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Everything posted by despodo

  1. we always used to visit our grandma at christmass, which was the only time i saw the rest of the family, i am gonna miss that this year..
  2. we live on a farm, so my dad has to work 7 days a week and when we were younger, we were forced by our mom to go help out dad so he can be done at an earlier time haha, i always hated to do it because it's just standing there, stacking up trays of eggs on a pallet, not really having that talking bond with your dad so talking wasn't really a thing between us.
  3. My Grandmother passed away last february. She was the most amazing grandma you could wish for. whatever you did, do or been through, she loved you nonetheless. i'm gonna miss her this christmass, since her coming over was the only reason i still like celebrating christmass. She was 91, almost 92 and i love to assume we were her favourite grandchildren, since we came over almost every sunday haha
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