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faggetman last won the day on March 14 2020

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  1. oh no here we go again
  2. hey bud, for some reason I dont have a "start new topic" button for certain subcategories like pvm media or misc media. 

    I remember this issue happened before. Spoke to Erza about it and he said it had something to do with permissions. I was able to make new posts for a bit, but now I can't anymore. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. faggetman


      Thanks mate, seems to be working fine now

    3. Life


      were you logged in 🙂

    4. faggetman
  3. Video Guide: STATS/GEAR: 90+ RANGE, 70+ DEF, 70+ PRAY, 70+ AGIL Max Range accuracy bonus whatever you can afford Main hand: Armadyl CB > Dragon CB > Rune CB *I recommend bringing a bolt switch BASIC STRATEGY: 1. Wait for Ziliyana to be far away from the door before entering. Protect Magic 2. Start running away from her and keep a healthy distance before starting to attack 3. 2 bolt hits per wall 4. Once Zily is dead, switch to a blowpipe and kill Starlight (melee) -> Growler (mager) 5. Dps down Bree (ranger) to about 20-30 health remains. 6. Watch the boss respawn timer and at around 0:03 seconds left, kill Bree using your crossbow on longrange 7. Put on your quick prays (protect magic) and proceed 8. For the next kill you will kill Growler at the last second and pray RANGE the next kill __ GL!
  4. https://gyazo.com/efbecface7b8f41c6106f85cdc7bbf2f just finished... thanks again Radi. Got 91-98 Runecraft from all the lamps too couple notes: -bake pie spell does NOT work (works but not for achievement) -digsite pendant cannot be wearing it and teleport - must rub it from inventory - Silver dust can now be bought from skilling shop (restore pot 3 works). Also maybe add that you can get garlic from Spice npc at ardy
  5. took me 3 hours for shield left half at goraks. shit guide. https://gyazo.com/faa73309ae0417bfe6d01bba0fc55400 kappa. great guide tyvm!
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