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Normo last won the day on May 17 2024

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About Normo

  • Birthday 03/21/1998

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    Manager of Zenyte. 5x Ironman
  • Country: Australia


  • Game mode: Ironman
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  1. The banner is talking about the revision upgrade update bud
  2. Combat achievement, Mid-game Equipment content, Clue scrolls and some Misc updates   Hello everyone, Today we have some long awaited updates for the Combat achievement rewards (more to come in future updates) and also removing some tasks that have stopped people from being able to complete them plus some new content updates such as Zombie pirates and the Warped creatures. Hope you enjoy. More in-depth patch notes below:   Below is a full list of everything that is changing with todays update on Zenyte. Combat Achievements: Ability to add GM and Master Ghommal Hilts to Avernic Defender. Corrected the Ghommal's Hilt teleport animations. Corrected the stats for Zuk & Vampire slayer helmet Disabled Combat Achievements: Shayzien Protector Corrupted Gauntlet Veteran Corrupted Gauntlet Grandmaster Pop It A Timely Snack Perfect Nylocas Perfect Sotetseg Perfect Verzik Perfect Theatre Clue scrolls: Added Medium Clues to Vote Shop Fixed clue step to talk to trader stan "art tans" Changed easy clue scroll box to correct id from thieving HAM Members. Lowered the rates that players receive clue scrolls from pickpocketing. Re-added Sherlock Notebooks purchasable from Watson that cost the average amount of steps for each clue tier in sherlock notes. Zombie Pirates: Added Zombie Pirates to the Chaos temple in the wilderness. Added Zombie keys and the Zombie Pirate's Locker in at the small peninsula to the east of the Chaos temple at the same location as the ship with the lockers are on OSRS Zombie axe and Teleport Anchoring Scroll added to Zombie pirate drop table. Adamant Seeds added to Zombie pirates. Zombie axe and Teleport Anchoring Scroll added to zombie pirate chest. Warped Creatures Added the Poison Waste sewer. Added Warped Creatures and their Superior variants. Added the Warped Sceptre. Misc Disabled Revenant Maledictus until it can be fixed Farming animations are now visible when farming underwater (planting / harvesting seaweed). Removed Elves walking around underwater. Evil chicken pieces from offering god eggs in the woodcutting guild has had their rate changed from 1/300 to 1/200. Disabled the need to complete the Pest control games for Achievement diaries Fixed the Animations of the Summoned souls in the Cerberus fight Reduced the weight for getting an Arcane/Dexterous prayer scroll slightly Added the custom pet that was won during the 1st Anniversary event      Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, please respond to this post and we will answer them as best we can.  
  3. Quality of Life & Bug Fixes   Hello everyone, It's been just over a month since our last update, but we're happy to share with you where we are in regards to the much anticipated quality of life and bug fixing update.     Chambers of Xeric, the first raid that was introduced to OSRS on the 5th January 2017 saw a major quality of life change on the 29th November 2023. We've been working to update our server to reflect as many of these changes as we can, whilst also pushing further on some that we feel would benefit our players. TektonHammerHit2.webm MysticPortals.webm Dimitri.webm Below is a full list of everything that is changing within Chambers of Xeric on Zenyte. You can now reload the raid directly from the staircase within the CoX lobby Everyone will be able to view every drop from the NPCs inside of CoX (irons included) Made most items stackable within the raid, such as Gourd Vials, Kindling, Grubs etc When picking Gourd Vials, they will now contain water When raking seeds, you will always get a set amount in a set order Removed the need for any tools within CoX All NPCs inside of CoX will now have the correct drops as they do on OSRS after recent update Guaranteed first Dragon Warhammer spec on Tekton to hit Reduced the Ice Demon's Magic defence from 60 to 40 Reduced Vespula's range strength to -8 Reduced Vasa's ranged defence to 40 Vasa's healing has been adjusted - he will only heal if he fully siphons from the crystal, rather than healing over time. Changed Both Muttadiles to only attempt to heal at the meat tree when reduced below 50% HP (instead of from 40%) Change Muttadile max hit to reflect the wiki for each size and type Big Muttadile will now only swap combat styles from range -> mage or mage -> range after it has hit at least 3 times in a row You now get points for hitting Muttadile while it is walking to eat from tree Ice demon points have been heavily increased to match OSRS Vanguards guarantee 1 overload drop, other two vanguards will have a 1/2 chance for more Fixed Ice Demon's attack range so the safe-spot works on the far side of the inside of the room Fixed all stats for miscellaneous NPCs within CoX Obstacles inside of the Scavenger rooms now give correct points and the mining/woodcutting will now always complete faster Ancient spells will now work on the fire wall by left clicking Added a pickaxe to the Guardian room Upgrading large > massive chest will now cost 2 planks instead of 4 Attacking crabs in CoX will allow you to attack faster than usual Added creation and effect of all antipoison tiers in CoX raid Added full scout to the chatbox Added the ::layout command to send the current layout to the clan chat Scaled party size now displays in the party panel Replenish Special attack when entering CoX instance Unnoted the rare rewards from rewards chest Players now can use the 'Large Raid' button from the board outside of CoX     Other miscellaneous patches and fixes are listed below: Hunllef's defence has been reduced The Corrupted Gauntlet time has been increased by 30 seconds Wilderness Boss pets have been changed to resemble rate on OSRS Amount of Blood runes required to charge Scythe of Vitur has been reduced to match OSRS Wyrm Pet has been fixed to no longer be invisible and drop correctly from the slayer monster Scythe of Vitur has now been buffed from 110 -> 125 Slash bonus Spears and Halberds are now able to damage Corp for 100% of their damage Web Despawn timer on Verzik has been updated Dragon Chainbody has been fixed when using an ornament kit on it both ways Tools shop stock has had its amount increased Ironmen can now transfer Hunllefs boost scroll between themselves and others Fixed various Trivia answers     Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, please respond to this post and we will answer them as best we can.  
  4. 1. System Security, Penetration Testing, and Exploiting Attempting to exploit and penetrate the security measures of Zenyte's software, hardware, or any other devices used by our users or operations of the overall system will be punished. Zenyte Management takes the website and our player's security extremely seriously. Therefore, any attempt to breach Zenyte or the players of Zenyte's security will not be taken lightly. If any exploits are found, please submit them to Gepan. 1st Offense: Permanent IP Ban 2. Common Courtesy (Spamming)The in-game server, forums and discord requires all guests, members and staff to show a standard of Common Courtesy to others. This includes but not limited to spamming, purposeful crashing, or intentionally baiting someone on any platform. 1st Offense: 1 Day restricted posting | 2nd Offense 3 Days of restricted posting | 3rd Offense: Permanent restricted posting 3. Inappropriate Language, Inappropriate Content or Player HarassmentThere is a zero tolerance for harassment toward other individuals especially based upon sexual preferences, personal or religious beliefs, gender or race. Language that may be considered offensive, racist or otherwise inappropriate should not be used in chats or usernames.First Offense: Forum Warning | 2nd Offense: 1 Day restricted posting | 3rd Offense: 3 Days of restricted posting | 4th Offense: Permanent restricted posting 4. Advertising or Discussion of Other ServersThere is a zero tolerance for advertisement or discussions of other servers on any platform owned and operated by Zenyte. This includes but not limited to In-game, Forums or Discord.1st Offense: 3 Days of restricted posting | 2nd Offense: Permanent restricted posting | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban 5. Threats All guests, players and staff should feel safe and welcome at all times. We will hold a zero tolerance for any threats made against another individual including those without physical harm for example "DDOS" threats. 1st Offense: Permanent Ban 6. Encouraging others to break rules Anyone who encourages someone to break a rule or rules will be treated as if they committed the offense themselves and will be punished as if they are the one breaking the rule. Any Offense: Punishment will be issued depending on severity of the situation 7. Impersonation Impersonating any member of our community rather it be for entertainment, monetary gain, persuasion, etc. will NOT be tolerated. Impersonation of staff will automatically be escalated to a 2nd Offense. 1st Offense: Permanent restricted posting | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban 8. RSPS/Malicious Invites Sending other RSPS server invites as well as Malicious Discord server invites that promote rule breaking is NOT tolerated. Only Zenyte or non RSPS related invites are allowed. 1st Offense: Permanent Ban 9. Misleading Links Any link you send a member or post publicly must direct you to what it appears as. No link spoofing or redirect links are allowed. We will automatically assume you are up to no good if you do so. 1st Offense: Permanent Ban 10. Spamming Posts that do not contribute to the topic of the thread or any relevant conversation being held within the thread are considered spam. Clarification of the rule can be seen below. Posts that consists of pieces of content, that in specific, do not contribute to the post in a relative manner will be considered spam and a warning or infraction will be given per staff's discretion. Grave digging is not allowed and consists of reviving a previously resolved, settled, or "dead" thread after a prolonged period of time. Threads with an activity gap of a month or greater shall be considered "grave-digging”. Topic bumping must be done with the provided topic bumping feature. Topics shall be bumped no more than once every 12 hours. Posts that do not contribute to the topic of the thread or any relevant conversation (regarding the topic) being held within the thread are considered spam. Habitual offenders CAN lose posting privileges First Offense: Forum Warning | 2nd Offense: 1 Day restricted posting | 3rd Offense: 3 Days of restricted posting | 4th Offense: Permanent restricted posting 11. Signature and Profiles All signatures, profile content, and profile pictures MUST be appropriate and follow all Server Rules. (e.g No advertisement, nude photos, racism etc.) 1st Offense: Signature removal | 2nd Offense: Signature ban *Depending on the severity of the rule broken, the Zenyte team reserves the right to change or modify ANY of the rules listed above without notice. * For more information about the Warning Point System, please click here.
  5. 1. Common Courtesy (Spamming)The in-game server, forums and discord requires all guests, members and staff to show a standard of Common Courtesy to others. This includes but not limited to spamming, purposeful crashing, or intentionally baiting someone on any platform. 1st Offense: Warning or 7 day Discord mute | 2nd Offense: Permanent Discord Ban 2. Inappropriate Language, Inappropriate Content or Player HarassmentThere is a zero tolerance for harassment toward other individuals especially based upon sexual preferences, personal or religious beliefs, gender or race. Language that may be considered offensive, racist or otherwise inappropriate should not be used in chats or usernames.1st Offense: Warning or 7 day Discord mute | 2nd Offense: Permanent Discord Ban 3. Advertising or Server RecruitingThere is a zero tolerance for advertisement or server recruiting this is defined as making statements that would influence others to join a specific server outside of our community. (An example is if you made a statement like "Hey Corey come join Grinderscape because it has summoning" 1st Offense: Permanent Discord Ban (Circumstances depending) 4. Threats All guests, players and staff should feel safe and welcome at all times. We will hold a zero tolerance for any threats made against another individual including those without physical harm for example "DDOS" threats. 1st Offense: Discord Ban 5. Encouraging others to break rules Anyone who encourages someone to break a rule or rules will be treated as if they committed the offense themselves and will be punished as if they are the one breaking the rule. Any Offense: Punishment will be issued depending on severity of the situation 6. RSPS/Malicio us Invites Sending other RSPS server invites as well as Malicious Discord server invites that promote rule breaking is NOT tolerated. Only Zenyte or non RSPS related invites are allowed. 1st Offense: Permanent Discord Ban 7. Misleading Links Any link you send a member or post publicly must direct you to what it appears as. No link spoofing or redirect links are allowed. We will automatically assume you are up to no good if you do so. 1st Offense: Permanent Discord Ban 8. Impersonation Impersonating any member of our community rather it be for entertainment, monetary gain, persuasion, etc. will NOT be tolerated. Impersonation of staff will automatically be escalated to a 2nd Offense. 1st Offense: Permanent Discord Ban *Depending on the severity of the rule broken, the Zenyte team reserves the right to change or modify ANY of the rules listed above without notice.
  6. 1. Common Courtesy The in-game server, forums and discord requires all guests, members and staff to show a standard of Common Courtesy to others. This includes but not limited to spamming, purposeful crashing, or intentionally baiting someone on any platform. This also includes griefing activities that may disrupt the enjoyment of the server for others. This includes, but is not limited to, deliberately conducting in activities that derails the enjoyment of the server for others. 1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: 24H Mute | 3rd Offense: Permanent Mute or Ban 2. Inappropriate Language, Inappropriate Content or Player Harassment There is a zero tolerance for harassment toward other individuals especially based upon sexual preferences, personal or religious beliefs, gender or race. Language that may be considered offensive, racist or otherwise inappropriate should not be used in chats or usernames. 1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: 24H Mute | 3rd Offense: 72H Mute, Permanent Mute or Ban 3. Advertising or Discussion of Other Servers There is a zero tolerance for advertisement or encouragement to join other servers on any platform owned and operated by Zenyte. This includes but not limited to In-game, Forums or Discord. 1st Offense: 24H Mute | 2nd Offense: 72H Mute, Permanent Mute or Ban 4. Threats All guests, players and staff should feel safe and welcome at all times. We will hold a zero tolerance for any threats made against another individual including those without physical harm for example "DDOS" threats. 1st Offense: Permanent IP Ban 5. Encouraging others to break rules Anyone who encourages someone to break a rule or rules will be treated as if they committed the offense themselves and will be punished as if they are the one breaking the rule. Any Offense: Punishment will be issued depending on severity of the situation 6. Backseat Moderation Members of the Staff Team have been hand selected by Server Management to handle certain duties inside of their role assignment. This means they are provided with the tools to complete and diffuse situations accordingly. We respect and appreciate individuals willingness to help however a better alternative would be to help new, current, or returning players inside of the "Zenyte" Clan Chat also known as help CC. 1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: 24H Mute | 3rd Offense: Permanent Mute or Ban 7. Clan Etiqutte Clans are a great way to play with friends, and make new relationships, but it's important to note that invading clans, or bashing them will not be tolerated. The list below is a few examples of things that you may be punished for if seen/reported. Joining another Clan/CC for intent of advertising your/someones Clan. Taking Clan issues out of the CC, and bringing them into Public Chat, yell, Zenyte CC, etc. Any type of Clan on Clan public drama is not tolerated. Advertising a Clan, or CC must be in a 30 minute interval for advertising over yell, Clan chat, or using an auto typer. Joining any type of CC via an alternative account with the sole agenda of becoming a disruption or annoyance will no longer be tolerated. Any accounts that are caught doing so will be punished accordingly on both ends, thus meaning alternative accounts that relate to a main account will now be qualified to receive a punishment. 1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: 24H Mute | 3rd Offense: Permanent Mute or Ban 8. In-Game Yell Command The yell system Zenyte has to offer provides a fantastic opportunity or social platform for players wishing to interact with one another. Due to the yell system being in the noticeable eyes of the public the list below administers a few examples of punishable offences if seen/reported. Advertising Content creators must be in a 30 minute interval for advertising over yell. Advertising a Clan, or CC must be in a 30 minute interval for advertising over yell. Staff members are here to protect the goodwill & longevity of Zenyte. Failing to oblige by a staff members request (Server Support & higher) on yell will be warned and furthermore muted if the request to stop has been ignored. Any bitter or aggressive intensified PvP banter related discussions that occur on yell, as per discretion by staff members, will now be considered as a punishable offence. Please keep PvP banter inside of Clan-chats or Private messaging. To maintain a clean, toxic free, enjoyable yell environment, any form of excessive verbal griefing or false advertising will now be considered and viewed as a punishable offense. Griefing refers to the act of one player intentionally disrupting another player's game experience for personal pleasure and possibly potential gain. Players of Zenyte should not attempt to grief another player by either trolling or provoking one another via global yell. Zenyte's player base is largely from the United Kingdom & the United States, therefore (due to moderation purposes) we ask that all language over yell is to be written in English ONLY. In most cases, a warning will be issued first, failing to oblige by the given warning will result in a yell-mute. 1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: 24H Yell Mute | 3rd Offense: Permanent Yell Mute or Ban 9. Third-Party Software Any software that is used to allow the member to have an unfair advantage in any way will result in punishment. We want to create a fair environment where all players have an equal chance of all of our features. Software includes automation tools, macros, bots, and auto-clickers. This includes the development of scripts for said bots. Macro Farms (3+ accounts macroing at same time) will result in an automatic IP Ban for all accounts involved. We reserve the right to reset your stats if we deem it appropriate. Anyone found creating/using/distributing macros will be IP banned. 1st Offense: 72H Ban [Skill Reset to Level 1] | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban | 3rd Offense: IP Ban 10. Real World Trading (Account or Item Selling) The act of trading Zenyte currency, items, services, etc for outside currency is NOT allowed. This includes but is not limited to; RSGP, fiat currencies, IRL goods/services, online currencies, etc. Both parties will be punished if found to be doing so. - The act of trading/selling, or the attempt of trading/selling, any account for other goods will not be allowed on the server or forums, a ban will be issued for the account being traded off. - As per Old School Runescape, Zenyte has decided to follow route & enforce the rule of Infernal cape services. Inferno was dubbed the greatest solo PVM challenge to date upon release, therefore we believe it provides an unfair advantage to others if such services are considered as appropriate. Moving forward, any acts or attempts to having a user complete the Inferno caves on your own personal account, will result in an permanent ban for both parties involved and an instant removal of the Infernal cape. On that note, we respect the boundaries of account sharing and will not be punishing accounts who have achieved Infernal capes that are shared between two individuals. In cases of account sharing, both users have generally put in time and effort into the account and it's not fair to restrict those accounts from a major piece of in-game content. We have tools to investigate accounts who have completed the Inferno, and will punish accordingly if we suspect that the account in question was in fact not being shared. 1st Offense: Permanent Ban (Bank reset) | 2nd Offense: IP Ban (Bank reset) 11. Bug Abuse Players must not use or attempt to use any bugs or glitches which they may find in our game/website. Any exploits a player finds is requested to be immediately reported to us through the report a bug page or via Discord. 1st Offense: 1W Ban + Account Wipe | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban | 3rd Offense: IP Ban 12. Glitching to Safespot NPCs Players must not safespot NPCs that you aren't able to on OSRS. You are, however, allowed to safespot NPCs that can be safespotted on OSRS, such as the wilderness bosses. As with other bug abuse, any exploits a player finds are to be immediately reported to us through the report a bug page or via Discord. 1st Offense: 24H Ban | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban | 3rd Offense: IP Ban 13. Hacking The act of obtaining and/or using another member’s account information for any reason is strictly forbidden. This includes but is not limited to; obtaining passwords from old DB’s, Brute Forcing, Social Engineering information, RATing, etc. If you are found to be guilty of such acts, you will be removed from our community IMMEDIATELY. 1st Offense: IP Ban 14. False Reports False reports are not tolerated, this includes using the CC/Yell, as well as in-game to spread drama that may or may not be true.I.E User1 is scamming! Don't trade him if you don't want to lose money!These reports should be sent to a Server Support or higher. 1st Offense: 24H Mute | 2nd Offense: 72H Mute | 3rd Offense: Permanent Mute or Ban 15. Scamming Changing items/amounts of GP in trades or changing duel arena rules is NOT punishable, there are second trade/duel interfaces to avoid scams like this from taking place. Scamming item loans, trust trades, gambles, or any other scam that can be proven WILL be punished. Video evidence MUST be provided, screenshots will not suffice. Please keep in mind dice bags are untradable, so you will be jeopardizing your account along with your ability to host if you scam while gambling. We do not offer refunds for items/gp that was lost due to a scam unless the scammer was a member of the Staff Team. 1st Offense: Permanent Ban | 2nd Offense: IP Ban 16. Impersonation Impersonating any member of our community rather it be for entertainment, monetary gain, persuasion, etc. will NOT be tolerated. Impersonation of staff will automatically be escalated to a 2nd Offense. 1st Offense: Permanent Ban | 2nd Offense: IP Ban 17. Luring over Global Chat You are not allowed to lure or attempt to draw members into the wilderness by using the Global Chat feature. 1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: 24H Mute | 3rd Offense: Permanent Mute or Ban 18. Ragging or 1 Iteming (PVM AND PVP) Attacking a player in the wilderness whilst risking little to nothing and having no intent of actually killing the target is considered as ragging. As the intent cannot directly be measured, it is up to the staff members to decide whether or not a specific scenario falls under ragging or not. The rule is fairly obvious when it comes to intent, if you're in NH gear, or actually risking something upon death, you're perfectly allowed to repetitively kill a specific player. If you're wielding a crystal bow, the odds of you killing your target are rather low and you'd be classified as a ragger. Attacking NPCs around the game with the intent of only blocking someone else from completing their assignment, while having no benefit of your own in doing so. This basically means attacking the NPCs that a player is thieving with the intent of stopping them from thieving, whilst giving you no gain whatsoever. This does not mean that attacking a monster where you're actually trying to get the loot is against the rules - it is not. The intent in this rule is subjective as well, and decided by the staff members. 1st Offense: 24H Ban | 2nd Offense: 72H Ban | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban 19. Account Sharing Account sharing carries inherent risks for which we must emphasize that you bear full responsibility. Regrettably, we are unable to provide assistance in the form of refunds or experience (XP) resets in the event of any issues arising from account sharing. Moreover, it is exceedingly challenging for us to procure evidence that unequivocally substantiates any wrongdoing in such instances. 20. Compliance with Staff When staff members issue instructions or provides guidance related to server activities, you must comply promptly and without arguement. This includes requests to modify behavior or cease specific actions. If you believe a staff decision is unjust or problematic you should use the report a staff member process. All Offenses: Senior Staff discretion
  7. POLL RESULTS   Hello everyone, On the 12th January 2024, we released a series of polls via Discord to allow you to vote on some of our future planned updates. The results are finally in, so below will outline those that have passed or failed.   Should we add a increase to amounts of chins caught when donator? +1 at ruby-diamond, +2 Dragonstone-onyx +3 Zenyte Passed - 100% ---- Should Dragonstone+ donators have 1 step reduction from clue scrolls Passed - 100% ---- Should we add the Trouver parchment as a drop at 1/200 during wilderness slayer task? Passed - 100% ---- Should we make it singles+ everywhere in the wilderness outside of the multi areas? https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Singles-plus_combat Failed - 25.92% ---- Should the Revenant boss give a guaranteed Larran's key if on an Revenant task? Passed - 100% ---- Should we add the Hespori seed to the vote shop? Failed - 16.12% ---- Should the Larran's chest have a chance to give 300 dragon bolts (unf)? Passed - 100% ---- Should we add a donator perk at Ruby+ donators to make all herbs harvest noted when farming? Passed - 85.71% ---- Should we make the above donator perk about herbs being noted happen for all farming crops? Passed - 84.37% ---- Should we add a donator perk at Dragonstone+ donators to harvest all herbs from the plant in 1 harvest? Passed - 76.47% ---- Should we make the above donator perk about harvesting all herbs from the plant happen for all farming crops? Passed - 76.47% ---- Should we add a Wilderness slayer casket that gives coins and can give the Wilderness emblems, Blighted items, Ancient teleport tabs, Magic shortbow and Ring of wealth imbue scroll, Looting bag notes, Trouver's parchment? Passed - 100% ---- Should we add a normal Slayer casket that drops on task and would give anywhere from (150k-300k coins)? Passed - 93.10% Outcome Each poll that has passed will now be added to our development plan, this means that some could be added quicker than others, some might not be added for week or months. Please do not continue to suggest or question those, it will be done. For those questions that failed, if it was close, we will offer the opportunity of a re-poll no earlier than 3 months from now, so again, please do not continue to suggest or question those.     Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, please respond to this post and we will answer them as best we can.  
  8. Server Update - Home shops - QOL - Drop rate changes - Coin casket - Bug fixes - 08/01/2024 Hello Zenyte! We have here for you today a bunch of great additions to the game that add to our on-going attempt to bring reason for everyone to play our game and also a few increases of gold into the game which has been highly requested! don't worry there will be more coming in the future we aren't done yet! we also some bug fixes for a few long awaited pesky bugs! we hope you enjoy!Sincerely,The Zenyte Team Features: Home shops have been reworked for both ironman and regular accounts Food shop Jewellery shop Magic armour shop Magic weapon shop Melee armour shop Melee weapon shop Ranged armour shop Ranged weapon shop Skilling shop Starter weapons have increased stats to be more worth using Starter bow and staff charges increased to 3000 instead of 1000 Starter staff attack speed has been reduced to 2 Starter bundle has been adjusted for new players Godwars Dungeon kill count requirements have been halved for all players Mystery box changes Holiday items have been removed from the Mystery box Saradomin sword has been added into the Mystery box Bandos items and Dragon warhammer have been removed from the Mystery box and replaced with Magic Fang, Serpentine visage, Coins and Tanzanite fang Disk of returning and Half full wine jug now appear in the Mystery box for a limited time only The amount of Coins earned from supply drops has been increased A bunch of drop rates have been adjusted The rates for receiving the Tanzanite fang, Magic fang, Serpentine visage, Uncut onyx, and Mutagens have been increased by 25% Armadyl crossbow rate has been changed to 1/280 Staff of the dead rate has been changed to 1/280 All Godsword hilt rates have been changed to 1/280 All Godsword shard rates have been changed to 1/200 Bandos armour rates have been changed to 1/210 Armadyl armour rates have been changed to 1/210 The rate of Dragon limbs dropped from Adamant dragons has been changed to 1/400 The rate of Dragon limbs dropped from Rune dragons has been changed to 1/225 The rate of the Basilisk jaw has been changed Off task is 1/3000 On task is 1/600 The rate of the Hydra claw from Alchemical Hydra has been changed to 1/480 The Voidwaker piece rates for the multi area new Wilderness bosses have been changed to 1/250 The Voidwaker piece rates for the single area new Wilderness bosses have been changed to 1/650 The rates for the Odium and Malediction shards from their respective bosses have been lowered to 1/90 Various drop rates for Corporeal beast have been changed Elite clues are now 1/100 Spirit shield are now 1/35 Holy elixir are now 1/62 Spectral and Arcane sigils are now 1/700 Drop rate for the Dragon warhammer from Lizardman shaman's has been changed to 1/1500 All DKS now have an 1/70 chance to drop Dragon axe All DKS now have an 1/70 chance to drop their own respected DKS Rings Cave kraken now has an 1/480 chance to drop the Kraken tentacle Kraken now has an 1/180 chance to drop the Kraken tentacle Kraken now has an 1/200 chance to drop Trident of the seas Abyssal demons now has an 1/307 chance to drop the Abyssal whip Fossil island wyverns now have a 1/2000 chance to drop an Wyvern visage Fossil island wyverns now have a 1/300 chance to drop Granite boots Fossil island wyverns now have a 1/300 chance to drop Granite longsword The Zenyte guide dressed in red at home has had his name changed to the "Zenyte tutor" Trouver's parchment has been added to the Larran's chest reward table The Jar of spirits has been added to the drop table of Corporeal beast The Jar of Smoke has been added to the Thermonuclear smoke devil drop table A new Coin casket item has been added to the game as a drop from certain boss NPCs and can give anywhere from 300k-750k. It rolls separately from the main drop list and is intended to reward players with around 11m coins on average per 100 KC The Coin casket has been added at a rate of 1/5 to the following bosses Alchemical Hydra Cerberus Corporeal Beast Vorkath Commander Zilyana General Graardor Kree'arra K'ril Tsutsaroth Grotesque Guardians Kalphite Queen Zulrah Callisto Venenatis Vetion Bug fixes: The list of super compostable items has been correctly defined and will now work correctly as it does in OSRS Fixed a typo in the Booster perk interface Scythe of vitur now works with the Blood fury Fixed some incorrect item examines Enchanted bolts are now usable with the Rune crossbow (or) The Shattered relics variety ornament kit is no longer lost when an Abyssal tentacle (or) degrades back to it's tentacle
  9. Server Update - Bug fixes + Inferno scroll - 16/12/2023 Hello Zenyte! just a few bug fixes today as we were forced to update before we planned due to some nasty bugs! we hope you enjoy the minor additions nonetheless! Sincerely,The Zenyte Team Features: - You are now able to sell back Prospector items to the MLM shop for nuggets - New Inferno skip event added - Inferno skip scroll now skips to wave 44 Bug fixes: - Radius of ToB tornadoes spawning increased - The exit from Spindel no longer will be deleted by the web - Duel arena gate will now operate - Ring of wealth now picks up Clue scrolls automatically again - Walking into the final room with Verzik will no longer cause you to get stuck unable to get inside - X spectating button now works to stop spectating in ToB - Added correct sounds for a few special attacks (Abyssal whip, Dragon claws, Dragon warhammer) - You can no longer make potions unlimited - The stats of the Boots of stone have been returned to normal - Wield requirements of the Leaf-bladed sword made to match OSRS - You can no longer note the Cosmetic imbue tokens - Corrupted twisted bow now has the correct weapon effect - Corrupted twisted bow now uses the bonus from the arrows used
  10. ###############START OF THE 12TH OF DECEMBER###############
  11. We doing everything we can to get mobile, but it just isn't confirmed to be possible. there may be servers on higher revisions than us with mobile, but the revision we are upgrading to would require c++ mobile instead of the java mobile that every other server uses right now.
  12. What is Two-factor authentication Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a method of confirming the identity of someone prior to allowing further access. On Zenyte, users can enable 2FA onto their account which means that a 6 digit time-based code must be provided to confirm your account ownership in order to fully login to the server and or forums. Setting up 2FA takes a few minutes and you will only need to provide the code once per month under usual circumstances and is strongly advised as it is a powerful security tool to keep unauthorized people away, leaving your account and items safe. Shown below is a very thorough step-by-step guide on how to setup 2FA using Winauth as well as how to remove it if is absolutely necessary. List of recommended 2FA applications Authy (Best free option to use because it syncs codes to an account so you can access them on any device) Bitwarden (Best overall but it's a paid for service, it's very cheap and includes password management. This is what I use personally) Winauth (The 2FA application used in the guide) Google authenticator Duo-mobil Setting up 2FA Removing 2FA with access to your 2FA application Removing 2FA without access to your 2FA application Additional Information It is possible to setup 2FA across multiple devices for one account. For example, you can use a mobile 2FA application (google authenticator) and a PC 2FA application (Winauth). So, if you were to lose your phone you could still use your PC for the 6 digit 2FA code as needed. 2FA is a powerful tool to protect your account from unauthorized access, but we still highly recommend you to use a strong and unique password. 2FA acts as a final barrier for potential hackers trying to take your account & items, but a strong password will stop hackers from even attempting to log into your account. This guide was brought to you by Painting
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