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    1d 1h 11m 11s

One last won the day on July 25 2020

One had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

40 Rune


About One

  • Birthday 07/19/1996

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  1. Yikes, didn't know you needed that high of gear.. Gonna be grinding my butt of before raids comes out! Thanks for this little guide, have never done raids before so I'm excited!
  2. One

    Farming Guide

    I will say, I love this guide. As someone who is rusty with farming, I've been using this 100% to get me back into my grove. One small suggestion I see, maybe add the Falador tree patches together, since I usually do the garden one then run my way up-to Taverly, instead of going back home and teleporting. Don't know if it's quicker, but I think it is.
  3. What a beautiful guide. Rich man's gear though haha, don't know when/if I'll ever be able to obtain HALF of it.
  4. Never really knew about them other then dropping d chains! Didn’t know it was this in depth! Thanks for the wonderful addition to the PvM guides
  5. As someone who is terrible at PvM, but I definitely want to get better, your video is an excellent start and thank you for the video to go along with the text!
  6. Congrats on not only it becoming a golden guide (and the award) but also the pin! I hope this will become a staple for new members, and even more updates for maybe more advanced content!
  7. Definitely a guide I've been using a lot! Thank you so much for posting, and I love the layout so I can quickly search and find what I need to look for!
  8. Looking at this frequently, great job on the pictures/layout and it definitely answers some basic questions I'm sure a lot of us had to figure out on our own! Thanks for the guide
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