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    11d 10h 55m 32s

Everything posted by Hexae

  1. Looking forward to comeback with that revision! HD
  2. Great progress, can't wait to play on revision
  3. Happy to see that Zenyte still slowly brings update. Nicely done Jade.
  4. Happy Birthday Matt

  5. Hexae

    Happy Birthday toooo youuuu! 🎁

  6. For harmony, we will wait for Grant to do an update: https://discord.com/channels/755780505164709998/755780505563168796/915913834005430312
  7. As promised, awarded @Psycheenjoy!
  8. Already awarded myself, but I am going to leave it here in case
  9. Hey @Worst hc lul I have awarded everything minus the following medals/achievements: Slayer: Missing a working image that shows the proof Exterminator: I do not have enough permission to assign it @Fe Felix Competition Winner: Events such as the Demonic Gorillas Bingo isn't considered a major event (click on the link for an example).
  10. In-game name: Hexae Medal: That which has no life (2500 hours played) Proof
  11. Completionist is : Maxed & All achievements
  12. Y'all managed to break the Staff Update template lol.

  13. Happy Birthday man @Mma c0nwishing you a wonderful day with your family/GF

    1. Mma c0n

      Mma c0n

      Thank you very much sir! It was a good day, very eventful as well as I got stung by a scorpion and had to spend a lot of my day in the ER. Thank you again and have a blessed day.

  14. Hexae


    Not if you have the hard Kandarian (diaries) completed. With this specific diary, you can choose to redirect Camelot's teleport, from the normal spellbook, directly at the entrance of the Seers' bank and/or at the start of the agility course (Seers' Rooftop).
  15. Then impossible to get since we do not have these events available, like ever. Gotcha. I guess I should have done them while they were coded.
  16. In-game username: HexaeMedal(s): Emote GuruProof for your Medal(s): https://i.imgur.com/DebPtWV.mp4 https://i.imgur.com/yzzJafO.mp4
  17. Lumbridge basement chest > right click
  18. Feliz aniversário !

    1. LadyLatina


      Muchas gracias 😌

  19. It has to be on the same account. For example, I could create 1000 accounts, play 1 hour on them, and call it a day
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