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    2h 32m 49s

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About GinKusa

  • Birthday August 19

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    <p> I like to to play many games like OSRS is probably one of my top 5 most played games with probably LOL being my top at around 4k hours. I sometimes have a problem were I will play a game until completion even if it take me more than 24+ hours of play time which makes me gas out on the game sometimes. Luckily Runescape has been there for long time which i've been playing or quite some time on the official OSRS I was close to a max main but kinda got gassed with the long time to skill solo like runecraft or those long construction so I made a new account and wanted to try to play again fresh but with a 10mil cash stack to start got kinda far but gassed with that as well. But then I heard that RSPS are a thing I know been playing a long time never heard of them until recently. So I went scrolling looking or anything with a possible mobile client cause I like to play usually in bed on my phone glad I was in luck and found Zenyte been playing since Dec-7 and I've been having a blast seeing levels just pass by and getting to farm gear so more easily. </p>

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