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    2d 11h 35m 49s

Everything posted by Nympho

  1. Congratulations yet again on another promotion! Doing Zenyte proud Rolly! 

    1. Rolex


      Thank you mate

  2. Out of town for a few days for Christmas! 🎅

    Make those gains for me team! 

  3. I did birds and was no problem! Agreed, best exp per hour with no npc agro!
  4. Let the countdown to Christmas begin! 🎄

    1. Rolex


      Day 5 - Ely for xmas?

    2. Nympho


      Ely and a brand new Rolly please!

    3. Nympho


      Day 10 - My Christmas tree is still alive because its artificial 🤪

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. Nice guide brother! Good to see a video guide
  6. Have a splendid weekend hombres! 

  7. Crafting has been a skill I have not trained in a while, this guide will benefit me hugely! No more running around Port Phasmatys like a headless chicken! Cheers Nova
  8. After 2 days in hospital its safe to say ya boi did not die.

    1. Nympho


      Gracias Yung Rolly! Its good to be back online.

      Not the most exciting scene to see blood in the vomit 🤮 

    2. Baka


      Glad you're alive! Wondering why you've been hiatus these last few days! What happened to you?

    3. Nympho


      Thankyou for the support!

      Ahh yes I can sometimes go ghost depending on life circumstances.

      Long story short, woke up to vomiting minor blood, diagnosed with a torn stomach lining! 

      Ewww 🤢

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  9. This is incredible, aesthetically appealing! Thankyou Nova Going to be much help in the near future.
  10. 5/11/19 8:22am

    5 days after Halloween and the girlfriend has already setup the Christmas tree.

    help me.

  11. Nympho


    Neato guide! Btw that outfit is rogues not graceful. Otherwise thankyou!
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