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SilverNova last won the day on August 5 2022

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299 3rd Age Druidic

About SilverNova

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  1. Pretty nice guide. Love the simplicity and images to it. Very well done.
  2. Looks decent but I'd put at least some type of text above each spoiler so players know what each section is for. As of now it is just spoilers stacked on spoilers stacked on spoilers which is very confusing since you don't know what you are looking at when you click it until you take a good read.
  3. I've only put locations for Konar because she requires you to KILL them in SPECIFIC locations and for Krystalia because the NPCs in Wildy might not be as common knowledge as NPCs in the Slayer Tower. So in other words; no.
  4. Updated the guide. Thanks for the info.
  5. No worries. I'll make sure to update it with Konar when she does come out Updated with Krystalia
  6. Thanks, I have added it to the guide
  7. Probably has something to do with the max sizes on Zenyte. If an image is too big then it will automatically be scaled down to a fitting size.
  8. Getting to raids and the raid patterns. If you can, I think it would be nice with a youtube video as well. Can just be one from OSRS for the sake of convenience
  9. It's alright. One of your images is very small, so you might want to look into replacing that. Otherwise it'll serve as some nice information for raids beginners like myself :). Thanks for the guide.
  10. Thank you. Funny thing is that I honestly find myself using the guide as well, especially when I go for my farm runs I'll keep it as it is for now, but I will try to include a video sometime this week for the most efficient way of doing farm runs.
  11. No problem. Glad people still using the guide
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