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Worst hc lul last won the day on March 11 2022
Worst hc lul had the most liked content!
July 16, 2023
February 8, 2022
February 4, 2022
February 2, 2022
January 27, 2022
Awarded to players who have stayed logged in for 12+ hours in one session.
Awarded to players who have killed over 10,000 NPCs.
Awarded to players who have completed 500 or more Slayer Tasks.
Awarded to players who have fallen during a fight while being an hardcore ironman. You must have at least 1500 total levels before dying.
Awarded to individuals who have completed a combination of 350 clues!
Awarded to players that have been playing for over one year.
Awarded to players who have earned a pet on Zenyte.
Awarded to players that have reached 99 in all skills.
Awarded to players with at least 500 hours of time played.
Awarded to players who have donated to support Zenyte