callisto. Artio Artio is a weaker variant of Callisto and fought in the Hunter's End which is a singles-plus combat area located in Level 21 Wilderness. In order to access Artio you must've completed the medium Wilderness diary. In comparison, Artio is much easier than Callisto. However, in return you will receive lower drop quantities and rates. Killing Artio counts towards a Callisto boss slayer task. Venenatis The Silk Chasm is located in the Wilderness south-east of Callisto's Den. You will be charged a fee of 50,000 coins in order to enter. Once you leave this instance you will arrive in one of three points inside of the Escape Caves. (Information below). Venenatis's mechanics have been changed to match that of OSRS with his AOE and multi-combat style attacks. Please review the mechanics here before taking on the challenge. The drop table has also been modified to match that of OSRS including the Fangs of venenatis and the Voidwaker gem. Spindel Spindel is a weaker variant of Venenatis who is fought in the Web Chasm. The Web Chasm is a singles-plus combat area in level 29 Wilderness. In order to access Spindel you must've completed the medium Wilderness diary. Compared to Venenatis, the fight is much easier and safer in return for lower drop rates and quantities. Killing Spindel counts towards a Venenatis slayer boss task. Vet'ion The Vet'ion' Rest is located in the Wilderness south of Lava Dragon Isle. You will be charged a fee of 50,000 coins in order to enter. Once you leave this instance you will be arrive in one of three points inside of the Escape Caves. (Information below). Vet'ion's mechanics have been changed to match that of OSRS with his AOE and multi-combat style attacks. Please review the mechanics here before taking on the challenge. The drop table has also been modified to match that of OSRS including the Skull of vet'ion and Voidwaker blade. Calvar'ion Calvar'ion is a weaker variant of Vet'ion who is found and fought in the Skeletal Tomb which is a singles-plus combat area found in level 21 Wilderness. Accessing Calvar'ion requires completion of the medium Wilderness diaries. In comparison to Vet'ion, the fight is much quicker and safer in exchange for lower drop rates and quantities. Killing Calvar'ion counts towards a Vet'ion slayer boss task. Singles-plus Combat A singles-plus combat area is an area of the game similar to single-way combat, with the exception that if a player is in combat with a monster, another player attacking will likely take precedence over fighting the monster. You can identify a singles-plus area by the icon located above. In-game it can be found in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Currently, the only singles-plus combat areas are the Revenant Caves and the arenas for the weaker variants of the Wilderness bosses: Hunter's End, Web Chasm, and Skeletal Tomb. The only current exception to the rules of singles-plus combat is the Revenant maledictus which can be found in the Revenant Caves. While being located in a singles-plus combat area, the boss can still be attacked by multiple people as if in multicombat. Escape Caves The Escape Caves are an underground multicombat area found in between level 30-42 Wilderness that are connected to Callisto's Den, the Silk Chasm, and Vet'ion's Rest. Entering the boss lairs or the entrances to the Escape Caves requires players to pay a fee of 50,000 coins; this fee does not need to be brought along in the inventory, and can deducted from the bank. Whenever a player dies to another player, the fee is dropped as loot for the killer. Players can decrease the fee by killing the three bosses; each kill in which the player deals the most damage to it reduces the fee by 10,000 coins. When entering the Escape Caves from its four entrances, the player will suffer a unique debuff that gradually drains their Prayer points over time to discourage player killers from entering the caves the non-intended way and camping inside them. This debuff is not present if the player enters the caves via boss lairs. Wilderness loot keys Loot keys allows a player to retrieve the loot stored in the Loot Chest after defeating an opponent in PvP. In order to receive the loot keys instead of having the items dropped on the ground by the defeated opponents, The players must pay 1 million coins. to Skully in the Ferox enclave and turn on the associated settings. By default, loot key allows to retrieve all items that would be normally dropped by the opponent. Depending on the individual settings chosen by the player, the loot stored in the chest might contain all items except for food. When a player is killed by an opponent that is either in the process of dying or has died recently, their loot keys will be destroyed along with their contents and their loot will drop to the floor regardless of the loot key settings of the other player. If the player's inventory is not full, a loot key will appear in the player's inventory immediately after killing the opponent along with the kill message. If the inventory is full, the key will drop to the ground instead. If a player already possesses 5 keys and their opponent has keys as well, all of the opponent's loot will be dropped to the floor. Wilderness Weapon Changes Webweaver bow The Webweaver bow is an upgraded variant of the Craw's bow, requiring 70 range to wield. It is created by combining craw's bow with the Fangs of Venenatis. This will require 85 fletching. Players without the required Fletching level may ask Derse Venator in Ferox Enclave (has not yet been added) to do so instead, for a fee of 500K. The Fangs of venenatis will have a drop rate of 1/147 from venenatis, and 1/464 from Spindel. The Webweaver bow counts as a Armadyl item for God Wars Dungeon. This bow is identical in function to craw's bow, but with increased stats and a special attack. When attacking any NPC in the Wilderness, an additional 50% ranged accuracy and damage boost is applied. This effect will stack additively with a Slayer helmet (i) or multiplicatively with a Salve amulet(i) and their variants, but not both simultaneously. This makes it the strongest ranged weapon in the Wilderness, surpassing the damage output of a toxic blowpipe with dragon darts. Accursed sceptre The accursed sceptre is an upgraded variant of Thammaron's sceptre, requiring level 70 in Magic to wield. It is created by combining Thammaron's sceptre with the Skull of Vet'ion. This process requires level 85 Crafting; players without the required level to combine the items may ask Phabelle Bile in Ferox Enclave (has not yet been added) to do so instead, for a fee of 500,000 coins. The skull of vet'ion can be obtained from vet'ion at a rate of 1/147 and from calvar'ion at a rate of 1/464. The item counts as a Zamorakian item in the God Wars Dungeon. The sceptre is identical in function to Thammaron's sceptre, but with increased stats and a special attack. The sceptre also has a "Swap" option that allows players to switch it to an accursed sceptre (a), which is a variant that can autocast offensive combat spells from the standard spellbook (including Flames of Zamorak) and the Ancient Magicks. Ursine chainmace The ursine chainmace is an upgraded variant of Viggora's chainmace, requiring level 70 in Attack to wield. It is created by combining Viggora's chainmace with the claws of Callisto. This process requires level 85 Smithing; players without the required level to combine the items may ask Andros Mai in Ferox Enclave to do so instead, for a fee of 500,000 coins. The claws of callisto can be obtained from callisto at a rate of 1/147 and from artio at a rate of 1/464 This item counts as a Zamorakian item in the God Wars Dungeon. The chainmace is identical in function to Viggora's chainmace, but with increased stats and a special attack. Voidwaker The Voidwaker is a melee weapon that requires level 75 Attack to wield. It is acquired by having Madam Sikaro in the Ferox Enclave Dungeon reassemble the Voidwaker blade, hilt and gem, for a fee of 500,000 coins. The blade, hilt and gem are obtained as rare drops from Vet'ion, Callisto and Venenatis respectively (or their lesser counterparts). The blade, gem and hilt can be obtained from vet'ion at a rate of 1/270 or from calvar'ion at a rate of 1/684. The Voidwaker has a special attack, Disrupt, which consumes 50% of the player's special attack energy. The special attack deals guaranteed Magic damage between 50-150% of the wielder's maximum melee hit. The special attack will provide Magic experience with the same formula as powered staffs. The special attack is particularly useful due to its guaranteed medium to high damage. In PvP, it can be used for a consistent finishing blow and it pairs well with other high-damage special attack weapons such as the Armadyl or ancient godsword, dragon claws or granite maul due to its special attack cost. In PvM, it excels against opponents with high Defence and low-medium Hitpoints, such as Kalphite Queen, God Wars Dungeon bosses and Phosani's Nightmare, where dragon claws or other weapons would deal less damage on average and Defence reduction is less effective. As it deals Magic damage, it is less effective against opponents with a Magic damage resistance, such as players using Protect from Magic or Great Olm's melee claw. Similarly, it deals full damage against the Corporeal Beast. Island of Stone Island of Stone The island of Stone is an island in the lunar sea. Here, the legendary warrior V imprisoned The Jorgmungand, where it remains to this day, it can be reached by the Zenyte portal at home>Dungeons>Island of Stone. Here you can find Dagannoth, Basilisk, and Basilisk Knights. Players can only use a cannon in the room with dagannoth. When attempting to set up a cannon elsewhere, the game will say, "The ground is too soft for you to set that up here". Neitzinot faceguard The neitzinot faceguard is an upgraded helm of neitzinot that requires 70 defence, which offers increased defensive bonuses, its strength bonus is doubled. giving it the second highest of any helmet behind the torva full helm. It can be made by combining a helm of neitiznot and a basilisk jaw. The basilisk jaw is a unique drop from basilisk knights. Basilisks knights The Basilisks knights are a slayer creature that can be found in jormungands prision beneath the island of stone. Requiring 60 slayer to kill. Like cockatrice and basilisks, players must equip a mirror shield when fighting these monsters or they will take heavy damage and there stats will be drained. The Basilisk knight has an improved drop table from regular baslisks and can drop the basilisk jaw. Which can be used to upgrade the helm of neitzinot. the drop rate is on task 1/3750, or 1/750 on task. True Blood Altar True Blood Altar The Blood Altar (or true Blood Altar) is a runic altar used to craft blood runes from pure essence. which can be accessed through the abyss. A second Blood Altar exists in Great Kourend. It was created by the power from the Dark Altar located near it, which draws energy from the plane where the true Blood Altar is located. Kourend's Blood Altar requires 100% Arceuus favour to craft runes upon and does not require a blood talisman to access. Title System Unlockable Titles A title unlock system has implemented into the newest client and revision of Zenyte. This feature is entirely custom and not native to OSRS itself. It more imitates the one seen in RuneScape 3. There are over 60+ obtainable titles as of right now with every single boss having their own corresponding title unlock. You can check out the screenshot below for an example. Each title has colours that were handpicked by the development and testing team to allow for uniqueness. Setting Titles You can set your title with the ::unlockedtitles command if you have any unlocked and can set your title from there by clicking which one you want. Mystery Boxes Title Box A title mystery box will be available for an array of titles this will be available for Ironman. We currently have the box broken down into five different tiers of rareness and they will be tradeable. Change Log for Update: Daeyalt essence have been added into Darkmeyer Daeyalt essence runecrafting have been added with a 50% boost in XP Phase III of Verzik Vitur have been added Blood fury creation and functionality have been added Vyrewatch pickpocketing have been added including their unique pickpocketing tabl Full Darkmeyer functionality have been added (NPC interaction etc) Vyre sentinals have been added including their unique drop table The Ferox enclave is now accessible and a direct teleport has been added to the Zenyte teleport portal The revenant caves have been restructured to match OSRS The revenant maledictus has been added to the revenant caves with a rare spawn chance when a revenant is slain. The Callisto's den has been added. The Silk Chasm has been added. Callisto's mechanics have been updated to match OSRS. Venenatis's mechanics have been updated to match OSRS. Callisto will now have the ability to drop Callisto's claws Callisto will now have the ability to drop the Voidwaker hilt Venenatis will now have the ability to drop fangs of venenatis Venenatis will now have the ability to drop voidwaker gem Vet'ion's mechanics have been updated to match OSRS. Vet'ion will now have the ability to drop Skull of vet'ion Vet'ion will now have the ability to drop Voidwaker blade. Escape Caves have been added. Wilderness loot keys have been added. Island of stone has been added along with the NPC's. All weapons and npcs have been given their correct sounds Wilderness Slayer caves Blighted potions, food and sacks Title mystery boxes Cosmetic mystery boxes
9 pointsWelcome to my first amongst many guides to come. In this guide, we will cover the Woodcutting skill. I will go over as much as I can, and if you have any feedback or reviews that you would like to give, please do so in the comment section below. ---------------------------------------------------------- What is Woodcutting? Woodcutting is one of the five gathering skills, the other four being Mining, Fishing, Hunter and Farming. Out of the five, Woodcutting focuses on chopping down various types of trees which reward you with their respective log. These logs can then be further used in order to train other skills such as Firemaking, Fletching and Construction or in order to make profit by selling them off to the players of Zenyte. Trees can be found all over Zenyte, with the ordinary tree and oak being the most common ones to will find. Rarer trees, such as the magic variety can be found in specific Woodcutting areas, such as the Woodcutting Guild. Take note that all trees are a depleting resource, meaning that only a stump will be left behind after you have chopped it down. In order to start Woodcutting, an axe is required. Axes can be bought from Bob in Lumbridge or from Jackie at Home. ---------------------------------------------------------- Axes & Their Impact There are different types of axes that the player may obtain, the worst one being the bronze axe and the best one being the infernal axe. Better axes will give more logs per hour, therefore it is recommended to have the best axe equipped at all times. To see all the axes available in Zenyte, please refer to the table below. Bronze Axe WC Level: 1 || Attack Level: 1 || Price: 15 gp Iron Axe WC Level: 1 || Attack Level: 1 || Price: 43 gp Steel Axe WC Level: 6 || Attack Level: 6 || Price: 112 gp Mithril Axe WC Level: 21 || Attack Level: 20 || Price: 822 gp Adamant Axe WC Level: 31 || Attack Level: 30 || Price: 2,366 gp Rune Axe WC Level: 41 || Attack Level: 40 || Price: 8,576 gp Dragon Axe WC Level: 61 || Attack Level: 60 || Price: Depends on Market Infernal Axe WC Level: 61 || Attack Level: 60 || Price: Depends on Market ---------------------------------------------------------- Types of Trees Zenyte has a lot of trees to offer to the player, with a specific Woodcutting level requirement to cut down each one. To cut down the trees, you will be required to have an axe in your inventory or your gear equipment and you must be located in an area with the tree nearby. Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 1 Oak Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 15 Willow Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 30 Teak Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 35 Maple Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 45 Mahogany Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 50 Yew Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 60 Magic Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 75 Redwood Tree Woodcutting Level Required: 90 ---------------------------------------------------------- Tree Locations Tree: South of Seer's Village Bank, West of Lumbridge & WG Oak Tree: West of Lumbridge, Seer's Village & WG Willow Tree: Draynor Village, North of Seer's Village & WG Teak/Mahogany Trees: East of Miscellania & Tai Bwo Wannai Maple Tree: North of Seer's Village Bank & Woodcutting Guild Yew Tree: Seer's Village Church & WG Magic Tree: Woodcutting Guild Redwood Tree: Woodcutting Guild ---------------------------------------------------------- Training Locations The most popular training locations for training Woodcutting is the Woodcutting Guild and the Seer's Village. Players may teleport to either of their preferd destination by speaking to the Zenyte Teleporter which is located in the center of home. The two teleports can be found under the Cities and Skilling category. Note: Woodcutting Guild requires level 60 Woodcutting and grants a passive +7 Woodcutting boost ---------------------------------------------------------- Credits Oldschool Runescape Wikipedia, Fine China & Panda
8 pointsReport a Player and Staff Reports Hello Community, I have recently been in discussion with members of the Staff Team and I would like to address some of the issues that have risen from members of our community in this reminder thread. A Moderator is not required to react to every situation that occurs in-game because they have a lot of additional responsibilities such as bot-busting, bug testing, events, and many other non-disclosures. If you are being insulted or disrespected by another player it is your responsibility to report this player in our report a player section of discord. I have instructed our Moderators to start directing players to submit reports instead of investigating situations instantaneously and issuing punishments. This provides for a more thorough investigation and relieves some stress from our moderators. So if a Moderator requests that you submit a player report they are not trying to ignore your immediate concern however want to ensure your case gets the necessary attention and investigation it requires. I have also recently received a few reports from our moderators and administrators that we have a handful of repeat offenders whom have been pushing issues just far enough that it's become a nuisance however don't quite overstep the line. This type of behavior is not acceptable and I have instructed them to start disciplining these individuals as seen fit. So if your one of those players who take enjoyment out of annoying members of the Staff Team I would strongly discourage it. You will no longer be welcome on the server if it continues. The final reminder is we have a system set in place for reporting members of the Staff Team. It has become way to frequent that there is drama in the help CC, discord, and DMs about what so and so moderator or administrator has done. I review and handle all Staff Reports and I feel that I do so fairly so if you have a complaint or a issue with a member of the Staff Team please give me the decency and respect and report them for I can handle the situation professionally and promptly before getting other members of the community involved. You can find this section located here. Thank you for taking time to read over this reminder! Sincerely, Gepan
7 pointsMining Guide Welcome to my Mining Guide In this guide we will discuss 1-99 Mining, along with Prospector Gear and Pickaxes Lets start with Pickaxes As seen below, each pickaxe has a level requirement for your Attack Level, and also your Mining Level. Each pickaxe can be purchased from the grand exchange except the infernal pickaxe. The Infernal Pickaxe Is a dragon pickaxe that has been combined with a smouldering stone. Along with a mining level of 61, it also requires 85 smithing to create. Mining rocks with it will give a 1/3 chance for the ore to automatically combust Prospector Gear Obtainable starting at level 30, prospector gear is considered the most iconic mining gear to date. It gives an exceptional amount of bonus xp to help you in your journey to 99. Prospector gear is obtained in the motherlode mine accessible via the dwarven mine or the mining guild Prospector gear is purchased with nuggets received in the Motherlode Mine via pay-dirt So, lets take a look at what you should do to start your journey to 99 Motherlode Mining is the fastest way to 92, as well as making a couple mil on the way. Below are the rewards for obtaining nuggets through pay-dirt From This point, mining Amethyst is the fastest method to 99 from level 92. Shout out to @glitchfor the help with making the graphics so clean
7 pointsThe Pyramid Plunder is a Thieving minigame located inside the Jalsvarah Pyramid on the southern side of the Kharidan Desert. You can find this pyramid by traveling to the Sophanem also known as the City of the Dead. Once you come across the pyramid you will notice there is 4 doors located on the northern, eastern, southern, and western side. You will be able to enter all of them however the main objective would be to access the one with "The Guardian" inside of it. It will be randomly generated so you will have to do a little bit of a hunt. Once your inside you will have the option to start the minigame with "The Guardian". You will then start your progression with looting urns, chests, and sarcophagus to become the ultimate Pyramid Plunder expert. This will be a video demonstration of getting to the Jalsvrah Pyramid The Guardian Mummy will be your primary contact for Pyramid Plunder he is located in one of the four chambers of the Pyramid. He will often move locations so it will always be a random side (northern ,eastern, western, southern). His dialog will offer plenty of helpful tips such as "What is a artefact", "How do I obtain a artefact", "What can I do with the artefact?". He is also the only NPC with the ability to charge your Pharaoh's Sceptre in which you can find additional information about below. It should also be noted if you wish to skip his dialog and go directly into a Pyramid Plunder instance you can do so by right-clicking the Guardian Mummy. Room 1 - 21 Thieving requirement Room 2 -31 Thieving requirement Room 3 - 41 Thieving requirement Room 4 - 51 Thieving requirement Room 5 - 61 Thieving requirement Room 6 - 71 Thieving requirement Room 7 - 81 Thieving requirement Room 8 - 91 Thieving requirement A Urn will be the primary thing your looting when concluding your raid inside of the pyramid. You will be given three options: 1.) You will have the ability to "check" a urn for any snakes prior to searching this will not make your chances of searching more successful however does slow down the overall looting process. (This will not be the recommended method) 2.) Your 2nd option will be the ability to "search" a urn without checking it first this will decrease your chances of success however it will greatly speed up your overall looting process. (This will be the recommended method) 3.) You will also have the ability to use a snake charm in order to charm the snakes this will create a 100% success rate. (Snake Charm can be obtained by putting 2 coins into the Snake Charmer's bag located in Pollnivneach on the south side of the bar) IMPORTANT NOTE: You will take damage and become poisoned if you do not successfully loot a urn. It is highly recommended to take 8 food and at least 2 anti-poisons. Video Demonstration of looting the Level 91 Room of Pyramid Plunder Each floor will have a golden chest in the center of the room upon opening the chest you will randomly obtain a artifact (1 tier higher normally), the Pharaoh's Sceptre (Rare) and a chance of spawning a cluster of scarabs. Each floor will have a Sarcophagus toward the side of the room upon opening the Sarcophagus you will be rewarded strength experience and also you will randomly obtain a artifact (1 tier higher normally), the Pharaoh's Sceptre (Rare) or spawn a mummy. Once you have successfully completed a looting of a Urn you will be rewarded with a Artefact. As you progress in the minigame you will notice that on higher level rooms you will have a higher chance of obtaining more expensive or rare artefacts. It is important to note that you are only able to obtain the Pharaoh's Sceptre from the Sarcophagus or The Chest as explained above. These are the possible rewards: - Ivory Comb - Pottery Scarab - Pottery Statuette - Stone Seal - Stone Scarab - Stone Statuette - Gold Seal - Gold Scarab - Gold Statuette - Pharaoh's Sceptre The Pharaoh's Sceptre is the only unique reward from looting the Pyramid of Sophanem it will have the ability to teleport you to the following places: Jalsavrah - This teleport will take you directly to the Guardian Mummy located inside the Pyramid of Sophanem (Starting point of Pyramid Plunder) Jaleustrophos - This teleport will take you directly to the north-eastern corner of the Agility Pyramid (This will be the location of Simon Templeton) Enharakas Temple - This teleport will take you directly to the Quarry located in the Desert. The Pharaoh's Sceptre will have a limited amount of charges and in order to re-charge the Sceptre you will have to return some of the artefacts to the Guardian Mully he will accept the following artefacts and amounts to recharge your Sceptre: Pottery and Ivory Artefacts - 24 Artefacts combined to recharge Pharaoh's Sceptre Stone Artefacts - 12 Artefacts combined to recharge Pharaoh's Sceptre Gold Artifacts - 6 Artefacts combined to recharge Pharaoh's Sceptre The Pharaoh's Sceptre will be able to hold additional charges after the completion of the desert diaries the expansions will be as followed: Easy Diary - 4 total charges for the Pharaoh's Sceptre Medium Diary -5 total charges for the Pharaoh's Sceptre Hard Diary - 6 total charges for the Pharaoh's Sceptre Elite Diary - 8 total charges for the Pharaoh's Sceptre Simon Templeton is an archaeologist and treasure hunter located near Jaleustrophos. You will find him directly on-top of the incline on the corner of the Agility Pyramid upon speaking with him you will realize that he would like to purchase your artefacts that you have obtained from looting the Pyramid of Sophanem. You will see a chart below describing the price in which he offers per treasure. - Ivory Comb - 50 coins - Pottery Scarab - 75 coins - Pottery Statuette - 100 coins - Stone Seal - 150 coins - Stone Scarab - 175 coins - Stone Statuette - 200 coins - Gold Seal - 750 coins - Gold Scarab - 1000 coins - Gold Statuette - 1250 coins If you would like to watch a video guide on Pyramid Plunder you may watch this guide by Floxxu in order to get the overall concept. Note: Majority of the content is correct however travel etc may be different because we have faster methods. Make sure to keep yourself up to date on Zenyte specific methods. Graphic Credit: @Sir Hassan
6 pointsHerblore Guide Herblore is a skill where the player mixes potions with the help of a vial of water, a herb and a secondary ingredient. It is highly recommended that you train Farming before you start Herblore, as the majority of the herbs used will be gotten from herb seeds. This guide will include the best methods to obtain herbs, second ingredients and what potions the player should aim to make. Remember that the guide is also ironman-friendly, meaning that all ironmen can take use of this guide. If you have any suggestions on improvements, please comment below. Here is a direct link to the OSRS Wikipedia Page about Herblore, for those of you who are interested: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Herblore Leveling Up! Level 1 to 12: Attack Potions Level 12 to 38: Strength Potions Level 38 to 55: Prayer Potions Level 55 to 63: Super Strength Potions Level 66 to 69: Super Defence Potions Level 69-99: Extended (Super) Antifire Potions, Super Combat Potions & Saradomin Brews Remember that you want to create potions that you will use to avoid dropping/selling potions. However, if you do have the ingredients to make potions that aren't in this guide, make them. It's better to take advantage of everything you have rather than getting rid of it. Potions Secondary Ingredients
6 pointsHow to prepare for Chambers of Xeric Supplies Stats Gear Getting to raids? Scouting Room Strategies The Great Olm All gear setups are based on release of raids and that is why no tbow etc is in them. Will update guide with every room and all other noteable parts of raids/Chambers of Xeric
6 pointsDISCLAIMER: yes, i know this is yet another farming guide, there are already a few out, but after reading as well as watching through the others i've decided to still create one with my own spin. this will most likely be a lengthy post, so if you are only looking for something specific, be sure to make use of whatever text search you have access to in your browser: PC: ctrl+f MAC: cmd + f iPHONE: tap on the action box (middle button) at the bottom of your browser, and choose the option "find on page" ANDROID: tap the menu icon (top right vertical dots) at the top of your browser, and choose "find in page" things to know: farming growth period times are cut in HALF from OSRS standards (i.e. herbs have a 4x10min growth period down from 4x20min), this means you can do essentially do 1 herb run per hour. using farmed products, (herbs, allotment patch produce, fruit tree produce, etc.) will automatically note them saving you time from banking the client has a built-in farm timer you can utilize, rather than trying to remember what time your last run was, simply press the icon, followed by the icon. often for players, like myself in the past, farm runs would be a pain, due to all of the equipment you need to remember to bring each time, keeping a tab specifically organized for farm runs can make farming less of a daunting task. another built-in feature of the client is the Bank Tags tool, if it is not already activated, simply click on the icon and search Bank Tags, then open up your bank and right click any item and choose Edit-tags, this will prompt you with a text box to type a keyword for that tag. for farm runs i recommend a "herb" and "tree" tag. for items that would belong in both categories, such as a spade, simply put both words in the text box with a comma separating them. lastly, Item Identification is another built-in tool from the client (who would've thought), that allows you to see what type of seed or sapling something is without having to hover over it, making it much easier to find what you're looking to farm for your run. **if you have any more additions to this list of things to know, feel free to reply to this thread or send me a message and i will add it here and give you credit** phew! with the introduction finally over, lets get started! HERB RUNS herb runs are a great way to make money, or if you've decided to be self sufficient training herblore, it is the main way to go to obtain your main ingredients. there are a total of NINE herb patches in Zenyte, but this guide will focus only on EIGHT, as it is focused to be friendly for skillers, and even for main accounts it is too far out of the way, in my opinion. RECOMMENDED SETUP: graceful outfit (or wear nothing) magic secateurs (3 vote points) explorer's ring 3+ (provides unlimited teleports to falador herb patch) **skillers CAN complete the elite diary** ardougne cloak 4 (provides unlimited teleports to ardougne herb patch) **skillers CAN complete the elite diary** ectophial (3 vote points, provides teleport to morytania herb patch) spade, rake, and seed dibber icy basalt (provides teleport to weiss patch)* stony basalt (provides teleport to troll stronghold patch)* camelot teleport tablet (provides teleport to catherby patch)** zenyte home teleport tablets (you will be using the spawn portal for two patches) eight (8) of any seed you wish to farm whichever compost you like (store this at the leprechaun and grab it out as you go) OPTIONAL: xeric's amulet (obtained from lizardmen or stone chest thieving for skillers, xeric's glade teleport to Hosidius herb patch)*** *tutorial for obtaining basalt below **can be bought from players, made from scratch or replace with a third zenyte home tablet for access to spawn portal ***credit to splasher for the suggestion MINI GUIDE: HOW TO OBTAIN BASALT **requirements: 72 mining** now that you have all of your supplies, let's get to the run itself... THE RUN: to start off, using your ardougne cloak, teleport to the Ardougne Farm: harvest these crops, and teleport to the next patch: Catherby, using the zenyte spawn portal, or your camelot teleport and follow the path below to reach the patch: the next patch will be: Falador, choosing the teleport option on your explorer's ring will take you to the cabbage field south of the patch, simply run north after Falador, we will be going to the Farming Guild, requiring level 65 Farming, if you do not meet this requirement at the time, carry on to the next patch. break your zenyte home teleport and run north to the Zenyte Portal, in the skilling category choose Farming Guild, open the door and run into the west wing to find the herb patch. using your second zenyte home teleport, return to the Zenyte Portal, this time, in the training category, choose Sand Crabs, and follow the map below: use your ectophial to teleport to the ectofuntus and run west: after you've finished there, the last second-to-last patch is at Weiss. teleport using your icy basalt. to activate the weiss patch, the first time you go there you will need to bring 1x saw, 2x mahogany planks, 2x steel bars, 100x efh salt, 50x te salt, and 150x urt salt, to build a firepit for warmth. this is the only time you will need to bring these items. FINALLY, teleport to the Troll Stronghold using your stony basalt. and that's how you do a FULL* herb run on Zenyte! *minus Harmony Island patch now it's time for the real juicy xp... TREE RUNS tree runs are where the bulk of your experience come from. there are a total of SIX normal tree patches, and FIVE fruit tree patches, along with an extra calquat tree patch for those of you who are 72 Farming and above. RECOMMENDED SETUP: graceful outfit (or wear nothing) spade, rake, and seed dibber six (6) of your choice normal trees five (5) of your choice fruit trees one (1) OPTIONAL calquat tree falador teleport tablet (provides teleport to falador tree patch)** lumbridge teleport tablet (provides teleport to lumbridge tree patch)** coins (you will be paying the farmers near the patch to remove the tree for you) varrock tablet (provides teleport to varrock tree patch)** zenyte home teleports (provides access to Zenyte Portal for multiple tree patches) whichever compost you like (store this at the leprechaun and grab it out as you go) **can be bought from players, made from scratch or replace with zenyte home tablets for access to spawn portal THE RUN: teleport to Lumbridge and follow the map: after Lumbridge, head to Varrock and follow the next map: next is the Falador tree patch: teleport to spawn and using the Zenyte Portal, select the cities category and choose Taverley. run east. next patch is the Farming Guild, if you do not have level 65 Farming yet, you can move onto the last regular tree patch. break your zenyte home teleport and run north to the Zenyte Portal, in the skilling category choose Farming Guild, open the door and run into the west wing to find the tree patch. teleport home and use the Spiritual Fairy Tree 'Tree' option and press 2. run east to harvest your first fruit tree patch. after that patch, run south-west to find your final regular tree patch. run back north-east, after you've planted your final regular tree, teleport using the Spirit Tree and choose option 1, run west and 'squeeze-through' the loose railing and Follow Elkoy out of the maze, finally run south west to find the fruit tree patch. using a zenyte home teleport, return to spawn and teleport to Catherby via the Zenyte Portal and run east to find the next fruit tree patch. once again, return to spawn and use the Zenyte Portal to teleport to the Farming Guild, this patch requires 85 Farming, so skip to the next patch if you do not meet that requirement yet. last time, return to spawn and teleport to Ardougne using the Zenyte Portal, and run south to the charter ship, take the charter ship to Brimhaven. hop off the boat once you arrive, and run south the the fruit tree patch. **WARNING: low leveled players you may be attacked by jungle spiders or snakes, causing poison, make sure you have your antipoison and food with you** continue to run south all the way to the calquat patch, there are spiders here as well so be quick and keep an eye on your health and whether you have poison or not. and there you have it, a full herb and tree run guide, friendly to skillers and main accounts alike! good luck with your farm runs and i hope this helps some of you who are not sure about farming at the moment. p.s. golden guide quality? let me know and if there's anything i've missed message me or reply to this thread and i will add it with credit to you, thanks.
6 points
5 pointsConstruction Update Blog Hello All, Construction is progressing smoothly, and we have a solid expectation of a 2023 release. A substantial amount of content has already been incorporated, and even in its unfinished state, it could be released, allowing people to create reasonably functional houses. However, our aim is to release a product that we can take pride in. We've just finalized the beta server for our staff to evaluate Construction, gather data on any non-functional buildable elements, and determine what still needs to be added. At present, the following major features are in focus: Red - Not started.Yellow - IncompleteGreen - Complete Useful Rooms Portal Chamber Achievement Gallery Portal Nexus Superior Garden Costume Room Workshop Servants Menagerie Chapel Useful Features Entering Friend's Houses All Portals Tablet Making Wilderness Obelisk Important to remember: Typically, items highlighted in yellow are either in need of just one or two additional elements to be implemented, such as the boss liar display in the achievement gallery. Alternatively, they require a bit more testing, like the Servants, to determine the best way to implement them. We're extremely enthusiastic about releasing this feature, and our dedicated staff is diligently identifying any non-functional objects to ensure their proper integration.
5 pointsBudget management tips: - Fighter torso is a free upgrade and gives the same strength bonus as a Bandos Chestplate. - With a dragon defender and a lance, Obsidian Legs give the same max hit as Bandos Tassets. You are required to obtain the following before starting to raid as they are easy to obtain essential DPS upgrades. - Barrows Gloves - Amulet of Salve (ei) - Magic God Cape (imbued) - Fire Cape - Dragon Defender - Zamorakian Hasta / Abyssal Tentacle - Dragon Sword (for Vasa / or Zamorakian Hasta if you don’t use a Whip) - Trident of the Swamp - Occult necklace - Berserker Ring (i) - Amulet of Fury - Statius’ Warhammer / Dragon Warhammer / Bandos Godsword You are strongly advised to obtain the following before starting to Raid as they are easy DPS upgrades. - Ava’s Assembler - Fighter Torso You should not bring the following items into raids. They are such significant DPS downgrades. - Regular Trident - Regular Whip (Ironmen exempt) When choosing gear, keep in mind the following General Bonus Hierarchy: - Max Hits > Accuracy (primary focus) - Ranged > Melee > Magic (secondary focus) The following stats are recommended before learning raids: 90+ Magic 90+ Ranged 90+ Strength 80+ Attack 80+ Defence 78+ Herblore 55+ Farming You are unlikely to be accepted on to mentor raids if you do not meet the following stat requirements: 70 Prayer with Piety Unlocked 85+ Magic, Strength and Ranged Room Specific Items The following items are only needed in particular pre-olm rooms. Do not bring them on raids without these bosses. Dragon Sword (Vasa Nistirio) Pickaxe (Guardians) Zamorak Godsword (Muttadiles) Ice Barrage (Muttadiles) Sanfew Serum (Shamans and Vespula) Salve (ei) (Skeletal Mystics) Fire Surge + Tome of Fire (Ice Demon) You should bring Elite Void Range over Armadyl and Barrows gloves when you do not have the following rooms in your raid: Mystics Vespula Improving your stats is almost always a better investment than improving your gear. Setup progression with increasing budgets Void Budget setup "Budget Void" Avernic defender--> Dragon defender Zenyte jewellry ---> fury (saves 2 invent spaces for brews) Dragon warhammer--> Bandos godsword Upgrade wherever you can (e.g. Prims instead of dragon boots) DO NOT BRING MAGE VOID! Blowpipe; Adamant darts minimum. Don't bring a normal whip. What is Scouting? Scouting is the process of entering a raid and checking the room layout. If the rooms are not desirable, you simply leave and "rescout" the raid. Scouting good raid rotations increases your GP/Hour drastically, as well as making it easier to find teammates. Scouting Process: Join Clan Europe (CC) (or your own CC if smiley rank) and hop to a different world than the other teammembers scouting Make a party at the party board in the Raids Area Enter the Raid and check the pop-up of the rotation If the Raid looks bad, leave the raid Rescout for a better raid, and repeat until you find one Example: Whitelisting/Blacklisting: Whitelisting & Blacklisting give visual color indicators of good/bad rooms, you can customise these by opening the "Chambers of Xeric" tab in your Client configuration and copy/pasting these into their respective lists: Whitelisted Rooms: Tightrope Mystics Shamans Muttadiles Crabs Tekton Vasa Blacklisted Rooms: Unknown Thieving Ice Demon Note - You are able to customize this as you choose, remember not to blacklist difficult rooms as with practice they can be highly efficient and result in more GP/Hour! Scouting tips: - Combat rooms do not matter as much as Puzzle rooms - Ideally you want 3 Combat rooms and 2 Puzzle rooms - Always scout for the Tightrope Puzzle - Always avoid Unknown Puzzle rooms - Finding a 3c (3 Combat) "Crope" (Crabs + Rope) Raid is ideal - Vanguards are only worth doing in 3c Rotations - Drink a sip of stamina and super combat. Turn piety on. - Equip your pickaxe and set your attack style to smash. - Flinch each guardian as demonstrated: https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/fn-bCZvFzdEfWrS5HMVS1zPBaWrgYrxkCZperIZ0mgI/https/i.imgur.com/sbinfl4.mp4 - Drink a sip of ranging potion. - Turn on protect from range and rigour or eagle eye. - Blowpipe the small Muttadile. - When the small muttadile reaches 40% health, ice barrage it. - Kill it, then Blowpipe or Twisted Bow the large Muttadile. - When the large Muttadile reaches 50% health, ZGS spec it. - Avoid melee distance at all times - the large Muttadile chomps and stomps for 115+ damage. - Drink a sip of stamina and super combat potion. - Pray protect from melee and piety. - Lure Tekton by walking next to him and walking back. - Tank a hit from Tekton as he walks toward you. Otherwise, he will reset. - Spec Tekton twice with your defence lowering spec weapon. - Run around Tekton counterclockwise, hitting him in this pattern: - Tekton will go back to the anvil. Hit him as he walks back. - Avoid the meteors by moving two tiles away from your previous positions. - When Tekton comes off the anvil, tank a hit and begin attacking again. - Drink a stamina, ranged, and super combat potion. - Upon entering the room, Vasa will teleport some people to the center. - Those that were not teleported to the center, run to the center praying mage. - Once Vasa uses its post-teleport attack, pray range + rigour and attack with blowpipe or tbow. Vasa will throw rocks at you, avoid them by running two tiles away. - Vasa will move toward a crystal. Move toward the same crystal while attacking. - When Vasa reaches the crystal, pray piety. Attack the crystal with stab until it dies. - Resume praying rigour and attacking Vasa. - If Vasa performs the teleport attack again, repeat the above steps until it dies. - There is a mage, range, and melee Vanguard. - Ensure that at least one person on your team is on each Vanguard. - Drink a stamina potion, ranged potion, and super combat potion. - Pray against the style your Vanguard uses. - Attack your Vanguard with the opposite style in the combat triangle: Note: As well as magic, you can also use melee against the melee vanguard. - Ensure that the Vanguards are always within 33% health of each other. - If two Vanguards have a difference greater than that, they will reset to full health. - Vanguards will go back into their shells and walk around the room. - When they do this, follow your Vanguard in the direction it is moving. - Stay in the three corners of the room to avoid damage from multiple Vanguards: - Drink a stamina potion, ranged potion, and sanfew serum. - Set your quick prayers to redemption and rigour or eagle eye. - If you have a tbow or ACB, use rapid. If you have a DCB, DHCB, or RCB, use longranged. - Never attack the boss itself. - Enter the room with quick prayers enabled. - Instantly attack the portal. - After your attack animation, run one square behind the grub. - If your redemption procs, drink a super restore and re-enable quick prayers. - Repeat the three steps above as demonstrated below: https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/mCdZeSaB0NV6StO2oCOyexrgne3K-6l7QvruCr-IIx8/https/i.imgur.com/bckO20j.mp4 - If the any of the grubs have HP bars, you must feed them. - One person grabs three medivaemia blossoms. - Once you have three blossoms, spam click the grub with the HP bar. - Repeat for each grub as demonstrated below: - If you fail to do this in time, a vespine soldier will spawn. - Blowpipe it until it lands on the floor - then melee it to kill it before it explodes. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/pSxwlTgIByBWaSsfYgxo3hJDvAgaIsZ4wGiWNFWemfE/https/i.imgur.com/irJ0kbv.mp4 - Do not try to cross the rope upon entering the room. - Drink a ranging potion. Pray mage and rigour or eagle eye. - Attack each mager one at a time using tbow or blowpipe. (Note, the Deathly Mager is NOT an undead NPC, the Salve Amulet (ei) has no use here!) - Once the magers are dead, pray ranged and rigour or eagle eye. - Attack each ranger one at a time using blowpipe. - In layouts with a shadow root, the tank can run behind the shadow root. - The tank must attack the ranger every few blowpipe hits or it will switch aggro. - When only one ranger remains, one person crosses rope. Note: In loot-splitting raids mention how many points you have and allow the highest points player to get the crystal (more info, read down). - Pick up the keystone crystal and use it on the door. - The scouter is NOT determined to cross the rope. - In loot-splitting raids you should always aim for the person with the highest personal points to get the crystal. Opening the barrier gives points scaled to the users personal points. The more points he has, the more points the team gets. There are two methods to complete this room: chest method and no chest method. Chest method: - Before starting the room, kill scavs for planks and build a chest. - Bank everything in private storage. Grab an axe and tinderbox. - Chop an inventory of kindling. - Stand by the braziers. Light at the same time. No chest method: - Sip a dose of stamina and drop all of your remaining potions near the invisible chest space. - Grab an axe and tinderbox. - Chop as much kindling as you can and light a brazier. - Return to cutting kindling and continue to light the same brazier. Drop your axe and tinderbox. Click withdraw all from private chest (if chest method). Drink a ranging potion and super combat potion. Pray ranged and piety. Equip melee gear with DWH. Spec the ice demon with DWH. Switch into ranged gear and blowpipe. Pray ranged and rigour or eagle eye. The ice demon will throw rocks at you. Dodge them by moving two tiles. Although not required, fire surge is the best DPS against Ice Demon and it will significantly speed up the room. To solve crabs, you must bounce an orb off the crabs into the crystals. The orb will always turn clockwise when it bounces off a crab. You must change the orbs color to the opposite color of the target crystal. You can change the color of the orb by bouncing it off a colored crab. You color crabs by using different combat styles as demonstrated: Before starting the room, kill scavs for planks and build a chest. Bank everything in private storage. Alternatively, drop all remaining potions by the invisible chest space. Steal grubs from the chests until you have 10-15 grubs. If a chest poisons you, don't steal from it again. Dump grubs into the trough, continue picking and feeding until the room is complete. Although not required, bringing a lockpick will significantly speed up the room. The blue zones are the safe areas. The left side of the room is the mage hand. The right side of the room is the melee hand. The dark blue line is where you longrange from when melee clenches. The black square is the thumb, meet here for teleports. Orbs will target you and turn off your prayer. Your prayer must match the color of the orb directed at you. You will get a chatbox message matching the color below to warn you: Video with 3 minute guide on how to predict special attacks: Crystals When crystals appear at your feet, move away by one tile. https://i.imgur.com/r9u7Dh9.gifv Lightning Move out of the lightning's path. If you are hit, turn your prayers back on. https://i.imgur.com/fs41pLW.gifv Teleports When teleports appear, meet at the melee hand thumb. https://i.imgur.com/3u5I1YU.gifv Healing The melee hand will heal from your attacks when the infinity symbol appears. If olm throws random acid pools, don't stand on them. If olm targets you with an acid trail, turn off run and walk east or west. If olm throws crystal bombs on the ground, run away from them. If olm targets you with falling crystals, turn off run and walk east or west. If olm burns you, avoid other players. If olm burns other players, avoid them. If olm uses a fire wall, douse an opening with water spells and run out. On head phase, attack olm's head with ranged. Stay in your original positions at all times during head phase. Avoid the falling crystals by walking two tiles away. If olm spawns blue pools, stand on the pools. Credits This guide was based upon WDR’s guide with influences from ingame experiences by Clan Europe’s Master Raider Ranks. If you wish to have voice guided learner raids, make sure you apply on the following topic
5 pointsTable of Contents 1.) General Account Information 2.) General Account Security 3.) General Discord Information 4.) Zenyte Clan Chat 5.) Voting 6.) Donations and Donation Store 7.) Home 8.) Item Locations 9.) Skills Q&A 10.) Achievement Diaries 11.) Pets Once you have decided to join the Zenyte community you will need to create a account on the forums or website this is your first-task in order to access in-game content. You will notice on the top right of the screen there will be a sign-up option. You will want to select this option and input your requested username, personal email, and a private password. You will also be required to verify your account via the email you provided so ensure that it is accurate and correct. Upon completion of the anti-bot questionnaire you will want to hit sign up and follow the prompts appropriately to verify your email address. After this has been concluded congratulations you are now a member of the Zenyte Community. Note: It is also important to remember upon creation of a new account that as per rule 1 of the Zenyte Official Rules aggravated abusive or forbidden language is prohibited. This means if you have a username such as "eatmyass69" you will be banned and lose progress of your current account. You should always be mindful of others when selecting a username for your character. Zenyte has an extremely effective account integration system so that upon account registration on the forums or website you will also have your username whitelisted in-game allowing you to create a character. As of May 2020 following this update you will also notice that your forums account integration will also work directly with our discord server. Once you have created your account and verified your email you will have access to the in-game feature and character creation this is where you will be make two of the biggest decisions for your character. The first decision will be the selection of a game mode in Zenyte there are the following: Non-Ironman Mode There are no account restrictions. Standard Ironman Mode Requires the player to be entirely self-sufficient. Ironmen are restricted in most forms of interactions with other players such as trading or use of the Grand Exchange. Hardcore Ironman Mode Players will only have one life, in addition to the standard restrictions given to all ironmen. If a Hardcore Ironman dies, they will be converted to a Standard Ironman. In addition, their experience and total level on the Hardcore Ironman High Score table will be locked. Ultimate Ironman Mode All of the restrictions of Standard Ironmen apply, but you are not able to use banks. You will have the ability to remove your Ironman Status by speaking to Adam located north of the Grand Exchange inside of the Achievement Hall during any-point of your game play. However it is important to note that you are not able to recover your Ironman status after you have removed it. It is also important to notate that you can not make a regular account a ironman after the initial selection phase. After you have selected your game mode you will prompted to select your XP rate it is important to note that your XP rate will not have any affect aside from the rate in which you gain XP in-game. (There will be no additional drop chances, etc.) Zenyte currently offers the following XP rates to choose from: 50x Combat XP | 25x Skilling XP 10x Combat XP | 10x Skilling XP 5x Combat XP | 5x Skilling XP You will have the ability to increase your XP rate after this selection for example if you are currently at a 10x Combat XP | 5x Skilling XP however it is important to note you may not decrease your XP rate for example go from 50x Combat XP | 25x Skilling XP after this selection. If you wish to increase your XP rate you will head into the Achievement Hall north of the Grand Exchange and speak to the Zenyte Guide whom is wearing red and white armor. The Game Noticeboard interface in-game is an important tool as you progress your adventure in Zenyte you will notice useful features such as the "Game Settings" allowing you to set notifications for level ups, use examine on NPCs in order to open up the drop viewer and plenty more. You will also notice that it gives you important server and account information such as current player count, amount of players in the wilderness, server up-time and if you scroll to the bottom it even gives you useful links essential to the Zenyte community. A important account feature is the ability to see your time played, registration date, loyalty points, amount you have donated and current membership status. Here is a video of going to and scrolling through the Game Noticeboard interface: As a member of the Zenyte community it is important to know that from a staff perspective account security is a two-way street. The administration takes account security very personally and always goes above and beyond to ensure that we have quality safeguards in place to protect you and your identity. You can take the initiative to protect your account way before you access the game for the first time and these steps are as follows: Password It is important that you create a password that is secure according to the National Institute for Standards and Technology you should have a minimum of 8 characters, and one special character. Email Address You will want to make sure your email address provided is secure this includes following the above password requirement, and also it is highly recommended to have two factor authentication enabled for most major email chains. Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Two Factor Authentication is becoming one of the new "normal" as far as account security. This guide can provide you with in depth information about two-factor-authentication and explain the importance of it. It is also important to note that despite "account-sharing" being allowed it is at your own risk. This means if you allow your friend to play on your account and they obtain a ban or mute you can't use the excuse that "it was not you" your account is your responsibility. Discord holds an important role in the Zenyte Community, as a hub for information and support. As a new member of the community you will want to link your discord account with your Zenyte account by following the steps on this thread. You will then have access to some general text channels, such as #general and #cafe - which are both accessible to the general community. #general will display all new members joining the discord, so you will notice a lot of "Hey @username welcome to Zenyte Discord" & #cafe is normally used for general chatting and conversation, as well as media. You will want to make sure you are following all rules and regulations of the discord. You can do this by reviewing the text channel #rules, located under the information section of the discord. You will also find the channels #updates and #announcements, which are utilized by Zenyte Staff to inform members of the community and discord of updates and announcements pertaining to Zenyte. As a verified member of the community you will also have access to several channels inside of the Zenyte Lounge, such as #broadcasts, which will display all broadcasts from in-game, such as drops & people achieving 99s. You will also be able to make #bug-reports and #suggestions from within the lounge hub, giving ease of access to reporting and suggesting content. Also, as a verified user of the discord and Zenyte player, there may be a time that you require a higher level of assistance, such as donation transfers or 2FA resets, the discord is where you will have the ability to request such assistance quickly, in the #support channel. As a new member of the Zenyte Community you will have been defaulted into the Zenyte Clan Chat. This is a primary resource for members to ask questions however it is vitally important to remember that it doesn't have a maximum amount of users so you will want to keep your chat to address help specific topics. An example would be if multiple people are asking questions you wouldn't want to go off-topic and start talking about Pepperoni Pizza. If you ever wish to join the Zenyte Staff Team you will want to start this journey by being as helpful in the Zenyte Clan Chat as possible and making sure when you respond to questions that you are giving accurate information. A tip is when your answering a member of the community put an @ symbol in front of their name followed by an answer to their question for example if Listen asked "How many marks of grace do I need for full graceful?" I would answer this question by saying "/@Listen you will want to obtain at least 104 marks of grace." The ranks in the Zenyte Clan Chat are as followed: Zenyte Staff | Server Support > Members of the staff team that help answer questions in-game, on the forums, and discord. | Moderator + Forum Moderator > Members of the staff team that help answer questions in-game, on the forums, and discord. Moderate in-game and/or on the forums | Global Moderator > Senior members of the staff team that help answer questions in-game, on the forums, and discord. Moderate in-game and the forums. Accept the OSGP donations, Manage the QA team, Manage the events+events team, Handle advertising | Administrator + Head Administrator > Highest ranking members of the staff team who oversee the staff team, game and support. | Developer + Assistant Manager + Manager > Positive advancement of the game and its updates. There is also a separate set of rules for the "Zenyte" Clan Chat it is important that you read and understand them fully. This set of rules can be found here. This is where the Zenyte Staff and Development Team needs you as a member of the Zenyte Community it is important for you to understand that each vote counts. The more votes that we can maintain consistently over a period of time allows us to grow and grow our community. As exponential growth is projected that means over a short-period of time we can easily reach and maintain the top-boards of Runescape Private Servers and as we know the more successful a server is the more players it will have, and with more players comes more suggestions, events and development which will ultimately help us sustain our position as the best Runescape Private Server. Voting in-game can be done by typing the command ::vote it will then open up your browser to the voting page located here If you are on the forums or website you will want to go to the voting icon located on the right side of the page or select this link from here you will see three selected sites as followed: You will want to click on these sites one by one completing the anti-bot verification and after completion of this you will then want to do the command ::claim in-game. It is important to note that you will obtain additional rewards if you have two-factor authentication enabled which was spoken about above. Rewards will be as followed with two-factor authentication enabled: 225k coins 3 Vote Points A Random Clue Scroll You can vote every 12 hours so remember to keep these coming as it is essentially free income and helps show your dedication toward the Zenyte Community. Once you have accumulated vote points you will be allowed to purchase items from the "Voting Shop" located north of the Grand Exchange in the Achievement Hall the item stock and price is as followed: Sherlock's notes - 1 vote point Tome of experience - 1 vote point Small Pouch - 3 vote points Medium Pouch - 3 vote points Large Pouch - 3 vote points Giant Pouch - 3 vote points Clue bottle (easy) - 3 vote points Clue bottle (medium) - 6 vote points Clue bottle (hard) - 9 vote points Xeric's Wisdom (Boosted CoX Points) - 25 vote points Verzik's Will (Boosted TOB Points) - 25 vote points Inferno skip scroll - 45 vote points Coal Bag - 50 vote points Herb Sack - 30 vote points Seed Box - 25 vote points Gem Bag - 25 vote points Rune Pouch - 50 vote points Herb Box - 1 vote point Tea Flask - 1 vote point Magic Secateurs - 10 vote points Ectophial - 10 vote points Looting Bag - 3 vote points Gricoller's can - 6 vote points Soul bearer - 25 vote points Ice Gloves - 15 vote points Cooking gaunlets - 15 vote points Goldsmithing gaunlets - 15 vote points Chaos gaunlets - 15 vote points Kraken teleport scroll - 40 vote points Cerberus teleport scroll - 60 vote points Zulrah teleport scroll - 60 vote points Godwars teleport scroll - 70 vote points Dagannoth kings teleport scroll - 70 vote points Barrows teleport scroll - 60 vote points Ecumenical key - 6 vote points $5 Bond - 40 vote points Graceful dye - 5 points You also have the option to view the top voters for each month by the vote leaderboard located here it will look like this on the left side of the page: A long term Staff Member has recently seen himself in the top-boards of votes for months and we took a moment to ask him "What is your secret to being the the top voter month after month?" He said "CONSISTENCY there is no secret to obtaining votes aside from making sure that you are voting when you can. I have even missed a day or two here and I still come on top, so there is always the possibility to beat me!" As a member of the Zenyte Community you will notice that there is no membership fees in order to access the game or majority of the content (outside of Zenyte specific things like boss teleports, ::yell command, and restoration box cool-downs) this means all of the hosting, development, and storage is 100% funded by donations. This means us the player are responsible for the future of our game. The server however has taken some steps in order to give back to us in the way of in-game item purchases located in the Store feature. A item will be eligible to be purchased using "credits" and credits can be purchased by using both paypal and bitcoin. There is also the option to donate with Runescape coins if you wish to do that then please follow this link for additional instructions. There is also the method to purchase credits by buying a in-game bond valued at $10, $50 or $100. As you see below you can purchase credits in the following increments: 50 Credits - $5,00 USD 100 Credits - $10.00 USD $250 Credits - $25.00 (USD) 500 Credits -$50.00 (USD) 1000 Credits - $100.00 (USD) 2500 Credits - $250.00 (USD) 5000 Credits - $500.00 (USD) 10000 Credits - $1000.00 (USD) As you advance in the amount of credits you purchase you will start to obtain a rank so for example if you purchase the $5.00 credit on April 1st, and then purchase the $5.00 credit again on April 4th you will have purchased a total of $10.00 meaning your total donated amount will be $10.00 unlocking the Sapphire feature of the donator rank. Note however it is important to note if you purchase a bond you will remove the total amount of the bond from your total amount donated so for example if you purchase the $5.00 on April 1st, and $5.00 on April 4th but then buy a bond with the 100 credits your total amount donated will be $0.00 giving you no Sapphire donator rank. As of May 2020 the following chart will describe the total amount donation needed perk rank, and all of the benefits obtained from that rank: As previously mentioned on-top of obtaining total amount donated you will be able to spend your credits on things located in the Zenyte Donation Store (Forums). I would also like to point out again that if you buy a bond for $10, $50, or $100 you will have the credits and the total donated removed from your account. So if you was a Sapphire donator and bought a $10.00 bond you will lose your donator status. You will be able to access the donation store here. Grand Exchange The Grand Exchange allows players to buy and sell any trade-able item in Zenyte without having to meet face to face or use the player to player trade mechanic. The Grand Exchange allows you to see a active trade of a item in the top left corner. Upon pressing this you will be able to search the item and see what the current buy and sell offers are. If you do not wish to sell or buy a item for that specific price you may place your own offer by the standard mechanics of the Grand Exchange. Achievement Hall The Achievement Hall is located North of the Grand Exchange and is one of the major locations of the home in Zenyte. You will be able to find a lot of useful shops and NPCs inside of this building. Some of the useful NPCs are as followed: Challenge Master - Allows you to turn in your challenges for daily XP rewards General Store Items sold in the General Store by Shop Keeper, and Shop Assistant are as followed: Pot - 1 Coin (Stock 5) Jug - 1 Coin (Stock of 2) Shears - 1 Coin (Stock of 2) Bucket - 2 Coins (Stock of 3) Bowl - 5 Coins (Stock of 2) Cake Tin - 13 Coins (Stock of 2) Tinderbox - 1 Coin (Stock of 3) Chisel - 1 Coin (Stock of 2) Hammer - 1 Coin (Stock of 5) Newcomer Map - 1 Coin (Stock of 5) Security Book - 2 coins (Stock of 5) Magic Store Dhalius: Blue Wizard Hat - 800 Coins (Stock of 100) Blue Wizard Robe - 1,566 Coins (Stock of 100) Blue Skirt - 1,122 Coins (Stock of 100) Ghostly Hood - 384 Coins (Stock of 100) Ghostly Robe (top) - 852 Coins (Stock of 100) Ghostly Robe (bottom) - 685 Coins (Stock of 100) Ghostly Cloak - 255 Coins (Stock of 100) Ghostly Boots - 244 Coins (Stock of 100) Hezaff: Mind Rune - 3 Coins (Stock of 15,000) Air Rune - 4 Coins (Stock of 15,000) Fire Rune - 4 Coins (Stock of 15,000) Water Rune - 4 Coins (Stock of 15,000) Earth Rune - 4 Coins (Stock of 15,000) Body Rune - 3 Coins (Stock of 15,000) Law Rune - 280 Coins (Stock of 5,000) Nature Rune - 230 Coins (Stock of 5,000) Cosmic Rune - 75 Coins (Stock of 5,000) Staff of Air - 2,560 Coins (Stock of 100) Staff of Water - 2,560 Coins (Stock of 100) Staff of Earth - 2,560 Coins (Stock of 100) Staff of Fire - 2,560 Coins (Stock of 100) Dramen Staff - 4,322 Coins (Stock of 100) Ancient Staff - 80,744 Coins (Stock of 100) Iban's Staff (u) - 200,000 Coins (Stock of 100) Zenyte Home Teleport - 175 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Range Store Robin: Leather Cowl - 24 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Leather Body - 21 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Leather Chaps - 20 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Leather Vambraces - 16 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Leather Boots - 6 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Ava's Accumulator - 4,467 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Archer Helm - 81,500 Coins (Stock of 1000) Fae: Shortbow - 50 Coins (Stock of 100) Oak Shortbow - 100 Coins (Stock of 100) Willow Shortbow - 200 Coins (Stock of 100) Maple Shortbow - 400 Coins (Stock of 100) Crossbow - 260 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Crossbow - 378 coins (Stock of 100) Iron Crossbow - 565 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Crossbow - 1,296 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Bolts - 1 Coin (Stock of 5,000) Iron Bolts - 30 Coins (Stock of 5,000) Bronze Arrow - 6 Coins (Stock of 10,000) Iron Arrow - 18 Coins (Stock of 10,000) Supply Store Jackie Tools Shop: Hammer - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Knife - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Chisel - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Tinderbox - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Small Fishing Net - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Big Fishing Net - 75 Coins (Stock of 100) Fishing Rod - 50 Coins (Stock of 100) Fly Fishing Rod - 50 Coins (Stock of 100) Lobster Pot - 75 Coins (Stock of 100) Harpoon - 75 Coins (Stock of 100) Barbarian Rod - 80 Coins (Stock of 100) Oily Fishing Rod - 180 Coins (Stock of 100) Spade - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Gardening Trowel - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Seed Dibber - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Secateurs - 6 Coins (Stock of 100) Watering Can - 10 Coins (Stock of 100) Rake - 10 Coins (Stock of 100) Fishing Bait - 3 Coins (Stock of 10,000) Bait Pack - 450 Coins (Stock of 250) Feathers - 3 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Feather Pack - 450 Coins (Stock of 250) Pestle and Mortar - 25 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Axe - 15 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Axe - 43 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Axe - 112 Coins (Stock of 100) Mithril Axe - 822 Coins (Stock of 100) Adamant Axe - 12,833 Coins (Stock of 100) Rune Axe - 25630 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Pickaxe - 15 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Pickaxe - 33 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Pickaxe - 212 Coins (Stock of 100) Mithril Pickaxe - 899 Coins (Stock of 100) Adamant Pickaxe - 3542 Coins (Stock of 100) Rune Pickaxe - 21,345 Coins (Stock of 100) Bird Snare - 53 Coins (Stock of 100) Box Trap - 63 Coins (Stock of 100) Vial - 3 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Empty Vial Pack - 450 Coins (Stock of 250) Vial of Water - 12 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Water-Filled Vial Pack - 1,250 Coins (Stock of 250) Rope - 346 Coins (Stock of 100) Ring Mould - 346 Coins (Stock of 100) Amulet Mould - 346 Coins (Stock of 100) Necklace Mould - 346 Coins (Stock of 100) Bracelet Mould - 346 Coins (Stock of 100) Tiara Mould - 346 Coins (Stock of 100) Ammo Mould - 346 Coins (Stock of 100) GlassBlowing Pipe - 256 Coins (Stock of 100) Needle - 1 Coin (Stock of 100) Thread - 1 Coin (Stock of 1,000) Air Talisman - 10 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Earth Talisman - 10 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Fire Talisman - 10 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Water Talisman - 10 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Body Talisman - 10 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Mind Talisman - 10 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Silver Dust - 334 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Pet Rock - 215 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Silver Sickle - 135 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Silver Sickle (b) - 1895 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Lockpick - 20 Coins (Stock of 1,000) Nail Beast Nails - 456 Coins (Stock of 1,500) Cleaning Cloth - 354 Coins (Stock of 1,500) Clockwork - 10,255 Coins (Stock of 1,500) Watch - 1 Coin (Stock of 100) Chart - 1 Coin (Stock of 100) Sextant - 1 Coin (Stock of 100) Spotted Kebbit Fur - 680 Coins (Stock of 25) Dashing Kebbit Fur - 1,760 Coins (Stock of 25) Fine Cloth - 1,444 Coins (Stock of 100) Empty Bucket Pack - 200 Coins (Stock of 50) Barb-Tail Harpoon - 1,000 Coins (Stock of 50) Karambwan Vessel - 1,000 Coins - (Stock of 50) Jackie Jewellery Shop: Amulet of Accuracy - 3,280 Coins (Stock of 100) John: Sardine - 25 Coins (Stock of 2,000) Trout - 78 Coins (Stock of 2,000) Dwarven Rock Cake - 382 Coins (Stock of 2,000) Weapon and Armor Store Cynthia: Bronze Full Helm - 44 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Platebody - 160 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Platelegs - 80 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Kiteshield - 68 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Full Helm - 154 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Platebody - 560 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Platelegs - 280 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Kiteshield - 238 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Full Helm - 550 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Platebody - 2,000 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Platelegs - 1,000 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Kiteshield - 807 Coins (Stock of 100) Climbing Boots - 2,460 Coins (Stock of 100) Anti-Dragon Shield - 2,588 Coins (Stock of 100) Elemental Shield - 15,000 Coins (Stock of 100) Mind Shield - 25,000 Coins (Stock of 100) Bearhead - 18,795 Coins (Stock of 100) Arnas: Bronze Dagger - 32 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Dagger - 112 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Dagger - 400 Coins (Stock of 100) Mithril Dagger - 655 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Scimitar - 32 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Scimitar - 112 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Scimitar - 400 Coins (Stock of 100) Mithril Scimitar - 1,040 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze Longsword - 32 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron Longsword - 112 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel Longsword - 400 Coins (Stock of 100) Mithril Longsword - 1,040 Coins (Stock of 100) Bronze 2H Sword - 78 Coins (Stock of 100) Iron 2H Sword - 158 Coins (Stock of 100) Steel 2H Sword - 699 Coins (Stock of 100) Mithril 2H Sword - 1,266 Coins (Stock of 100) Darklight - 1,688 Coins (Stock of 100) Shadow Sword - 100,000 Coins (Stock of 100) Slayer Shop Krystilia: Enchanted Gem - 1 Coin (Stock of 50) Mirror Shield - 5,000 Coins (Stock of 50) Leaf Bladed Spear - 31,000 Coins (Stock of 50) Broad Arrows - 60 Coins (Stock of 50,000) Bag of Salt - 10 Coins (Stock of 5000) Rock Hammer - 500 Coins (Stock of 50) Facemask - 200 Coins (Stock of 50) Earmuffs - 200 Coins (Stock of 50) Nose Peg - 200 Coins (Stock of 50) Slayer's Staff - 21,000 Coins (Stock of 50) Spiny Helmet - 650 Coins (Stock of 50) Fishing Explosive - 60 Coins (Stock of 5000) Ice Cooler - 1 Coin (Stock of 5000) Slayer Gloves - 200 Coins (Stock of 50) Unlit Bug Lantern - 130 Coins (Stock of 50) Insulated Boots - 200 Coins (Stock of 50) Fungicide Spray 10 - 300 Coins (Stock of 50) Fungicide - 300 Coins (Stock of 5000) Witchwood Icon - 900 Coins (Stock of 50) Slayer Bell - 150 Coins (Stock of 50) Broad Arrowheads - 55 Coins (Stock of 3000) Broad Arrowhead Pack - 5,500 Coins (Stock of 800) Unfinished Broad Bolts - 55 Coins (Stock of 5000) Unfinished Broad Bolt Pack - 5,500 Coins (Stock of 1000) Rock Thrownhammer - 200 Coins (Stock of 5000) Boots of Stone - 200 Coins (Stock of 100) Furnace Building The Furnace Building is located just north-east of the Grand Exchange and has a free accessible furnace. Cooking Building The Cooking Build is located just east of the Grand Exchange and has a free accessible range. You will also notice the women inside of this building are normally used for thieving purposes. The Staff Team has complied a list of locations for items that are commonly inquired about if you notice a item not on the list in which you believe should be added feel free to comment the item or message Gepan and or Glitch. Fighter Torso: 1.) This item can be purchased for credits in the store. (Direct Link) 2.) This item can be purchased in the Slayer Shop for 400 points. 3.)This item can be purchased by for 600,000 (600k) Bounty Hunter Points. Barrows Gloves: 1.) This item can be purchased in the Lumbridge Basement chest for 104,000 coins (104k) Cannon: 1.) This item can be purchased for credits in the store. (Direct Link) 2.) This item can be purchased in the Slayer Shop for 400 points. 3.)This item can be purchased from another player or the Grand Exchange. Dragon Defender: 1.) This item can be purchased for credits in the store. (Direct Link) 2. This item can be obtained in the basement of the Warriors Guild if you have any questions follow this guide. Slave Amulet (ei): 1.) This item will be require a amulet purchased from the Slayer Shop for 40 slayer points. You will then need to purchase a Tarn's Diary from the Slayer Shop for 40 slayer points. You will then need to imbue it with a loyalty scroll purchased for 150 loyalty points. Rune Pouch: 1.) This item can be purchased for credits in the store. (Direct Link) 2.) This item can be purchased in the Slayer Shop for 1250 slayer points. 3.) This item can be purchased from the Bounty Hunter store for 1,200,000 (1.2m) points. Looting Bag: 1.) This item can be purchased from the Bounty Hunter store for 10,000 (10k) points. 2.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 3 voting points. 3.) This item can be obtained from a drop by wilderness monsters in the wilderness. Rogue's Outfit: 1.) 1/200 per piece chance from pick-pocketing any NPC in Zenyte Coal Bag: 1.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 70 voting points. 2.) This item can be obtained at Motherload Mine for 40 nuggets. Gem Bag: 1.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 30 voting points. 2.) This item can be obtained at Motherload Mine for 40 nuggets. Herb Sack: 1.) This item can be purchased for credits in the store. (Direct Link) 2.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 30 voting points. 3.) This item can be purchased in the Slayer Shop for 750 points. Chaos Gauntlets: 1.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 30 voting points. Goldsmithing Gauntlets: 1.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 30 voting points. Cooking Gauntlets: 1.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 30 voting points. Enchanted Ice Gloves: 1.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 30 voting points. Iban's Staff: 1.) This item can be purchased from magic shop at home for 200,000 (200k) coins. Dramen's Staff: 1.) This item can be purchased from magic shop at home for 4,322 coins. Magic Secateurs: 1.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 3 voting points. Ectophial: 1.) This item can be purchased from the voting store for 3 voting points. Skillcapes: Mac at Home in the Achievement Hall will sell you all skill capes, including the max cape. Shayzien Armour 5: 1.) This item can be purchased from the Slayer Shop for 40 points per piece or 200 total for all pieces. Anchor: 1.) This item can be purchased in the Slayer Shop for 200 points. Wolfbane: 1.) This item can be purchased in the Slayer Shop for 100 points. Keris: 1.) This item can be purchased in the Slayer Shop for 150 points. Holy Wrench: 1.) This item can be purchased in the Slayer Shop for 200 points. Ogre Bow: You will want to follow this guide in order to obtain the Ogre Bow. Range: Q: How can I purchase a cannon? A: You can purchase a cannon for 400 slayer points from the slayer shop or from another player on the Grand Exchange. Q: How do I obtain an Ava's Accumulator? A: You will have to purchase the Ava's Accumulator from the Range Shop located to the east of the Grand Exchange. Prayer: Q: How can I obtain a bonecrusher? A: You will need to complete at least morytania diary hard and then speak to a ghost disciple at the Ectofuntus. Q: Where can I find a gilded altar? A: You can use the alter upstairs of the Achievement Hall as a gilded altar (same affect) Q: Is the Chaos Altar working and is it the best altar to use? A: The Chaos altar does work and provides the best XP however it is important to note it is indeed wilderness. Magic: Q: Where do I change my spellbooks? A: You can change your spellbooks on the altar located above the Achievement Hall Q: Is Splashing allowed? A: Yes, as long as your not botting. Runecrafting: Q: Where can I get runecrafting pouches? A: You can obtain pouches by killing abyssal creatures, or from the voting shop inside the Achievement Hall. Construction: Q: When will construction be released? A: There is no estimated time of release at this time. Agility: Q: Where can I find grace to buy graceful? A: You can find Grace located in the basement of the bar in Burthope the trap door is located behind the bar. Q: How do I color my graceful? A: You will need to purchase dyes from the vote shop for 5 points per piece. Herblore: Q: Where can I decant potions? A: You can decant potions by speaking to the NPC Zahur near Jackie north of the Grand Exchange (Home) Q: Will there ever be Divine potions? A: When we release The Gauntlet Q: Does Kingdom of Miscellenia work? A: No it currently is disabled Thieving: Q: Where can I get a rogue's set? A: You will obtain a set from pickpocketing NPCs they have a 1/200 chance of giving you a piece. Q: Can I get double rogue pieces? A: No you cannot! Q: Where is the best place to earn profit while pickpocketing A: The best options are Heros or Elves Q: Do I need a firecape to get into Tzhaar City? A: Yes, you will need to show the NPC a fire cape at the gate. Q: Where can I obtain Diamonds? A: You can obtain diamonds by pickpocketing Tzhaars, Heros or Elves. Crafting: Q: Where can I obtain a uncut Zenyte? A: You will want to use a zenyte shard with a onyx. Q: Where is a good place to start training crafting? A: You can buy sand, and seaweed from the Charter Ship at Catherby to do glassblowing proficiently. Here is a guide for this method. (You will need a magic level of 77) Fletching: Q: Where can I find a knife to start Fletching? A: You can purchase a knife from Jackie as most general stores do not sell them. Q: How do I make crossbow strings? A: There is multiple ways it is best to use the following guide. Slayer: Q: Where are the slayer master(s) A: Locations of Slayer Masters Q: Which slayer master gives the most slayer points? A: If you are open to wilderness slayer then the slayer master at home for wilderness slayer will be your best bet. However if you do not wish to travel to the wilderness Konar will be your best option. Q: Is Konar and the Brimestone Chest available on Zenyte? A: Yes they are and they function like that of the original game mechanics. Q: Is Wilderness slayer worth it? A: Yes you can obtain emblems and it is the most points per slayer master however remember you are in the wilderness. Hunter: Q: Why is a lot of mechanics for the skill currently disabled? A: Hunter is being reworked and will be released better then ever shortly! Q: What seeds can I use for birdhouses? A: You can use hop seeds or herb seeds a list of hop seeds can be found here. Mining: Q: Can I get more paydirt on the top floor of Motherload Mine? A: No, however you will be able to access the deposit bin, and bag/bank quicker. Q: Where can I mine Amethyst Ore? A: You will be able to mine the Amethyst Ore in the Mining Guild Expansion area (door through the Mining Guild) Q: Can I mine volcanic ash? A: Yes you can mine volcanic ash at the normal location on Fossil Island. Smiting: Q: How many cannonballs can I make per steel bar? A: You can make 8 cannonballs per steel bar. Q: Where can I find ice gloves and or goldsmithing gaunlets? A: You can purchase either one of these from the voting shop for 15 points each. Q: Do ice gloves have unlimited charges? A: They only have 150 charges Fishing: Q: What is faster XP monkfish or lobsters? A: Lobsters are faster for XP then monkfish. Q: What is the requirement for fishing guild? A: You will need at least 68 fishing in order to enter the guild. Q: Can you fish minnows? A: Yes however you do not need the Angler's Outfit Cooking: Q: When do I stop burning food? A: Here is wiki page regarding what level you will stop burning specific food. Q: Where can I purchase cooking gauntlets? A: You can purchase cooking gaunlets from the voting shop for 15 points. Q: Can you buy jugs of water anywhere? A: Nope, you will need to fill them or use the lunar spell humidify on a inventory. Q: Where is the best place to cook food? A: Myth Guild or Tzhaar City (Will require a Firecape for the city) Firemaking: Q: What level do I need for Wintertodt? A: 50 Firemaking Q: Where can I find warm clothing? A: Here is a list of warm clothing from the wiki page (Yak Armor, Fire Tiara, Fire Battlestaff is easily obtained in Zenyte) Q: How can I obtain a phoenix pet and can this be done by regular firemaking? A: You can only obtain a phoenix pet from Wintertodt, and it can't be obtained of Wintertodt. Woodcutting: Q: What do I do with eggs? A: You can turn the eggs into the shrine at the woodcutting guild for a chance at the evil chicken costume and some prayer experience. Q: Does the lumberjack outfit from the voting store give additional bonuses? A: Yes, it provides 2.5% increase in woodcutting XP when worn. Q: What's the requirements to enter the woodcutting guild? A: You need at least 60 woodcutting to enter the guild. Farming: Q: Where can I start Farming? A: You will want to start farming by raking weeds at any patch. (I would recommend Catherby as a new farmer) Q: Why do my patches die? A: You can pay the farmer to keep an eye on your patches for a payment depending on what you have planted. However if you do not wish to pay the farmer your crops have a random chances of becoming diseased. Q: Where can I obtain farming seeds? A:: You can actually obtain farming seeds by buying them from other players, obtaining them as drops from monsters, or even pickpocketing master farmer with 38+ thieving. Q: How long does my patch take to grow? A: Your patch will take half of the growth time of OSRS for example herb patches would take 80 minutes on OSRS and on Zenyte they will only take 40 minutes. Q: Where can I find volcanic ash? A: You can mine volcanic ash near the hardwood trees on Fossil Island or you can purchase from other players/grand exchange. There is currently over 30 different pets in Zenyte and a lot of different ways to obtain them so @Sir Hassan has went ahead and released a seperate more in-depth guide for pets you can find this guide located here.
5 pointsWelcome to my Thieving guide! Let's start with items that will help you on your way to 99 Thieving. Rogue equipment is received by pickpocketing npcs around Zenyte. The chance of getting a piece is 1/200. Full Rogue outfit gives double loot. It's recommended to pickpocket Men & Women till you receive full Rogue outfit if you're going for the most profit possible. Ardougne diaries have some benefits for pickpocketing success rate, so it is recommended to get Ardougne cloak 2. Ardougne cloak 2 adds 10% success rate while training Thieving in Ardougne. Ardougne cloaks 3/4 add 10% success rate while training Thieving in Zenyte (Whole map). [You can check out diary guide made by @radi] Before you start training Thieving, disable your attack option on the npcs. Go to options and select hidden. You're going to start your Thieving training at Home by pickpocketing Men & Women till Level 20. Men & Women can be found at Home in the market areas. You can also continue pickpocketing Men & Women till you receive all Rogue pieces for more profit in the future. Experience from a successful action / Actions till level 20 [5x] 40 xp / 112 actions [10x] 80 xp / 56 actions [25x] 200 xp / 23 actions After getting 20 Thieving go to Zenyte portal and teleport to Ardougne. Here you're going to steal from Silk stalls till Level 40. Experience from a successful action / Actions till level 40 [5x] 120 xp / 273 actions [10x] 240 xp / 137 actions [25x] 600 xp / 55 actions When you reach level 40 you'll stay in Ardougne and start pickpocketing Guards in the center of the Market. Experience from a successful action / Actions till level 55 [5x] 234 xp / 554 actions [10x] 468 xp / 277 actions [25x] 1170 xp / 111 actions When you reach Level 55 you can start pickpocketing Knights of Ardougne. They are located in the same area as Guards. Experience from a successful action / Actions till level 70 [5x] 421.5 xp / 1349 actions [10x] 843 xp / 675 actions [25x] 2107.5 xp / 270 actions When you reach level 70, you can move on to Paladins. They are located west of Ardougne market. Experience from a successful action / Actions till level 85 [5x] 759 xp / 3322 actions [10x] 1518 xp / 1661 actions [25x] 3795 xp / 665 actions When you reach level 85 it's time to move onto Elves. They are located in Lletya. You can go there by Zenyte portal. Elves are located in the highlighted area. You can also easily bank all pickpocketed items east of the highlighted area. Experience from a successful action / Actions till level 99 [5x] 1765 xp / 5539 actions [10x] 3530 xp / 2770 actions [25x] 8825 xp / 1108 actions TzHaar-Hurs are more of a money making option while going for 99 Thieving. For this method you require a Fire cape and it is recommended to get a gem bag which can be bought from Vote store for 18 Vote points, Zenyte store for 100 credits or Prospector's Percy's Nugget shop which is located in Motherload Mine for 40 golden nuggets. After using the Zenyte portal to teleport to Fight Caves follow the map above and go to the spot marked 'Entrance'. If it's your first time entering inner part of TzHaar city you'll have to use your Fire cape on TzHaar-Ket next to the entrance. Experience from a successful action / Actions till level 99 [5x] 517 xp / 14871 actions [10x] 1034 xp / 7436 actions [25x] 2585 xp / 2975 actions
5 pointsGetting started Always a good idea to have stamina potions and full graceful but not required All required traps and tools can be bought from Jackie north of home Leveling Due to the experience rates from birds being so low it's highly recommended to skip birds entirely by using random event lamps to level 5/29. Birds/lamp (1-5/29) Crimson birds 1-19, Green birds 19-27 Require: 2 bird snares Fairy ring: AKS or Home portal -> Skilling teleports -> Feldip Hills Birdhouses (Level 5-99) This is technically the most efficient way to obtain 99 but this requires going on birdhouse runs multiple times a day for weeks and leveling it alone side. Guide from this method can be found here. Swamp lizards (Level 29-47) Require: 3 small nets and ropes Remember you can lay 3 traps at level 40 Home portal -> Cities -> Canifis Orange Salamanders (Level 47-59) Require: 3 small nets and ropes and as many water skins as you can carry Fairy ring: DLQ Red Salamanders (Level 59-63/67) Require: 4 small nets and ropes Remember you can lay 4 traps at level 60 Spirit Tree: Tree Gnome Village -> follow Elkoy Option 1: Salamanders for faster experience Black Salamanders (Level 67-99) Require: 6 small nets and ropes You can lay 5 traps and 6 at level 80 because it's wilderness Use burning amulet, obelisks or run from Edgeville Option 2: Chinchompas slower but makes money Red Chins (Level 63-73) Require: 4 box traps Home portal -> Skilling ->Feldip Hills Black Chins (Level 73-99) Require: 6 box traps Remember you can lay 5 traps and 6 at level 80 because it's wilderness Use burning amulet, Revenant teleport or obelisk Experience rates: These experience rates were found at level 99 hunter using the larger expected number of traps at the given level range.
5 pointsWanted to make a quick guide on how to do gold ore with gold smith gaunts at Blast Furnace the most optimal way. This method only requires gold smith gaunts and NOT ice gloves. a bunch of home teles help, and I also give an explanation on what to do when you run out of energy if you don't have access to stamina pots (mainly for ironmen) Hope this vid helps some of you out!
5 pointsHello and welcome to my first skilling guide! I'll be going over the best methods for fast levels, equipment, experience rates, and everything you need to know for you to get that Fishing Skillcape! Keep in mind, this was how I achieved 99 Fishing, Legend: i. Fishing Gear ii. Teleports iii. Experience Rates iv. Catching Fish i. Fishing Gear You'll want to navigate to the North West of Edgeville, where the green circle is, and trade "Jackie". Go ahead and purchase a "Small Fishing net", a "Lobster pot", a "Harpoon", a "Barbarian rod", and around 3,000 Feathers (you made need more) for a total of 13,755gp. ii. Teleports You'll want to head over to the Zenyte Teleport, and choose Cities > Catherby iii. Experience Rates * Indicates the Fishing level need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method * Indicates the Agility level you need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method * Indicates the Strength level you need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method Shrimp (1) 250 exp/catch Anchovy (15) 1,000 exp/catch Tuna (35) (55)* (35)* 2,000/catch Lobster (40) 2,250 exp/catch Leaping Trout (48)* (15)* (15)* 1,875 exp/catch Swordfish (50) (70)* (30)* 2,500/catch Leaping Salmon (58)* (30)* (30)* 2,625/catch Monkfish (62) 3,000/catch Leaping Sturgeon (70)* (45)* (45)* 2,000/catch Shark (76) 2,750/catch Raw Anglerfish (82) 3,000/catch Raw Dark Crab (85) 3,250/catch iv. Catching Fish After teleporting to Catherby, go ahead and bank your Harpoon and Lobster pot, as we'll need to get around 2 inventories before we move onto Lobsters. We'll get around 45 Shrimps/Anchovies before we hit level 35 Fishing. Let's go bank our catches, in Catherby Bank, deposit our Small fishing net, and grab our Lobster pot & Harpoon. You can start catching Tunas on the same fishing spot you'll catch Lobsters on, just right click > Harpoon. Eventually, once you get past 50 Fishing, you'll begin catching Swordfish, as well. You can either choose to catch Lobsters, or catch Tunas/Swordfish, as they're exp/catch is so close, it's not going to effect Fish per/h very heavily. (Tuna heals 10, Lobster heals 12, and Swordfish heals 14, if you're interested in what is best to keep for training.) From here, you'll spend a few minutes fishing until you hit 76, which is the level we will need to catch a mighty Shark. If you're looking to AFK and get training supplies, this is your route, but we are here for that cape, so let's skip over these bad boys. Once you hit around 60 Fishing, let's head to Ottos Grove, and do some Barbarian Fishing. Teleport back home, and use the Teleporter, choose "Misc" > "Barbarian Outpost". After you arrive, you'll be located at the green circle, you'll need to head South to the Whirlpool, indicated by the red circle. Here is where we'll be staying until 99 Fishing, you'll be able to Catch Leaping Trout, Leaping Salmon, and Leaping Sturgeon, this is AFKable, but very fast. Simply enable your Shift Drop (Options > Controls > Enable Shift Click), or as an alternative you can use a knife on them to create Row, that you can use as bait. Hang in there, relax, and profit. Congratulations on your 99 Fishing, purchase the Cape from Max in the Achievement Hall at home! Special thanks to @Owl
5 pointsRequirements Level 22 Mining / Pickaxe Getting There Note; This is currently the fastest way i've found, if there is a quicker way pop a comment and i'll be sure to update the guide. Teleport to Ammonite crabs from the home teleporter. From there you'll want to follow the red path to the mushroom tree then select verdant vally Simply run east to find white ash piles you get (3) per successful mine. Volcanic ash Uses Fertile Soil spell ( level 83 magic, lunar spellbook ) This takes 2 volcanic ash from your inventory. Making ultracompost This can be done by either using volcanic ash on supercompost, or by adding up to 25 volcanic ash into a compost bin which has super compost in. You can find more farming tips by checking out SilverNova's guide here; If i missed anything or have any tips on how to make it more user friendly leave a comment
5 pointsHi, so I've been seeing this question about how to use ensouled heads asked many times throughout the day and seeing as there isn't a guide yet, I figured I'd make one. For reanimating ensouled heads, you MUST be on the Arceuus spellbook. To change to it, simply go to the building north of home and climb upstairs and switch using the altar. Travel to the Fairy Ring Code (C I S). Make sure you have a dramen staff equipped if the Lumbridge Elite diary isn't complete. You will also want to have the correct runes with you to cast the Reanimate spell. EDIT: A faster method would be to right click the home teleport spell on the Arceuus spellbook and select Arceuus, this puts you right at the dark altar. After using the Fairy Ring, you will want to make your way east to the Dark Altar. Once here, you are ready to start reanimating the heads by left clicking on the spell followed by left clicking the ensouled head in your inventory. A few things to keep in mind: All reanimations will have 35 HP, regardless of whether it's a goblin head or a dragon head. If that reanimation is part of your slayer task, a slayer helm's bonus will work in addition to you receiving slayer XP for the kill. EG, reanimating a bloodveld head whilst having a bloodveld task. You will want to have some form of Dragonfire protection if you were to reanimate dragon heads. List of the ensouled heads that can be reanimated and what magic level is needed: Magic Level Prayer XP on X5 Prayer XP on X10 Prayer XP on X25/50 Ensouled Goblin Head 3 650 1300 6500 Ensouled Monkey Head 7 910 1820 9100 Ensouled Minotaur Head 16 1820 3640 18200 Ensouled Scorpion Head 19 2270 4540 22700 Ensouled Bear Head 21 2400 4800 24000 Ensouled Unicorn Head 22 2470 4940 24700 Ensouled Chaos Druid Head 30 2925 5850 29250 Ensouled Giant Head 37 3250 7500 32500 Ensouled Ogre Head 40 3580 7160 35800 Ensouled Horror Head 52 4160 8320 41600 Ensouled Kalphite Head 57 4420 8840 44200 Ensouled Dagannoth Head 62 4680 9360 46800 Ensouled Bloodveld Head 65 5200 10400 5200 Ensouled Tzhaar Head 69 5520 11040 55200 Ensouled Demon Head 72 5850 11700 58500 Ensouled Aviansie Head 78 6170 12340 61700 Ensouled Abyssal Head 85 6500 13000 65000 Ensouled Dragon Head 93 7800 15600 78000