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glitch last won the day on June 27 2020

glitch had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

348 Justiciar

About glitch

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  1. 12 hours and 30 minutes, and all you get is a forum award. Enjoy it.
  2. Lots of accomplishments, lots of awards. Enjoy!
  3. Thanks for boosting the discord server! Enjoy the medal.
  4. Keep killing? Feels weird saying that. Enjoy your new award.
  5. I'm not entirely sure on the specifics for the Veteran rank. I'd recommend popping into the Discord, someone else may be better equipped to answer you. Sorry!
  6. Hey leclerc, You did the do and got the stuff. Enjoy your new awards!
  7. Donator, All the Work, Man's Best Friend, and Nitro Booster have been given! Need proof for Maxed and Game Junkie though.
  8. Hey Great Chaos, For some reason I didn't get a notification for this post! I've given you the awards you requested. Enjoy!
  9. It's rare I get a request for slayer. Glad to see it's getting some more use! Good luck out there Slayer.
  10. Hey Hassan, Great guide! Thank you for making it.
  11. 500 Hours on the DOT. It's almost like you were waiting for it. Enjoy the medal my dude!
  12. Happy Birthday Wooba!


  13. Ya boosted. Ya got medaled. Enjoy!
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