Hey Zini,
Surely I don't know what you could possibly mean. There is a proof section for a reason, and based on previous conversations we've had you know I'm going to request it. I've awarded you the medals you qualified for.
I gave you all of yours except Game Junkie, cause I can't tell if you've got 12 hours in that screenshot.
Everyone up to this point has had their medals delivered.
Hey Rolex,
You pinged me on discord just to show me you can do maths, thats cool dude. No award for that, but I noticed you killed a bunch of things as well so have a medal for that!
Hey Jett,
A rock dude and a paddle rat. Interesting friends you've made, but regardless a medal it deserves! Enjoy the medal, cherish it with your new found buddies.
Hey Ziniy,
It's been about a week, but I've finally given you the medals you requested! Enjoy.
Grand Maester wasn't given because that isn't one that is handed out willy nilly.
Hey 200M Dancing,
A rock solid pet for a rock solid dude! Keep it up!
Hey Eka,
I've donated a medal for all the work you've put in getting a best friend and maxing out!
Hey Schrute,
Just wanted to take my time to thank you for being a relatively normal human being who doesn't request 8 medals in a single go. I've given you the single medal you've requested, I hope you enjoy it.
Hey Kingredarrow,
Frick you.
Hey Ziniy,
I haven't forgotten about you I promise! There seems to be something a bit fucky going on with permissions. I've let Echo know so hopefully they'll be resolved soon ™ .
Hey Lil Playah,
Looks like you got a Lil Friend there that will make the perfect wingman. Enjoy the medal!
A couple hours off he says. Try a whole day! Didn't think ol' glitch would do the maths. Contact me when you hit it and I'll give it to ya, I'm sure it won't be a long 24 hours. All that said, I don't think I need to do the math to know that cape means you've got all the 99's in all the (available) skills. Enjoy your singular medal... for now.