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Schrute Farm

Zenyte Member
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  • Time Online

    11h 26m 36s

Community Reputation

46 Rune

About Schrute Farm

  • Birthday 10/10/1993

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    <p> You have to know me to know me.<br><br>   </p>

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  1. You're that type of weird breed aren't you

    1. Nympho


      You’re a pest and no one likes you.

    2. Schrute Farm

      Schrute Farm

      Just stop being and ugly introvert for a day so you understand how cringe whiteknights are 🙂

    3. Nympho


      Great advice!! Keep it posted to remind yourself daily 🥰

  2. Have we got a problem or something?

    1. Nympho


      Cause honestly I don’t give a fuck, you post some dumb shit.

    2. Nympho


      I challenge you to a duel!


  3. Can't log in. anyone else?

  4. Thank you for the great guide. Slave.
  5. can't sleep 

    1. Rolex


      Sorry for breaking your heart💔

    2. Schrute Farm

      Schrute Farm

      first @Coreybreaks it, now you. fuck me.

    3. Rolex


      Life´s a bitch

  6. In-game username: Schrute Farm Medal(s): MAXED, THE 12H WITHOUT LOGGING ONE (forgot name of medal) Proof for your Medal(s): https://gyazo.com/8acbc401e7b69d306c19b5e7caf2d50d
  7. In-game username: Schrute Farm Medal(s): donator Proof for your Medal(s): my forum rank
  8. Thanks for giving us such a big update, now the hype for raids is only getting bigger.

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