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10X XP

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    5h 11s

10X XP last won the day on April 9 2020

10X XP had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

33 Adamant

About 10X XP

  • Birthday 01/14/1996

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  • Game mode: 0
  • XP: 0
  • Ranked: 0
  • Level: 0
  • Combat Level: 0

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  1. Grats on mod ^-^

    1. Gepan


      Thank you 🙂


  2. The toxcitiy in cc right now is unbareable, where's the staff at?

    1. Sir Hassan

      Sir Hassan

      Make sure to get proof and report if staff aren't around to handle it.

  3. I just need some chicken wings.. 

  4. Mtn Dew Frost Bite ❤️

  5. Was unable to play in-game today much due to an unexpected IRL  family issue. Hope you all gained millions of XP! Catch you in-game tomorrow. 🤘🏻🤙🏻

    1. Sir Hassan

      Sir Hassan

      Hope everything is as well as it can be 🙂

    2. 10X XP

      10X XP

      Getting there! Should be back home tonight to get back on my grind 🙂

    3. Sir Hassan

      Sir Hassan

      That's what I like to hear ❤️

  6. <3 Zenyte. GL everyone with their bxp grinds!

    1. Sir Hassan

      Sir Hassan

      You need all the luck you can get Mr. x10 😉

    2. 10X XP

      10X XP

      Uh oh. Doesn't sound good 😮

  7. Hi Glitch 😄

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 10X XP

      10X XP


      I know it's for the rep or whatever but I was jw

    3. glitch


      No, you can't set them. Sorry 😞

    4. 10X XP

      10X XP


      Mmk. 😕 Thanks.


  8. Just keep swimming.. 

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