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ALl rewarded besides the Zenytian one, you'll be eligible in 4 months homie !
Hey there bro, hope you're having a wonderful day!! I've awarded you all of the rewards besides those three that I've left in the quote above, I don't have access to award you the Bug Buster reward, I believe that's only the Management team who can award you that one. For the Competition winner I did not find the event inside the Events Archives.. Do you remember the Date, author and anything else that could help me find that bingo event please? The Events team is only ran by the staff team now, there's no players in the Events team anymore & for the Discord Nitro reward; we reward them to those who boosts the server & then requests it after.. I can't proove if you were boosting the server or not that's why >.<
I'm afraid I can't award you the Emote Guru just yet homie, you're missing 4 emotes still ! https://gyazo.com/65f5ce96d333f77ac87d0a4849ea8772
You could grow them at the Hosidus Vinery with a farming level of 36, You could also get them from a few spawns, like the Phoenix gang hideout in varrock (idk if the spawn is coded here) or you can collect them from the cook's guild... But picking up 12.5k grapes might be a little bit cancerius lmao.. Something easlier would be getting them by various bosses, Like Vorkath, Zulrah, Kalphite queen, Thermonuclear smoke devils, globins or you may thieve them from the wine stall in Dranyor!
Last chance for entering our Lottery,
The Lottery will close in 31 hours from now!(Midnight GMT Server Time)
All Credits go to Life my brotha!
Sorry bro for making you do all that work, I thought it would of sufficed. I'll trust Hexae since he was here longer than me bro. Hang in there you're almost at the goal !!! A few more hours left & it's in the bag bro !!! Sorry again my brotha
Hey bro, all medals have been awarded besides the Which has no life & the veteran one since you already got it kinda, it's the one that's called "Zenytian". If you want the Veteran Role on the forums however, you'll need to make an application under "applications" But atm we're not accepting any applications since they're being reworked For the which that has no life you'll need to play a little bit more, or screenshot me the total time played on the rest of your accounts
Its here! Discord integration for Zenyte. You may now sync your forums account to your Discord account. It will keep your ranks up to date, sync your discord pfp with your Zenyte PFP (optional), and now log into Zenyte Forums using your discord account! Special Thanks to@Echo, the sole author & creator of this thread you are about to read here. To view the Original, Click here. Why is this useful? Our current system requires you to log in / out using Username/Password (Which in most cases, people may forget). With this, you'll be able to log into the forums and be able to send password resets directly to your email which will grant you access to the game, without any assistance! Isn't that neat? It also updates your donation forum ranks, as well as staff team ranks for future staff members. It also functions as a verification system to show that you are not a bot, which grants you access to talk in the discord. Prevents bots from flooding our beloved Discord. This will also give notifications for discord threads once theyre posted to the forums. The sections that will receive these updates are #updates, #dev-blogs, #community-polls, #announcements. so you never miss an update! How can I sync up? Simple! You'll need to register your forums account on our forums and verify via email request. Once verified you can move over to the Settings panel located at the top right of the forums main page. Then proceed with locating the Discord section under My Attatchments. Click the "Login with Discord" and proceed to login with the Discord account you wish to sync your account with. Keep in mind you can only sync one Zenyte account to a single Discord. Once applied you'll be able to keep everything up to date all together. You'll be able to sync your email address when you update discord (We recommend turning this off) And be able to sync your Discord profile photo with our forums to keep everything sync'd up to locate your friends easier! Please be aware, signing out of Discord as shown on the picture above (unlinking Discord with your Zenyte account) will make you leave the Discord server. What does this mean for role syncing? Roles from the forums are now automatically synced the moment you link your Discord to your forum account. Roles that are updated (after you've already linked) such as a new donator rank will take up to 1 hour to update, but everything is automatic. No more ::sync or ::verify in Discord.
Zulrah Guide I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life My Current Gear (Adamant Darts in BP Gear upgrades are important, Trident of Seas is a much bigger DPS than Ibans, and Blowpipe is way better than RCB. Getting There Fairy Ring [Req: 76 Agility, Dramen Staff] Use the Fairy Ring to teleport to B J S, and jump over the stepping stone and run East. Zenyte Portal [Req: The method above to unlock the teleport, or the Zulrah Scroll in the Store.] Use the Zenyte Portal>Bosses>Zulrah. F.A.Q Will I lose my items if I die? Yes, Zulrah is instanced. You will spawn in Lumbridge with the 3 most valuable items, however; you can go back to Zulrah, and speak to Pritestess Zul-Gwenwynig to retrieve your items you lost. If you're using an Ibans Staff/Barrows, your items will break. You will need to speak to Bob in Lumbridge, of Perdu above the General Store at home to repair your items, and buy a new Iban's Staff at the Edalfs Magic Weaponry, West of the General Store. If you are using a Trident, upon death you will loose ALL of your Trident charges; meaning don't fill your Trident with all your runes, just in case. How do I get those yellow squares? Hold left Shift on keyboard, and right click the ground, and choose "Mark Tile". Rotations Green = Normal (Protect Missles) Red = Magma Blue = Tanzanite (Protect Magic) Phases & Video Guide, click the Spoiler Below.
Revenant Guide I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life The Revenant Caves are a great source of income, as it drops Ancient drops, which are worth anywhere from 500k-40M. The Caves are located in the Wilderness, so beware you may catch yourself getting poked once in a while! Revenants use all three styles of attack, but using a Bracelet of Etherum negates all damage from the Revenants, as long as it's charged with Ether. I. Gear Setup II. How to get there III. Drops IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks I. Gear Setup This is what I use with my team Welfare gear (or without a team) II. How to get there Option 1 Use a Burning Amulet to teleport to Lava Maze (Level 41), and run East along the lava to enter the Cavern Option 2 Use a Burning Amulet to teleport to Bandit Camp (Level 17), and run East along the lava to enter the Cavern Option 3 Use a Revenant Cave Teleport to go straight to the Cavern Option 4 Open the Zenyte Portal, and choose Wilderness > Forinthry Dungeon. Image is from Running East, using the Lava Maze teleport option on your Burning amulet. Once inside, follow the pathing South East, until you reach Revenants. South of the Gold squares indicate Wilderness level 30, where you can use your Royal Seed Pod to teleport away. I recommend turning Auto Retaliate off. This will prevent you from running to an NPC you're attacking while trying to loot your last drop, and if you're in a clan it will prevent you from attacking you clan-mates who need to skull on you. III. Drops Revenants drop tons of skilling supplies, and alchables. If you want a full list, checkout the Official Wiki here. Some notable drops are listed below. Craws Bow Viggora's Mace Thammaron's Sceptre Amulet of Avarice Ancient Crystal - Ancient Emblems - Ancient Relics IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks Revenants are capable of healing themselves randomly when their health falls below 50%, thus making them longer kills. If you're new, I'd suggest the Greater Demon, Hellhound, and Ork, as they're a middle combat level that are pretty easy, and still have decent drop percentages. If you are not using a Revenant weapon, Viggora's, Craws, or Thammarons Sceptre, I'd advise not attacking the Knight, or Dragon. These two NPC's are the two tanks, and you with an Abyssal whip/Rune C'bow, you'll be engaged for a long time. Revenants are weak to the Salve amulet, so I suggest you use Salve (ei). Tarns Scroll is used to enchant (Purchase from Slayer Masters), and an Imbue Scroll to imbue (Purchase from Loyalty Shop) You receive NO DAMAGE if you have a charged Bracelet of Ethereum equipped. Always carry an Amulet of Glory, or a Seed pod for quick teleports in case of PKers. Teleports can only be used at Level 30 Wildy, and under. Magic Shortbow (i) can be made buy using a Magic Shortbow on a Magic Shortbow Scroll purchased from the Bounty shop.
Kraken Guide I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life The Kraken resides in the Kraken Cove, Southwest of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. It is known for the Kraken Tentacle, and Trident of the seas drops. Kraken can only be fought with 87 Slayer, and 50 Magic while on a Slayer task. I. Gear Setup II. How to get there III. The fight IV. Drops V. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks I. Gear Setup Max setup Lower setup II. How to get there Option 1 Kraken Teleport Scroll, Portal -> Kraken Option 2 Using a Dramen staff, teleport to A-K-Q on the tree at home, and run West untill you reach the Cove. III. The fight Once inside the cave, run North to the entrance, and Enter the Crevice. From here, you'll want to stand where I am above, equip your range weapon, in this instance I am using a Toxic Blowpipe. In order to damage Kraken, you'll need to get the attention of the four tentacles surrounding the large whirlpool. Attack the small whirlpools, Invigorate your Heart, then switch back to Trident, and attack Kraken. Use Mystic Might for the boss fight, you should take close to no damage. IV. Drops Kraken drop table isn't the best, but she's got a few juicy rewards. If you want a full list, checkout the Official Wiki here. Some notable drops are listed below. Kraken tentacle Trident of the seas (full) Pet Kraken V. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks Kraken can only be awoken by attacking the four smaller whirlpools surrounding here, I recommend a Blowpipe with Longrange to 1 tap them, then a switch back to Trident for Kraken. Kraken hit hard, but not often. The tentacles hit more often, but do not do that much damage, you should be able to do a task for around 90 kills in my gear before you need to restock. I use Armadyl armour, just for the Magic defense, but Karil's Leathertop and Karil's Leatherskirt would be suffice. Imbued heart isn't necessary. But you'll do much more DPS per kill, and is an infinite boost, usable every 7 minutes. I'm using a Blowpipe with Adamant darts, but you could use any kind of darts, or even an MSB with welfare arrows.
Rune Dragon Guide I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life The Lithkren Vault contains Adamant, and Rune Dragons, both presenting their own challenge, today we're going over Rune Dragons. I. Gear Setup II. How to get there III. Drops IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks I. Gear Setup II. How to get there Option 1 Use a Digsite Amulet, and choose Lithkren Dungeon Option 2 Use the Portal, and go to Dungeons -> Lithkren Vault I recommend turning Auto Retaliate off. This will prevent you from running to an NPC you're attacking while trying to loot your last drop. III. Drops Rune Dragons drop Runite bars, and Dragon bones every kill, a few alchables, an runes. If you want a full list, checkout the Official Wiki here. Some notable drops are listed below. Draconic Visage Dragon Metal Lump Dragon Limbs Dragon Platelegs IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks Rune dragons use all 3 combat styles, they will attack you with melee (Headbutt and Claws), magic (resembles a 'water wave' spell, ranged attack (shooting a single bolt at you), as well as the standard Dragonfire breath, and two special attacks. Rune dragons have two special attacks, as stated above. They will shoot two electric bolts at the ground, that do AOE damage of 4-7 damage a tick for around 3 seconds. Your insulated bots will reduce the damage down to around 2-5, but you should still run a few tiles away from the bolts, but they also will follow you. The second attack, uses a range attack that hit's through Prot Missles and leeches your health and uses that to heal, which is why it's better to Protect Magic anyhow I use Karils, just for the Magic defense, but Bandos Tassets and Bandos Chestplate would be ideal to tank. I bring Super Antifires, because I'm using a Dragon defender for extra DPS, if you'd like to tank more with Bandos, bring a DFS, you can bring regular antifires. I bring a Dragon warhammer for a spec, but it's not needed. Rune Dragons have 276 Defence, so it makes it for easier kills. I also bring a Veng pouch, again it's not needed, but makes kills faster.
Cerberus Guide I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life Cerberus is a three headed boss, that can only be slain with a Slayer level of 91, and while on a Hellhound task, or a Cerberus task. I. Gear Setup II. How to get there III. Drops IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks V. Video I. Gear Setup II. How to get there Option 1 Use the Portal, and go to Dungeons -> Taverley. Run North a few tiles, and use the "Jump-over" strange floor on the West. Proceed North past the Hellhounds, and Crawl in the cave to the East. Option 2 Purchase a Ceberus Teleport Scroll, use the Portal, and go to Bosses -> Cerberus III. Drops Cerberus drops a few Unique drops, such as the boot crystals, and the pickaxe crystal. If you want a full list, checkout the Official Wiki here. Some notable drops are listed below. Pegasian Crystal Primordial Crystal Eternal Crystal Smouldering Stone Hellpuppy IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks You'll want to sip a Super combat, turn on Protect from Magic, equip your Dragon warhammer and Dragon defender, run though the fire gate and spec Cerberus twice, then swap back to your Hasta. If Cerberus is below 400 Hit points, she'll activate her Special, by saying "Aaarrrooooooo", summoning three souls behind the skull. The souls will attack the player from West to East, which is why I have my camera shown above. You need to protect Magic on the blue soul, Melee on the red soul, and Missiles on the green soul. If you fail to protect the style in time, they will deal 30 damage to the player, so I suggest always staying 65-70% HP, and using a Spectral Spirit shield to keep your Prayer up. If Cerberus is below 200 Hit points, she'll active another Special, by saying "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr", throwing lava on the ground which is suppose to do AOE damage, immediately switch tiles once she's around 210-200 HP to avoid the initial attack. This special is deadly when combined with the spirits, so it may take a few tries to get used to. When the souls appear at 400 Hit points, always switch to your Spectral if you have one, the passive will allow you to keep more of your prayer, when the souls attack, just remember to switch back to your defender after they're done, for more DPS. I bring a Desert Amulet 4 (Desert Diary Elite), for the quick teleport to use Elidinis Statuette, which restores your stats to full, without a cool down, and use the home teleport to repeat the kill. V. Video Special Thanks to@Lifefor the video
Giant Mole Guide I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life The Giant Mole is a mid-level boss located under Falador Park, it's a fairly easy boss to farm items to obtain Bird nests. I. Gear Setup II. How to get there III. Drops IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks V. Video I. Gear Setup II. How to get there Option 1 Use the Portal, and go to Bosses -> Giant Mole. With your Falador shield, you should see the Mole location on your minimap, and once closer to mole, it will have a yellow arrow above it. III. Drops Giant mole drops a useful items for obtaining Bird nests, which is used for Herblore. If you want a full list, checkout the Official Wiki here. Some notable drops are listed below. * indicated these items are always dropped upon every kill. Mole Claw* Mole Skin* Baby Mole 500 Giant Mole kills IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks Once in the Mole Lair, you'll run South and follow the arrow until you see mole, sip a super combat, Guzzle your Rock cake until 1 hp, protect from melee, and smack her with your Dragon warhammer spec twice, switch back to the Greataxe, and smash away. Don't forget to flick piety! Having a Falador Shield 3+ will allow her to drop noted Mole claws, and Mole skin. When the Giant Mole gets around 50% health, she'll periodically burrow into the ground on incoming damage, and move to another location, she'll also splatter your screen with mud, but having a Firemaking cape will negate the effect to extinguish your light source. The Giant Mole is pretty straight forward, as long you you don't run out of prayer, you'll be okay, Protect from Melee negates all damage to you, so you can sit at 1 HP and hit high splats. Depending on your Agility level, you may need more/less Stamina pots than I do, I like to focus on my Prayer more than Stamina because I am 99, but you can swap out whatever you feel like swapping. Before the final kill, swap to your Ring of wealth, for a higher drop chance on the Rare table. After your runs, you can teleport back to Falador, and inside the Garden to the West, you can speak to Wyson the gardener. He'll exchange all your Mole Skin, and Mole Claws for Nest boxes, Seeds, Rings, and Empty nests. You can take the boxes back to the bank, and click "Extract" and the box will transfer everything to your bank. V. Video Credits go to@Lifefor making the original thread & respectively this wonderful video he has made for us all!
Welcome to the Basic Ropes as I like to call it. This will get you started on regarding basic knowledge on Zenyte I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life Feel free to do CTRL+F & type in what ever you are seeking to search at anytime. OSRS Wiki Page Every question you have about Oldschool Runescape, can be answered via the Wiki Icon, in the upper right hand corner of your screen, under the mini-map. This button has two option, (Left Click), and a (Right Click). If you simply left click the Wiki, you'll notice if you hover your mouse of anything in-game, you'll have a "Lookup Wiki" option, whatever you click on "Item, NPC, Object, you'll be redirected to a Wiki Page giving you information about that object, what that NPC is weak to, what the drop table looks like, or what is it used for. The second option named "Search", (Right Click), brings up a dialogue on your chat box, simply type an Object, NPC, or Item into the box, it will filter results that match your type; find the one you're searching for, and click it to be redirected to a Wiki Page giving you information your result. Zenyte Portal Teleports * Indicates the teleport is Locked, you must go there by foot, or purchase a scroll from the Store to unlock the teleport. Visit the Store by clicking here. Cities Al Kharid Ardougne Brimhaven Burthorpe Camelot Canifis Catherby Draynor Village Falador Kourend Lletya Lumbridge Mort'ton Mos Le Harmless Nardah Pollnivneach Rellekka Rimmington Shilo Village Sophanem Taverley Varrock Yanille Skilling Cooking Guild Crafting Guild Farming Guild Feldip Hills Fishing Guild Piscatoris Fishing Colony Pure Essence Mine Tree Gnome Stronghold Woodcutting Guild Training Ammonite Crabs Bandit Camp Chickens Experiments Goblins Ice Trolls Monkey Guards Ogres Rock Crabs Sand Crabs Slayer Tower Trolls Yaks Minigames Clan Wars Duel Arena Fight Caves Pest Control Warriors Guild Barrows* Bosses Corporeal Best Dagannoth Kings Giant Mole Godwars Kalphite Queen Thermonuclear Smoke Devil Vorkath Zulrah* Cerberus* Kraken* Dungeons Ancient Cavern Ape Atoll Dungeon Asgarnian Ice Caves Brimhaven Dungeon Bringe Rat Cavern Chasm of Fire Crabclaw Caves Crash Site Cavern Dorgesh Kaan Dungeon Fremennik Slayer Dungeon Karamja Underground Kourend Catacombs Lithkren Vault Mourner Tunnels Observatory Dungeon Smoke Dungeon Stronghold of Slayer Cave Taverley Dungeon Waterfall Dungeon Wyvern Cave F.A.Q How can I make money? You can make great starter cash by the following: Pickpocketting NPC's, Women anc men at home, Master Farmer in North Ardougne, and Draynor, Guards in every major city, Paladins and Heros, and Knights in Ardougne, Elves in Lletya, or stalls around Gielinor, you can also participate in Pest Control games, yielding around 10,000 gp per successful game. Voting rewards players with 50,000 gp every time they vote on one of the 3 websites, yielding a total of 150,000 gp every 12 hours. You also get 1 voting point per website, that can be used by speaking to Frank in the Achievement hall, directly behind the Zenyte Portal in Edgeville. You can vote by clicking here. How do I get to Zanaris, or use the fairy rings? In order to use the Fairy Rings in Gielinor, you're required to wield a Dramen Staff, or Lunar Staff. Dramen staves are stocked in the Magic Weaponry Shop, by speaking with "Edalf" directly Southwest of the Grandexchange in Edgeville. How do I get to Edgeville Dungeon? There is a Trapdoor directly East of the Spiritual Fairy Tree in Edgeville, climb down that ladder and you're in Edgeville Dungeon. How do I get to Edgeville? Open your Magic Spellbook Tab, and click on the Zenyte Home Teleport. Zenyte has a Custom Home area, which is Edgeville. You can also Purchase Home Tablets from the Magic store, west of the Grand Exchange. Where do I get weapons and armour? There are shops spread out around home, the following shops have weapons and armour in them, Arnas's Melee Weaponry Shop, Cythia's Melee Armoury Shop, Dhalius's Magic Armoury Shop, Edalf's Magic Weaponry Shop, Fae's Ranged Weaponry Shop, and Robin's Ranged Armoury Shop. Refer to the image of Zenyte's home to see their locations. Where is the Altar to recharge my Prayer points and train Prayer? The Altar is located upstairs inside the Achievement Hall, directly North of the Zenyte Portal. You may also use the Box of Restoration every 10 minutes to refill your Health, Prayer Points, Special Attack, and remove any ailments like poison, or venom. The Box of Restoration is South of the Grand Exchange, outside of Cynthia & Arnas's Melee shops. How do I get Barrows Gloves? Barrows can be found in Lumbridge, use the Zenyte Portal, click Cities, and scroll down to Lumbridge. Go into where the Cook is, and use the trapdoor to go to Lumbridge Cellar, there will be a chest in the corner, right click the chest and click buy-items. How do I get a Mythical Cape? Mythical Cape is obtained by going to the Myths Guild. Teleport to Feldip Hills, and run Southwest How do I redeem my items I bought on Zenyte Store? After purchasing any items on the store, you need to speak to the Wise Old Man, North of home, located in the Achievement Hall, directly North of the Zenyte Portal. He will ask what you need, you will choose check donations. How do I redeem vote points? After voting, you need to speak to the Wise Old Man, North of home, located in the Achievement Hall, directly North of the Zenyte Portal. He will ask what you need, you will choose check vote rewards. You may also do ::claim in-game to check your vote rewards. You can spend these points via speaking to Frank, in the same building, you the South West. How to I stop the level up messages? On the right hand side of your screen, you'll notice your Game Noticeboard tab, to the left of the logout door tab, and to the right of your friends list. Click your Game notification tab, scroll the whole way down and click "Game Settings". Simply click "Level-up dialogues", and set them to whatever you prefer, I suggest 99. This means you will only get the level up dialogue, when you hit 99 in a skill. How do I get Rogue's Outfit? You get Rogue's Outfit from Pickpocketting NPC's. It's totally random. Where do I change my spellbook? Second floor of the Achievement hall, directly North of the Zenyte Portal. Where do I purchase a Dragon Scimitar? Speak to Daga on Ape Atoll (Zenyte Portal>Cities>Ape Atoll), to purchase it for 100,000 gp. How do I get "Supply Drops"? Supplt drops are completely random. Higher combat level NPC's drop them more frequently. I.E Vorkath drops them more frequently than Goblins do. Donator have increased chance to obtain them. What are the Donator Benefits? Click here to find out. Where do I repair my Barrows? Southwest of home, upstairs in the General Store. My Bossing Guides Check back soon
Skotizo Guide I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life Skotizo is a demonic boss beneath the Catacombs of Kourend. A Dark totem in your inventory grants you 1 instance with this demi-boss. If you die, there is no way to retrieve your items, so always remember a teleport out. I. Gear Setup II. How to get there III. Drops IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks I. Gear Setup (Range) *Preferred Method* I. Gear Setup (Melee) II. How to get there Option 1 Use the Portal, and go to Dungeons -> Kourend Catacombs. While having a Dark totem in your inventory, click on the "Teleport Altar" option. III. Drops Skotizo is one of the best methods of obtaining a Scroll box (hard), as it always drops on death, as well as 1 Ancient Shard. If you want a full list, checkout the Official Wiki here. Some notable drops are listed below. Uncut Onyx Dark Claw Skotos IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks Once inside, use your Arclight/Dragon Warhammer special attacks on Skotizo, to weaken him. If using range, protect from magic and stand away from him to negate all damage. If using Melee, protect from Melee and stand next to him. At any time Skotizo may activate one, or more Awakened Atlars at the 4 sides of the room. They all have 100 HP, but you'll need to equip Arc light and 1 each will kill them. If they are active, Skotizo's Defence will be increased. Killing the North and South rapidly will make them unable to spawn, as well as killing the West and East rapidly. After Skotizo is below half HP, he may summon 3 Demon Spawns and/or a Ankou, focus on the boss. Each Totem gives 1 chance at Skotizo, if you die, or kill him you can not kill him without another totem.
Hello & welcome to a nice, easy & comprehensive Prayer Guide. Here i'll show you different methods on how to train prayer I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life *Ensouled Heads not included* Altar 1. Run North of the Home teleport into the Achievement Hall, in the Northeastern side there will be stairs, the altar is on the second floor. Chaos Temple Altar (Level 38 Wilderness) There is a 50% chance when offering a bone on this Altar that it will not be consumed. 1. Run from Edgeville ditch Northwest, past the Forgotten Cemetery. 2. Use the level 71 magic spell, Arceuus "Cemetery" Teleport, and run slightly Northwest. Dragon bones/Superior Dragon bones to 99 at Chaos Temple Altar is the most efficient way, however you can be PK'ed. Bones Method: amount of exp per method (bones to 99) Standard bones Bones Bury: 225 exp (57,930) Altar: 394 exp (33,082) Chaos Temple Altar: 788 exp (16,541) Burnt Bury: 225 exp (57,930) Altar: 394 exp (33,082) Chaos Temple Altar: 788 exp (16,541) Wolf Bury: 225 exp (57,930) Altar: 394 exp (33,082) Chaos Temple Altar: 788 exp (16,541) Bat Bury: 250 exp (52,137) Altar: 438 exp (29,758) Chaos Temple Altar: 875 exp (16,541) Big Bury: 750 exp (17,379) Altar: 1,313 exp (9,927) Chaos Temple Altar: 2,625 exp (4,965) Dagannoth Bury: 6,250 exp (2,085) Altar: 10,938 exp (1,191) Chaos Temple Altar: 21,875 exp (595) Draconic bones Baby dragon Bury: 1,500 exp (8,689) Altar: 2,625 exp (4,965) Chaos Temple Altar: 5,250 exp (2,482) Dragon Bury: 3,600 exp (3,620) Altar: 6,300 exp (2,068) Chaos Temple Altar: 12,600 exp (1,034) Drake Bury: 4,000 exp (3,258) Altar: 7,000 exp (1,862) Chaos Temple Altar: 14,000 exp (931) Hydra Bury: 5,500 exp (2,369) Altar: 9,625 exp (1,354) Chaos Temple Altar: 19,250 exp (677) Lava dragon Bury: 4,250 exp (3,066) Altar: 7,437 exp (1,752) Chaos Temple Altar: 14,875 exp (876) Wyrm Bury: 2,500 exp (5,213) Altar: 4,375 exp (2,979) Chaos Temple Altar: 8,750 exp (1,489) Wyvern Bury: 3,600 exp (3,620) Altar: 6,300 exp (2,068) Chaos Temple Altar: 12,600 exp (1,034) Superior dragon (Requires 70 Prayer) Bury: 7,500 exp (1,639) Altar: 13,125 exp (936) Chaos Temple Altar: 26,250 exp (468) Ogre bones Jogre) Bury: 750 exp (17,379) Altar: 1,312 exp (9,934) Chaos Temple Altar: 2,625 exp (4,965) Zogre Bury: 1,125 exp (11,586) Altar: 1,969 exp (6,619) Chaos Temple Altar: 3,937 exp (3,310) Raurg Bury: 4,800 exp (2,715) Altar: 12,250 exp (1,064) Chaos Temple Altar: 16,800 exp (775) Ourg Bury: 7,000 exp (1,862) Altar: 12,250 exp (1,064) Chaos Temple Altar: 24,500 exp (532)
Hello and welcome to an easy, fast & comprehensive skilling guide! I'll be going over the best methods for fast levels, equipment, experience rates, and everything you need to know for you to get that Fishing Skillcape! Keep in mind, this was how I achieved 99 Fishing, I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life Already read the guide? Press CTRL + F & type in one of these options below for easlier access. Legend: i. Fishing Gear ii. Teleports iii. Experience Rates iv. Catching Fish i. Fishing Gear You'll want to navigate to the North West of Edgeville, where the green circle is, and trade "Jackie". Go ahead and purchase a "Small Fishing net", a "Lobster pot", a "Harpoon", a "Barbarian rod", and around 3,000 Feathers (you made need more) for a total of 13,755gp. ii. Teleports You'll want to head over to the Zenyte Teleport, and choose Cities > Catherby iii. Experience Rates * Indicates the Fishing level need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method * Indicates the Agility level you need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method * Indicates the Strength level you need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method Shrimp (1) 250 exp/catch Anchovy (15) 1,000 exp/catch Tuna (35) (55)* (35)* 2,000/catch Lobster (40) 2,250 exp/catch Leaping Trout (48)* (15)* (15)* 1,875 exp/catch Swordfish (50) (70)* (30)* 2,500/catch Leaping Salmon (58)* (30)* (30)* 2,625/catch Monkfish (62) 3,000/catch Leaping Sturgeon (70)* (45)* (45)* 2,000/catch Shark (76) 2,750/catch Raw Anglerfish (82) 3,000/catch Raw Dark Crab (85) 3,250/catch iv. Catching Fish After teleporting to Catherby, go ahead and bank your Harpoon and Lobster pot, as we'll need to get around 2 inventories before we move onto Lobsters. We'll get around 45 Shrimps/Anchovies before we hit level 35 Fishing. Let's go bank our catches, in Catherby Bank, deposit our Small fishing net, and grab our Lobster pot & Harpoon. You can start catching Tunas on the same fishing spot you'll catch Lobsters on, just right click > Harpoon. Eventually, once you get past 50 Fishing, you'll begin catching Swordfish, as well. You can either choose to catch Lobsters, or catch Tunas/Swordfish, as they're exp/catch is so close, it's not going to effect Fish per/h very heavily. (Tuna heals 10, Lobster heals 12, and Swordfish heals 14, if you're interested in what is best to keep for training.) From here, you'll spend a few minutes fishing until you hit 76, which is the level we will need to catch a mighty Shark. If you're looking to AFK and get training supplies, this is your route, but we are here for that cape, so let's skip over these bad boys. Once you hit around 60 Fishing, let's head to Ottos Grove, and do some Barbarian Fishing. Teleport back home, and use the Teleporter, choose "Misc" > "Barbarian Outpost". After you arrive, you'll be located at the green circle, you'll need to head South to the Whirlpool, indicated by the red circle. Here is where we'll be staying until 99 Fishing, you'll be able to Catch Leaping Trout, Leaping Salmon, and Leaping Sturgeon, this is AFKable, but very fast. Simply enable your Shift Drop (Options > Controls > Enable Shift Click), or as an alternative you can use a knife on them to create Row, that you can use as bait. Hang in there, relax, and profit. Congratulations on your 99 Fishing, purchase the Cape from Max in the Achievement Hall at home! Special thanks to@Life
@GUIM self h8Have won 500 store credits each ! Gz guys !! They'll be Deposited as soon as possible ! -
Criteria to be met, in order to be considered for a Golden Guide pin: Guide must have no grammatical errors Guide must be easy to read, no color clashing, proper use of bullets, paragraphs, overall clean appearance. Guide must include as much information as possible. i.e best methods, best gear to use, fastest teleports, etc Note: If 1 or more of the above criteria is not met, your guide will not be considered to be featured. Rewards for obtaining the rank of a Golden Guide Author: Rewarded the Grand Maester medal for the duration of 1 or more of your guides being featured. A Gilded Star next to your guide. An in-game reward of 1,000,000 Coins per guide, featured. F.A.Q Special Thanks