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Everything posted by Gepan

  1. This is a lovely guide Listen, great updates!
  2. Gepan

    Farming Guide

    Fixed thank you K O!
  3. The Pyramid Plunder is a Thieving minigame located inside the Jalsvarah Pyramid on the southern side of the Kharidan Desert. You can find this pyramid by traveling to the Sophanem also known as the City of the Dead. Once you come across the pyramid you will notice there is 4 doors located on the northern, eastern, southern, and western side. You will be able to enter all of them however the main objective would be to access the one with "The Guardian" inside of it. It will be randomly generated so you will have to do a little bit of a hunt. Once your inside you will have the option to start the minigame with "The Guardian". You will then start your progression with looting urns, chests, and sarcophagus to become the ultimate Pyramid Plunder expert. This will be a video demonstration of getting to the Jalsvrah Pyramid The Guardian Mummy will be your primary contact for Pyramid Plunder he is located in one of the four chambers of the Pyramid. He will often move locations so it will always be a random side (northern ,eastern, western, southern). His dialog will offer plenty of helpful tips such as "What is a artefact", "How do I obtain a artefact", "What can I do with the artefact?". He is also the only NPC with the ability to charge your Pharaoh's Sceptre in which you can find additional information about below. It should also be noted if you wish to skip his dialog and go directly into a Pyramid Plunder instance you can do so by right-clicking the Guardian Mummy. Room 1 - 21 Thieving requirement Room 2 -31 Thieving requirement Room 3 - 41 Thieving requirement Room 4 - 51 Thieving requirement Room 5 - 61 Thieving requirement Room 6 - 71 Thieving requirement Room 7 - 81 Thieving requirement Room 8 - 91 Thieving requirement A Urn will be the primary thing your looting when concluding your raid inside of the pyramid. You will be given three options: 1.) You will have the ability to "check" a urn for any snakes prior to searching this will not make your chances of searching more successful however does slow down the overall looting process. (This will not be the recommended method) 2.) Your 2nd option will be the ability to "search" a urn without checking it first this will decrease your chances of success however it will greatly speed up your overall looting process. (This will be the recommended method) 3.) You will also have the ability to use a snake charm in order to charm the snakes this will create a 100% success rate. (Snake Charm can be obtained by putting 2 coins into the Snake Charmer's bag located in Pollnivneach on the south side of the bar) IMPORTANT NOTE: You will take damage and become poisoned if you do not successfully loot a urn. It is highly recommended to take 8 food and at least 2 anti-poisons. Video Demonstration of looting the Level 91 Room of Pyramid Plunder Each floor will have a golden chest in the center of the room upon opening the chest you will randomly obtain a artifact (1 tier higher normally), the Pharaoh's Sceptre (Rare) and a chance of spawning a cluster of scarabs. Each floor will have a Sarcophagus toward the side of the room upon opening the Sarcophagus you will be rewarded strength experience and also you will randomly obtain a artifact (1 tier higher normally), the Pharaoh's Sceptre (Rare) or spawn a mummy. Once you have successfully completed a looting of a Urn you will be rewarded with a Artefact. As you progress in the minigame you will notice that on higher level rooms you will have a higher chance of obtaining more expensive or rare artefacts. It is important to note that you are only able to obtain the Pharaoh's Sceptre from the Sarcophagus or The Chest as explained above. These are the possible rewards: - Ivory Comb - Pottery Scarab - Pottery Statuette - Stone Seal - Stone Scarab - Stone Statuette - Gold Seal - Gold Scarab - Gold Statuette - Pharaoh's Sceptre The Pharaoh's Sceptre is the only unique reward from looting the Pyramid of Sophanem it will have the ability to teleport you to the following places: Jalsavrah - This teleport will take you directly to the Guardian Mummy located inside the Pyramid of Sophanem (Starting point of Pyramid Plunder) Jaleustrophos - This teleport will take you directly to the north-eastern corner of the Agility Pyramid (This will be the location of Simon Templeton) Enharakas Temple - This teleport will take you directly to the Quarry located in the Desert. The Pharaoh's Sceptre will have a limited amount of charges and in order to re-charge the Sceptre you will have to return some of the artefacts to the Guardian Mully he will accept the following artefacts and amounts to recharge your Sceptre: Pottery and Ivory Artefacts - 24 Artefacts combined to recharge Pharaoh's Sceptre Stone Artefacts - 12 Artefacts combined to recharge Pharaoh's Sceptre Gold Artifacts - 6 Artefacts combined to recharge Pharaoh's Sceptre The Pharaoh's Sceptre will be able to hold additional charges after the completion of the desert diaries the expansions will be as followed: Easy Diary - 4 total charges for the Pharaoh's Sceptre Medium Diary -5 total charges for the Pharaoh's Sceptre Hard Diary - 6 total charges for the Pharaoh's Sceptre Elite Diary - 8 total charges for the Pharaoh's Sceptre Simon Templeton is an archaeologist and treasure hunter located near Jaleustrophos. You will find him directly on-top of the incline on the corner of the Agility Pyramid upon speaking with him you will realize that he would like to purchase your artefacts that you have obtained from looting the Pyramid of Sophanem. You will see a chart below describing the price in which he offers per treasure. - Ivory Comb - 50 coins - Pottery Scarab - 75 coins - Pottery Statuette - 100 coins - Stone Seal - 150 coins - Stone Scarab - 175 coins - Stone Statuette - 200 coins - Gold Seal - 750 coins - Gold Scarab - 1000 coins - Gold Statuette - 1250 coins If you would like to watch a video guide on Pyramid Plunder you may watch this guide by Floxxu in order to get the overall concept. Note: Majority of the content is correct however travel etc may be different because we have faster methods. Make sure to keep yourself up to date on Zenyte specific methods. Graphic Credit: @Sir Hassan
  4. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday ❤️

    1. Sir Hassan

      Sir Hassan

      Thanks for the wishes, hoping the same for you 🙂

  5. Gepan

    Farming Guide

    Hassan, I can't express enough how grateful I am for your graphic work
  6. Gepan

    Farming Guide

    Changelog: 5/6/2020 - Creation of the Guide 5/23/2020 - Added resurrect crops spell
  7. Farming is one of the most resourceful and profitable skills however sometimes it can become challenging and overwhelming. Farming is classified as a passive skill meaning you can train it with only spending approximately 10-20 minutes at a time planting seeds or trees saplings. You will then wait for them to grow and depending on what your harvest is there could be a set time between 20 minutes to 8 hours for some of the higher level trees. We will share some of the essential information to help you start your adventure today to become a top-of-the-line farmer. Tools are required to start and progress throughout the stages of farming. You can obtain a basic set of tools from Jackie located in the north-western building of the home area. (Non-Ironman) If you are classified as a Ironman you will be required to obtain your basic tool set from a farming supply store. You can find one of them located at the allotment patch in Camelot. Rake - You will be required to rake all your patches prior to the first use. You will not need it afterwards however it is recommended to keep one in your tool leprechaun. ** Spade - This essential item will be utilized the most - You will want to always have a spade in your inventory because it allows you to plant tree saplings, harvest herbs, and clear dead allotments/herbs/trees. ** Watering Can - You will need this to water your allotments, flowers, herbs and tree saplings. This item can be filled up at any water-filling station or the humidify spell. Seed Dibber - This will allow you to plant your herbs, allotments, flowers deep underground into their respect patch. ** Magic Secateurs - These are obtained by both regular accounts and Ironman by the vote shop north of home with 3 voting points. They will allow you to have a higher percentage of harvesting. ** ** - Items you will always want to carry during a farm-run Tool Leprechauns are normally located next to or near all the Farming Patches in Zenyte. They have two major functions one of them is the ability to your store equipment and access it through their magical network (All tool leprechauns no matter of location will be able to access your stored equipment. A good rule of thumb would be to purchase one of every farming tool and store it with the tool leprechaun prior to starting the skill. The second major function is the ability to note your harvested allotments, flowers, fruits, berries and herbs. This can be concluded by using the harvested item on the Tool Leprechaun. Farming Equipment Storage Noting Harvests by the Tool Leprechaun Compost is an important factor for Farming - You should always make sure you are treating your patches this prevents your crop from becoming diseased. The higher the grade of compost you utilize also increases the outcome of your yield. Compost - This can be purchased at the farming supply store or made in a composting bin by adding 15 weeds. (45 items are required at the Farming Guild) Supercompost - This can be purchased by other players or made by adding 15 suitable items located in this guide. into the composting bin. (45 items are required at the Farming Guild) Ultracompost - This can be purchased by other players or made by adding 15 suitable items located in this guide, into the composting bin until you get a supercompost base. You would then add 25 Volcanic Ash. (45 items are required at the Farming Guild) Fertile Soil Spell - A Lunar Spell required 83 magic and 3 astral runes, 2 nature runes, and 15 earth runes. You will be able to cast this spell onto patches given the effect of Supercompost. Fertile Soil Spell (Volcanic Ash Edition) - A Lunar Spell required 83 magic and 3 astral runes, 2 nature runes, and 15 earth runes and 2 volcanic ash. You will be able to cast this spell onto patches given the effect of Ultracompost. Resurrect Crops - A Lunar Spell required 78 magic and 8 astral runes, 8 blood runes, 12 nature runes, and 25 earth runes. This spell allows you to resurrect a dead crop with a 50% chance at 78 magic, and a 75% chance at 99 magic! Allotment | Flower | Herb Patches Tree Patches Fruit Tree Patches Spirit Tree Patches Special Patches Credits: @Sir Hassan GFX
  8. Someone pointed out: The Palm Tree needs to be planted in Lleya, if anyone else uses this guide still.
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