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Everything posted by IRonstaak

  1. I hope we get a bunch more plugins. That's what I've been missing the most after general content updates
  2. Installable runelite plugins coming? Awesome
  3. I came here for mobile. That was what the ad said, rsps on mobile! I agree that updating to a new revision is essential, I won't be playing much until mobile is re-released. As I am a father now and I cannot play on the pc while taking care of my son. This really feels like a nail to the heart. Also a lot of community polls are mentioned but I haven't been notified through email about them - which is also a nail to the heart. I do have an opinion that I would like to be heard. Even if I am a minority, at least then I can say that I've been heard.
  4. Imagine hoarding planks pre-reset in hopes to get rich
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